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"MOME" (Pseud. George Murray JOHNSTONE): The Off-Wheeler and Other Verses (PERIODICAL): Hali: The International Journal of Oriental Carpets and Textiles #26 (PERIODICAL): Hali: The International Journal of Oriental Carpets and Textiles #27
(PERIODICAL): Hali: The International Journal of Oriental Carpets and Textiles #28 (PERIODICAL): Hali: The International Journal of Oriental Carpets and Textiles Vol 4 No. 2 1981 (PERIODICAL): Hali: The International Journal of Oriental Carpets and Textiles Vol 4 No. 3 1981
(PERIODICAL): Hali: The International Journal of Oriental Carpets and Textiles Vol 4 No. 4 1981 RAUBENHEIMER, M: Tested South African Recipes NEWTON, Douglas & WATERFIELD, Hermione: Tribal Sculpture: Masterpieces from Africa, South-East Asia and the Pacific from the Barbier-Meuller Collection
MADDEN, R.R: The United Irishmen Their Lives and Times. FIRST SERIES TREVELYAN, G.E: As it Was in the Beginning ARMSTRONG, Martin: St. Christopher's Day
ZERVOS, Christian (Edited by), and Other Authors: Fernand Leger KEENAN, Jeremy (And Other authors): The Johannesburg Municipal Strike (South African Labour Bulletin VOL.6 No.7 May 1981) TOURAINE, Alain: The Voice and the Eye. An Analysis of Social Movements
DE WET, Q. (and Numerous Others ) (EDITED by): Huldigingsbundel Aangebied Aan Professor Daniel Pont Op Sy Vyf En Sewentigste Verjaarsdag GINZBERG, Louis: The Legends of the Jews FORD, Henry: The Jewish Question (A selection of the Articles (1920-22) published by Mr. Henry Ford's paper The Dearborn Independent and reprinted later under the general title of The International Jew)
DAVISON, Archibald T. & APEL, Willi: Historical Anthology of Music : Volume I : Oriental, Medieval and Renaissance Music : Volume II : Baroque, Rococo and Pre-Classical Music DONINGTON, Robert: Performer's Guide to Baroque Music VAN ZYL, D.H: History and Principles Roman Private Law
QUILTER, Harry: Preferences in Art, Life and Literature BREUTZ, P.L: The Tribes of Vryburg District BAIRD AND TATLOCK: Standard Catalogue of Scientific Apparatus 1928 VOLUME 1: Chemistry
SETON-WATSON, Hugh: The Russian Empire 1801-1917 DE WET, P: In Olden Day Johannesburg. Official Centenary Calendar 1886-1986 TOBIAS, Phillip V: Images of Humanity. The Selected Writings..
BOYD, Mary R: Drought. Bardic Poem South African Eisteddfod 1931 SMITH, J.L.B: New and Little Known Fishes from South Africa (AND) The South African Species of the Family Aluteridae (In Records of the Albany Museum VOL.IV) HART, Adrian Liddell: Strange Company
RUPPIN, Arthur: The Jews in the Modern World MANSON-BAHR, Philip: Patrick Manson SOREL, Charles: Divers Traitéz sur les Droits et les Prérogatives des Roys de France, Tirez des Memoires Historiques & Politiques De M. C. S. S. D. S
UNTERBERGER, Betty Muller: America's Siberian Expedition, 1918-1920: A Study of National Policy LEENHARDT, Maurice: Arts of the Oceanic Peoples BAZZOCCHI, Ermanno: Technical Aspects of the Schneider Trophy and the World Speed Record for Seaplanes [AIAA Conference, Monterey, CA August 19, 1987]
DIPPENAAR, N.J: Staatsmuseum 100 TOBIAS, Phillip V: Images of Humanity: Selected Writings... FULTON, William: Algebraic Topology
TIMOSHENKO, S: Strength of Materials, Vol. 1: Elementary Theory and Problems, 3rd Edition LANDOR, A. Henry Savage: In the Forbidden Land. An Account of a Journey in Tibet, Capture by the Tibetan Authorities, Imprisonment, Torture, and Ultimate Release. 2 volumes in One LAYARD, Austen H: Discoveries in the Ruins of Ninevah and Babylon
BURTON, Richard F: First Footsteps in East Africa SHACKLETON, Ernest H: South. The Story of Shackleton's Last Expedition 1914-1917 BROWNE, Edward G: A Year Amongst the Persians --- Impressions as to the Life, Character, and Thought of the People of Persia, Received During Twelve Month's Residence in That Country in the Years 1887 - 8
VERMAAK, Chris: Manskap Nr.7801. Die Verhaal Van 'n Knap Speurder JENKS, Harold J. & BROWN, Michael H: Bloody Iron WHITNEY, Leon F: The Basis of Breeding Racing Pigeons
LUCAS, George Blanchard: Diseases of Tobacco HAFLIGER, Ernst & SCHOLZ, Hildemar: Grass Weeds (3 vols) INGLIS, Colin; KETTLEY, Gertrude; QUAIL, Brian (Compiled by): Index to the Journals of the Mountain Club of South Africa, Vols. 1 to 71 1891 to 1968
KAWAISHI, M. & HARRISON, E.J: 7 Katas of Judo MATHESON, Richard: Born of Man and Woman MOZART, W.A: Symphonieen 1 - 3 Partitur
CLINNING, Charles, Illustrated by Duncan Butchart: Southern African Bird Names Explained BUFFETT, Howard G. & VAN DYK, Ann (Foreword By Jane GOODALL): Spots Before Your Eyes Cheetahs of Africa ISING, Walter K: Unter den Arabern im Morgenlande. Erlebtes und Erlauschtes
WESTBY-NUNN, Tony: A Tourist Guide to the Anglo Boer War, 1899-1902: Incorporating Accommodation & Restaurants, Museums, Tour Guide Information JOHNSON, Linton Kwesi: Tings an Times. Selected Poems VAN RENSBURG, J. F. J: Lewensbeskrywing En Drie Toesprake
CARMEAN, E.A: Helen Frankenthaler A Paintings Retrospective CANETTI, Elias: Auto Da Fe RABE, J.C. (Edited by): Die Geskiedenis Van Genieskool 1940-1990 School of Engineers the History
CRAMER Gérald / GRANT Alistair / MITCHINSON David: Henry Moore : The Graphic Work / L'OEuvre Gravé / Das Graphische Werk 1973 - 1975 McKENNA, Marthe: A Spy Was Born PROUTY, L. Fletcher: The Secret Team. The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World
GRITZBACH, Erich: Hermann Goering. The Man and His Work VARY, Colin: The Victims: Seeing is Believing BACON, Edmund N: Design of Cities
ROWELL, Galen: In the Throne Room of the Mountain Gods HOFFMANN, Gretl: Kunst Aus Dem Feuer (Art from the Fire): Sechzehn Kunstschmiede Aus Sieben Landern PUGH, Randall Jones & HOLIDAY, F.W: The Dyfed Enigma Unidentified Flying Objects in West Wales
FAROUK-ALLI, Aslam: The Future of Palestine and Israel, The: From Colonial Roots to Postcolonial Realities YEARBOOK: State of the Union. Economic, Financial and Statistical Year-Book for the Union of South Africa 1961 McKECHNIE, A.E. & FAIRLEY, M.D: A Man to Remember
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