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BLOOM, Alan: 250 Years of Steam S K F BALL BEARING COMPANY: Automobile Replacement Bearings 1947 S K F BALL BEARING COMPANY: SKF Ball Bearings Roller Bearings Dimension and Load Tables
LOTZE, Barbara (Edited by): Making Contributions: An Historical Overview of Women's Role in Physics GERSHENSON, Daniel E. & GREENBERG, Daniel A: Anaxagoras and the Birth of Scientific Method WHYTE, Lancelot Law: Essay on Atomism from Democritus to 1960
INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN (Compiled by): Women in a Changing World: the Dynamic Story of the International Council of Women Since 1888 WALKER, W.F: Engineering Productivity. VOLUME TWO: New Manufacturing Processes CAMM, F.J. (Edited by): Newnes Engineer's Manual
HUME-ROTHERY, William & RAYNOR, G.V: The Structure of Metals and Alloys SIMONS, G.L: Pornography Without Prejudice. A Reply to Objectors KING, Stephen: The Shining
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CRAWFORD, R.M.M: Plants at the Margin: Ecological Limits and Climate Change BOWMAN, Alan S. & NUTTALL, Pat (Edited by): Ticks: Biology, Disease and Control STRANGEWAYS, Ian: Precipitation: Theory, Measurement and Distribution
BUTLER, Ronald W: Saddlepoint Approximations with Applications HOYLE, Rebecca: Pattern Formation: An Introduction to Methods WEINHOLD, Frank & LANDIS, Clark: Valency and Bonding: A Natural Bond Orbital Donor-Acceptor Perspective
BALMFORTH, Ramsden: The Ethical and Religious Value of the Drama ROMI: Petite Histoire des Cafés Concerts parisiens. Préface de Robert Beauvais SINGH, St. Nihal: India Old and New
SEBBA, Mark: Spelling and Society: The Culture and Politics of Orthography Around the World SAMUEL, Geoffrey: The Origins of Yoga and Tantra: Indic Religions to the Thirteenth Century REESE, Gustav & SNOW, Robert (edited by): Essays In Musicology,: In Honor Of Dragan Plamenac On His 70th Birthday
BLANCHE, J.-E: Portraits of a Lifetime: The Late Victorian Era, The Edwardian Pageant, 1870-1914 GRAHAM, R.D. & GRAHAM, Helen (Introduction Claud WORTH): Rough Passage // The Adventure of the Faeroe Islands (The Mariners Library) CHILVERS, Hedley A: Out Of The Crucible, Being The Romantic Story Of The Witwatersrand Goldfields, And Of The Great City Which Arose In Their Midst
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AARONSON, Susan Ariel & ZIMMERMAN, Jamie M: Trade Imbalance: The Struggle to Weigh Human Rights Concerns in Trade Policymaking HILBE, Joseph M: Negative Binomial Regression SELZER, MICHAEL; CLARKE, STEPHANIE; COHEN, LEONARDO; DUNCAN, PAMELA & GAGE, FRED: Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation Volume 1: Neural Repair and Plasticity ; Volume 2: Medical Neurorehabilitation
WENGROW, David: The Archaeology of Early Egypt, 10,000 to 2,650 Bc: Social Transformations in North East Africa, 10,000 to 2650 BC CHAMBERLAIN, Andrew: Demography in Archaeology TAYLOR, Dr. & Mrs. Howard: Hudson Taylor in Early Years: The Growth of a Soul
BROADBENT, E.H: The Pilgrim Church: Being Some Account of the Continuance Through Succeeding Centuries of Churches Practising the Principles Taught and Exemplified in the New Testament VEITCH, T.S: The Story of the Brethren Movement: a simple and straightforward account of the features and failures of a sincere attempt to carry out the principles of Scripture during the last 100 Years HENDERSON, Patricia: Waaihoek
VAN DER WAAL-BRAAKSMA, Gre & FERREIRA, O.J.O: Die Noordweste. Die Stoflike Kultuuruitinge Van Die Streek Se Bewoners LUPINI, Mario: Camillo Ricciardi: Italian Boer War Hero DUNKELBERG, Otto: Orgelbuch Zum Lob Gottes. Gebet Und Gesangbuch Der Diozese Passau
CALDWELL, Erskine: American Earth POLYBIUS (Translated By W. R. PATON): The Histories VOLUMES I, II and III (of 6), Books I-VIII STUART, Douglas K: Studies in Early Hebrew Meter
WALKER, Michael: Kalk Bay A Place of Character MARKOWITZ, Arthur: With Uplifted Tongue - Stories, Myths & Fables of the South Afican Bushmen HOGBEN, Lancelot: The Mother Tongue
MONEY-KYRLE, R.E: Man's Picture of His World. A Psycho-Analytic Study MOSS, Geoffrey (Pseudonym: Geoffrey Cecil Gilbert McNeill-Moss (11 December 1885 – 13 August 1954): Standing Up to Hitler GRAHAME, Kenneth (Translated By Andre BRINK): Die Wind in Die Wilgers (The Windin the Willows)
HAENDEL, Ida: Woman with Violin AUER, Leopold: Violin Playing as I Teach it FLESCH, Carl (Translated by Hans Keller and edited by him with C.F. Flesch.): The Memoirs of Carl Flesch
CORTOT, Alfred (Set Down By Jeanne THIEFFRY): Alfred Cortot's Studies in Musical Interpretation BOWLES, Michael: The Conductor. His Artistry and Craftsmanship LEICHTENTRITT, Hugo: Serge Koussevitsky, The Boston Symphony Orchestra And The New American Music
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