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FLEISCHER, Nathaniel (Edited by): The Ring. World's Foremost Boxing Magazine. Vol.XVIII No.1 February 1939 FLEISCHER, Nathaniel (Edited by): The Ring. World's Foremost Boxing Magazine. Vol.XVIII No.6 July 1939 FLEISCHER, Nathaniel (Edited by): The Ring. World's Foremost Boxing Magazine. Vol.XVIII No.7 August 1939
FLEISCHER, Nathaniel (Edited by): The Ring. World's Foremost Boxing Magazine. Vol.XVII No.12 January 1939 FLEISCHER, Nathaniel (Edited by): The Ring. World's Foremost Boxing Magazine. Vol.XVI No.11 December 1937 AMIS, Kinglsley / BLACKBURN, Thomas: Poets Reading (No.7): The Big Store; A.E.H.; from The Evans Country / An Invitation; Felo De Se; for a Child; Oedipus
LUDVIGSEN, Karl E: The Inside Story of the Fastest Fords. The Design & Devolopment of the Ford GT Racing Cars BAMSEY, Ian: Lotus 25. Coventry Climax FWMW. A Technical Appraisal BAMSEY, Ian: Lola T70 V8 Coupes. A Technical Appraisal
BAMSEY, Ian: Vanwall 2.5 Litre F1. A Technical Appraisal BAMSEY, Ian: Auto Union V16 supercharged. A Technical Appraisal BAMSEY, Ian: Mclaren Honda Turbo . A Technical Appraisal
MATHIVHA, M.E.R: The Basena/Vamwenye/Balemba TRIMINGHAM, J.S: Islam in Ethiopia JENKINSON, Denis & POSTHUMUS, Cyril: Vanwall : The Story of Tony Vandervell and His Racing Cars
HENRY, Alan: Brabham. The4 Grand Prix Cars SETRIGHT, L.J: The Grand Prix Car 1954/1966 CLEMENT, Felix: Les Musiciens célèbres depuis le XVI° siècle jusqu'à nos jours, ouvrage illustré de 44 portraits gravés à l'eau-forte par Masson, Deblois & Massard & de 3 reproductions héliographiques d'anciennes gravures par Durand
SUFFOLK, Earl of; CRAVEN, W.G.; COVENTRY, Arthur; WATSON, Alfred E.T: Racing and Steeple-Chasing (The Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes) THOMAS, Lowell Jr: Out of This World Across the Himalayas to Forbidden Tibet TALAVERA, Philippe: Challenging the Namibian Perception of Sexuality: a case study of the Ovahimba and Ovaherero culturo-sexual models in Kunene North in an HIV/AID context
BROMLEY, John & CHILD, Heather: The Armorial Bearings of the Guilds of London A Record of the Heraldry of the Surviving Companies RISK, James C: The History of the Order of Bath and Its Insignia JOUBERT, P. R. (And Other Authors): The City of Bloemfontein Official Guide
MORRIS, Herbert: Modern Lifting BUTLER, Arthur G: Birds of Great Britain and Ireland Order Passeres GARDNER, H.A. & SWARD, G.G: Physical and Chemical Examination Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers and Colors
SAVILLE, Martin: Hornblower's Ships: Their History and Their Models CENTLIVRES, C.J.; GREENBERG, J.A.; SCHREINER, J.A.; VAN DEN HEEVER, J.A.; HOEXTER, J.A: Judgment of Appellate Division in the Separate Representation of Voters Case (With Arguments). Harris & Others V. Minister of the Interior & Others GERDENER, G.B.A. (Introduction by): The Racial issue in South Africa; Findings on the Native Problem of various congresses held under the auspices of the Federal Missionary Council of the Dutch Reformed Mother and Mission Churches (1950-1952)
EDMOND, John (written and Sung by): Baden Powell. Boy Scouts of South Africa 75th Anniversary Commemorative Record. 1907-1982 LANGFORD, K.E: Analysis of Electroplating and Related Solutions CASTELL, H.C.; BAIER, S.W.; MILLER, W.G.L.; BOUCKLEY, D.J: Nickel-Chromium Plating: A One-day Symposium By the London Branch of the Institute of Metal Finishing and Held in London, November 1960
HULL, R.O. (Introduction by) and Numerous Other Authors: Modern Electro-Plating WILSON, Dee: The Hollywood Love Mill: Intimate and Revealing Facts of Hollywood's Most Sizzling Love Trials and Romances EYCKMANS, Jozef: Om Wat En Van Over is (Haagse Cahiers #4)
NEIDIGK, Folkhart: Die "Sechser" und die "Neuner"; The "Sixers" and the "Niners"; Les Sizains et les Neuvains Eine kleine Geschichte für Grosse - und umgekehrt; A children's story for grown-ups - and vice versa MHAHLELE, Es'kia: Over My Dead Body (in "STAFFRIDER" Volume 4 No 4 ) LAURIE & WHITTLE SONG SHEET: Dick Dock, or the Lobster & Crab
LAURIE & WHITTLE SONG SHEET: The Yorkshire Concert, .....sung By Mr. Emery at Covent Garden Thaetre LAURIE & WHITTLE SONG SHEET: The Tea-Table Tabby Tom's Tragic Tale, Being a Companion to That Excellent Song of "The Wag, the Hat and the Cane" LAURIE & WHITTLE SONG SHEET: The Cheap Razor Merchant, the Words Written By Peter Pindar, Esqr
LAURIE & WHITTLE SONG SHEET: Jack Stedfast: Or the Heart That Can Feel for Another. Sung By Mr. Incledon, in His Popular Summer Entertainment "The Wandering Melodist" GLICK, Willian J: Willianm Edwin Rudge KINDERSLEY, David: Mr. Eric Gill. Recollections of David Kindersley
BRADLEY, Will: Will Bradley His Chap Book FITZ PATRICK, J.P: The Outspan. Tales of South Africa SMUTS, Jan (Edited By S B SPIES & Gail NATTRASS): Memoirs of the Boer War
BREES, S.C,: Pictorial Illustrations of New Zealand BOOTH, Richard: The Armed Forces of African States, 1970. Adelphi Papers 67, May 1970 WAVELL, General (Foreword John DILL): Generals and Generalship
LORCA, Federico Garcia (Translated By Andre BELAMICH): Conferences, Interviews, Correspondance (Oevres Completes Tome VII) JANS, Martin; VAN EIJK, Servaas; HARTGERS, Zeger: Faces. Fantasy. Makeup FERREIRA, O.J.O: Stormvoel Van Die Noorde. Stephanus Schoeman in Transvaal
DOIZE, Renee L: Les Boules de Pierre et les Pierres Perforees des Collections de Prehistoire (Annales du Musee du Congo Belge. Serie I, Anthropologie et Prehistoire, Tome I., Fascicule 3.) CABU, Francis: Contribution a l'Etude de la Repartition des Kwes au Katanga BEQUAERT, Maurice: Les fouilles de Jean Colett à Kalina
SMUTS, Isie ("Ouma") (SOUVENIR PROGRAMME): Empire Theatre Johannesburg. Monday 22nd December 1941. To Celebrate the 71st Birthday of Mrs. J. C. Smuts ("Ouma") African Consolidated Theatres Limited Present Grand Gala Preview Anna Neagle in RKO Radios "No No Nanette" (SOUTH AFRICA RACE RELATIONS): The Native Affairs Bills Described and Anaysed / Doe Naturellewetsontwerp Beskryf En Ontleed. (Race Relations Vol.II No.4 August 1935) (APARTHEID PERIODICAL): Soweto News Official Journal of the Soweto Council. No.5 1980
ARMET, Rex Conde: The Modern Electroplating Laboratory Manual LODDER, L. A. J: The Plating of Zinc Alloy Die Castings GREENWOOD, J. David: Hard Chromium Plating
SEYMOUR, Raymond B: Hot Organic Coatings BELKE, William E: Plating Rack Manual MINERS, N.J: The Nigerian Army 1956 - 1966
PAUL, A: A History of the Beja Tribes of the Sudan DUNLOP, John K: The Development of the British Army, 1899-1914 (from the eve of the South African War to the eve of the Great War, with special reference to the territorial force) BULLER, Fred: Pike
CARUS-WILSON, E.M. & COLEMAN, Olive: England's Export Trade 1275-1547 BRAITHWAITE, David: Savage of King's Lynn Inventor of Machines and Merry-Go-Rounds SMIT, A.P: Gedenk-Album Van Die Mentz Geslag 1749 - 1949
BASTLUND, Knut: Jose Luis Sert: Architecture, City Planning, Urban Design MURRAY, Peter & GUMUCHDJIAN, Philip (Coordinated by): Richard Rogers Partnership. Lloyds Of London SCHMID, Estellas & MORGAN, David (Edited by): A Permanent State of Terror?
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