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STOUT, Rex & GREENFIELD, Louis (Edited by) (Contribs. Include Ray BRADBURY): Rue Morgue No.1
CURROR, W.D. (Revised and Enlarged By Hans BORNMAN): Golden Memories of Barberton
LOW, Royston: The Non-meridial Points of Acupuncture
BURKE, James Lee: Heaven's Prisoners
RICHARDS, A.J: Plant Breeding Systems
SOUTH AFRICAN RAILWAYS: General Manager's Bulletin Numbers 157-168. January 1931 to December 1931
SOUTH AFRICAN RAILWAYS: General Manager's Bulletin Numbers 145-156. January 1930 to December 1930
SCOTT, Wilfred W. (Edited By N.H. FURMAN): Standards Methods of Chemical Analysis
THOMAS, Ph. J.; VAN DER MERWE, C.G.; STOOP, B.C: Historical Foundations of South Africa Private Law
MARSCHNER, Horst: Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants
FOYE, William O.; LEMKE, Thomas L.; ,WILLIAMS, David A: Principles of Medicinal Chemistry
MIDDLEBROOK, J. E. M: Original Sepia Photograph of a Zulu Faction Fight
CLARKE, R.M. (Compiled by): Jaguar XJS Gold Portfolio 1988-1995
OLDHAM, W.J: The Rolls-Royce 40/50 Hp Ghosts, Phantoms and Spectres
ROSE, F. Horace: The Night of the World. A Romance
OWEN, Robert Dale: Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World, with Narrative Illustrations
MUIRHEAD, Findlay & MONMARCHE, Marcel: Brittany (The Blue Guides)
MACFARLAND, Harold E: Introduction to Modern Gunsmithing
BORGONOVO, Aldo: Lo Stile Inglese. Chippendale. Adam. Hepplewhite. Sheraton
NIENABER, G.S: Register Van Afrikaans Voor 1900. DEEL 1: Kaapland
GANDHI, M.H: Selected Works : Autobiography; Satyagraha in South Africa; Basic Works; Selected Letters; Voice of Truth
METALLINE ENAMELING COMPANY: Bronze and Enamel Engraved and Cast Nameplates Tablets Arms & Facia Letters
AVERY, David: Not on Queen Victoria's Birthday: The Story of the Rio Tinto Mines
CAIN, Charles W. (Edited by): Aircraft in Profile VOL. 12
YOUNG, Gavin: Iraq Land of Two Rivers
HOLMES, Timothy: Journey to Livingstone. Exploration of an Imperial Myth
BRUCE, Susan: A Treasury of Australian Bush Painting
ALBERTUS, Frater: Alchemist's Handbook (Manual for Practical Laboratory Alchemy)
OATES, John: Babylon (Ancient Peoples and Places #94)
HAMMERSLEY, Martyn & ATKINSON, Paul: Ethnography: Principles in Practice
ROBERTSON, A.H: Human Rights in the World: An Introduction to the Study of the International Protection of Human Rights
MOTT, L.C: Engineering Drawing and Construction VOLUME ONE (AND) VOLUME TWO
VENTER, Al J: War Dog. Fighting Other Peoples' Wars
DE FERRANTI, Gertrude Ziani & INCE, Richard: The Life and Letters of Sebastian Ziani De Ferranti
WALLACE, Alfred R: Land Nationalisation - Its necessity and Its Aims, being a comparison of the system of landlord and tenant with that of occupying ownership in their influence on the wellbeing of the people, with an appendix on the nationalisation of house property
BYNG, G: Protection: Views of a Manufacturer
HAWTHORN LESLIE & CO: Our Ships at Work A Pictorial Review of Some of Our Post War Products 1946 1952
STEIN, Irmgard: Judischer Baudenkmaler in Hamburg
MAYNE, Ethel Colburn: A Regency Chapter. Lady Bessborough and Her Friendships
STEGARU, Irinel (Edited SUI, Claude Wing): Motion
WISE, B.R: Industrial Freedom: A Study in Politics
HODGES, Frank: Nationalisation of the Mines
SZUHAY, Peter & BARATI, Antonia: Pictures of the History of Gipsies in Hungary in the 20th Century (Kepek a Magyarorszagi Ciganysag 20. Szazadi Tortenetebol)
ASHBY, Eric: Universities: British, Indian, African-a Study in the Ecology of Higher Education
THOMSON, T.R. (Edited by): A Catalogue of British Family Histories
WALKER, Sydney F: Electric Mining Machinery
PADGHAM, Alfred: The Golf Par Swing
GORDON, Suzanne: Under the Harrow. The Lives of White South Africans Today
BAILEY, F.G: Tribe, Caste and Nation. A Study of Political Activity and Political Change in Highland Orissa
BENSTED-SMITH, Richard: Turn Left for Tangier. The Hard Way for Heralds
MOORE, H.C: Omnibuses and Cabs; Their Origin and History
THE TIMES: Printing in the Twentieth Century a Survey Reprinted from the Special Number of the Times October 29, 1929
RASMUSEN, Henry: Printmaking with Monotype
ROTHENSTEIN, Michael: Relief Printing. Basic Methods. New Directions
PETERDI, Gabor: Printmaking. Methods Old and New
RILEY: Instruction Book of the Riley 9 "Plus Ultra"Series
WHITING, John: Photography is a Language
ELLIS, Anthony (Edited by): Ethics and International Relations (Fulbright Papers: Proceedings of Colloquia)
DU PISANI, J.A. (Edited by): Divided or Undivided Power. Views on the New Constitutional Dispensation By Prominent South African Political Leaders
GAL-OR, Noemi: International Cooperation to Suppress Terrorism
KURZ, Anat (Edited by): Contemporary Trends in World Terrorism
CELMER, Marc A: Terrorism, U.S. Strategy and Reagan Policies
GUTTERIDGE, William (Edited by): The New Terrorism
CLIFFORD-VAUGHAN, F. McA. (Edited by): International Pressures and Political Change in South Africa
VAN PARIJS, Philippe: Evolutionary Explanation in the Social Sciences: An Emerging Paradigm
KOMESAROFF, Paul A: Stock Image Objectivity, Science & Society : Interpreting Nature & Society in the Age of the Crisis of Science
CILLIERS, Jakkie & MILLS, Greg (Edited by): From Peacekeeping to Complex Emergencies Peace Support Missions in Africa
CILLIERS, Jakkie & MILLS, Greg (Edited by): Peacekeeping in Africa VOLUME 2
WARDLAW, Grant: Political Terrorism: Theory, Tactics, and Counter-Measures
STEIN, Judith (and others): Red Grooms. A Retrospective 1956-1984
MARAIS, C.L: Poultry Houses
STRAVINSKY, Vera & CRAFT, Robert: Stravinsky in Pictures and Documents
GARDNER, W.H: Gerard Manley Hopkins 1844-1889. A Study of Poetic Idiosyncrasy in Relation to Poetic Tradition (two volumes)
SMITH, Norman: Man and Water: A History of Hydro-Technology
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