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GIRALT-MIRACLE, Daniel & RIBALTA, Marts (Edited by): New Interiors 1 - 3 BAXTER, T.W. (Edited by): Guide to the Public Archives of Rhodesia Volume 1 1890-1923 DUMESNIL, M.J.B. Gardin: Latin Synonyms, with Their Different Significations, and Examples Taken from the Best Latin Authors
LLOYD, Joan Barclay: African Animals in Renaissance Literature and Art KIRKPATRICK, Diane: Eduardo Paolozzi TERRY, Carolyn: The Desert Bankers: The Story of the Standard Bank in South West Africa
LINDSEY, Timothy: The Romance of K'tut Tantri and Indonesia: Texts, Scripts, History and Identity TRAILL, A. (Edited by): Khoisan Linguistic Studies 5 KEYNES, John Maynard: The Means to Prosperity
LEWIS, Charlton & SHORT, Charles: Latin Dictionary Founded on Andrew's Edition of Freund's Latin Dictionary ARNOLD, Marion: Women and Art in South Africa THOMPSON, Michael (Compiled by): Hull's Side-Fishing Trawling Fleet 1946-86
FARRANT, Jean: Mashonaland martyr: Bishop Mizeki and the Pioneer Church PATERSON, James: The History and Development of Road Transposrt ELLERT, Henrik: The Magic of Makishi. Masks & Traditions in Zambia
BENTLEY: Handbook for Bentley 4 1/4 Litre Car. CONDENSED EDITION BUTLER, James (Edited By Jane GARNER): Jim's Journal. The Diary of James Butler VIILMANN, VIIVI: Arnold Akberg
HARRIS, Frank: My Life and Loves. Five Volumes in One. Complete and Unexpurgated GELDER, Stuart: The Chinese Communists BENSON, S. Vere: Birds of Lebanon and the Jordan Area
KAHN, Ellison: Law, Life and Laughter. Legal Anecdotes & Portraits NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL: Vetiver Grass. A Thin Line Against Erosion MILLER, D.N: Short History of Volksrust 1902-1932
CANNING: The Canning Handbook on Electroplating, Polishing, Bronzing, Lacquering, Enamelling MINERS' PHTHISIS PREVENTION COMMITTEE: The Prevention of Silicosis on the Mines of the Witwatersrand MURRAY, Neil Laird: Trachoma in South Africa
LONGHURST, Henry: Never on Weekdays GARNIER, Peter & ALLPORT, Warren: Rolls-Royce: Seven Decades of Descriptions, Reports and Road Tests in Facsimile MAUDE, Cyril (SIGNED By Ivor NOVELLO; Rex HARRISON; Ronald COLMAN; Ann TODD; and Other Theatre Stars of the period): Behind the Scenes with Cyril Maude
KRAUSZ, Armin: Sheffield Jewry. Commentary on a Continuity CHASE, James Hadley: Tell it to the Birds COOVADIA, H.M. & BENATAR, S.R: A Century of Tuberculosis: South African Perspectives
MACLEAN, G.L. (Edited by): The J. M. Winterbottom Commemorative Issue. (OSTRICH Vol.56 Nos.1,2 & 3 May 1985) AL KHALIFA, Hamad Bin Isa: First Light. Modern Bahrain and Its Heritage LOWENSTEIN, Edward & McPEEK, Bucknam: Enduring Contributions of Henry Beecher to Medicine and Society Part II
PONSIOEN, J.A: The Analysis of Social Change Reconsidered KIRKBY, Kenneth Michael: Isumataq GODECHOT, Jacques: The Taking of the Bastille: July 14th, 1789
SAVANT, Jean: Napoleon in His Time RIDDELL, Sheila: Dated Chinese Antiquities 600-1650 (VIEW ALBUM): Rhodesian Views. Twenty Photographic Views of Bulawayo and Neighbourhood
MILEHAM, Patrick (Edited by): Clearly My Duty The Letters of Sir John Gilmour from the Boer War 1900-1901 OLIVIER, P.S. (Compiled by): Wie is wie in ons sendingvelde? Mashonaland en Betsjoeanaland MOLHUYSEN, P.C. & OPPENHEIM, E.R: Bibliotheque Du Palais De La Paix. 1) Catalogue 2) Premier Supplément du Catalogue: (1916) / par P. C. Molhuysen et D. Albers 3) Index alphabetique du catalogue (1916) et du supplement (1922)
JOKL, Ernst: South African Reminiscences HEARD, Kenneth A: Political Systems in Multi-Racial Societies HERMAN, Simon N: Jewish Identity. A Social Psychological Perspective
DE SELINCOURT, Ernest: Wordsworthian and Other Studies WHALLEY, George: Coleridge and Sara Hutchinson and the Asra Poems TIMOSHENKO, S. & YOUNG, D.H: Elements of the Strength of Materials
SMELSER, Ronald (Edited by): Lessons and Legacies V : The Holocaust and Justice OPIE, L.H. (Edited by): Calcium Antagonists and Cardiovascular Disease WOLFF, Harod G.; WOLF, Stewart G.; HARE, Clarence C. (Edited by): Life Stress and Bodily Disease. Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease Research Publications Volume 29
SLAVIN, Shimon (Edited by): Tolerance in Bone Marrow and Organ Transplantation: Achievements and Goals OLDMEADOW, Katherine (and Numerous others): The Modern Wonder Book for Girls SKILLETER, Paul: Practical Classic on Morris Minor Restoration
BOVE, Alfred A. & LOWENTHAL, David T. (Edited by): Exercise Medicine : Physiological Principles and Clinical Applications HERMANN, Robert E: Manual of Surgery of the Gallbladder, Bile Ducts and Exocrine Pancreas PHARMACIA MEDICAL SPECIALTIES: Pollen & Mould Allergens in Southern Africa
SOUVENIR BROCHURE: Shangani Patrol. Help Our Soldiers Souvenir Brochure / Help Ons Soldate. Prag Brosjure CROCQUET, Pierre: Sound Check MAWSON, Thomas H. & MAWSON, E. Prentice: The Art and Craft of Garden Making
ADAM, Jas. A: Wheels Within Wheels. Trade Unionism Within the S.A.R. & H HILDITCH, T.F: The Industrial Chemistry of the Fats and Waxes KANNEMEYER, J.C: D.J. Opperman. 'n Biografie
FELDENKRAIS, M: Judo: The Art of Defence and Attack ISMAIL, Sabhattin: Cyprus Peace Operation. Reasons. Development. Consciousness DONNELLY, John J: The Handloader's Manual of Cartridge Conversions
BLUNT, Wilfrid & STEARN, William T: The Art of Botanical Illustration HILL, W.F: Landscape Handbook For The Tropics HERSHOLT, Jean (Edited by): The Evergreen Tales; Or, Tales for the Ageless: Aladdin & The Wonderful Lamp; The Three Bears; Joseph & His Brothers
BLACKWELL, Eric: "Cairo to Bagdad". An Album of 125 Small Snapshot Photographs Taken on the Keeling Expedition Which Constituted the First Motor Crossing of the Desert from Damascus to Baghdad SITWELL, Edith (Retold by): Children's Tales (From the Russian Ballet) TOLKIEN, J. R. R: The Lord of the Rings. Being: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King
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