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BRINK, Andre P: Oom Kootjie Emmer En Die Nuwe Bedeling SMITH, J.L.B: Old Fourlegs. The Story of the Coelocanth OLIPHANT, Andries Walter & VLADISLAVIC, Ivan (Edited by): Ten Years of Staffrider 1978-1988 (Staffrider Vol.7 #3 and 4)
SOTHEBY'S: Catalogue of Important South African, British and Continental Paintings, Watercolours, Prints and Sculpture, Which Will be Sold By Public Auction By Sotheby Parke Bernet South Africa Pty Ltd. Thursday 26th November 1981 CLEEVE, Brian: Colonial Policies in Africa ORD-HUME, Arthur W.J.G: Restoring Musical Boxes
KEITH-SHAW, Duncan: Neville Chamberlain CHIPKIN, Clive M: Johannesburg Style: Architecture & Society 1880s-1960s DUNCAN, Carey Jane: The Social Construction of Space. An Exploration of Meaningful Urban Design in Johannesburg
MOLLOY, E. (Edited by): Electro-Plating and Anodising CHICHESTER, Francis: The Observer's Book on Astro-Navigation. PART TWO CHICHESTER, Francis: The Observer's Book on Astro-Navigation. PART THREE
CHICHESTER, Francis: The Observer's Book on Astro-Navigation. PART FOUR WHITING, Charles: Werewolf The Story of the Nazi Risistance Movement CALVOCORESSI, Peter: Resilient Europe: A Study of the Years, 1870-2000
HIDEN, John & SALMON, Patrick: The Baltic Nations and Europe: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the Twentieth Century TWADDLE, Michael: Kakungulu and the Creation of Uganda YAPP, M.E: The Making of the Modern Near East 1792-1923
YAPP, M.E: The Near East Since the First World War NICHOLAS, David: Medieval Flanders SUBRAHMANYAM, Sanjay: The Portuguese Empire in Asia 1500-1700. A Political and Economic History
CAHM, Eric: The Dreyfus Affair in French Society and Politics CHELES, Luciano; FERGUSON, Ronnie; VAUGHAN, Michalina (Edited by): The Far Right in Western and Eastern Europe SAUNDERS, David: Russia in the Age of Reaction and Reform 1801-1881
CRUMMEY, Robert O: The Formation of Muscovy 1304-1613 LAWSON, M.K: Cnut. The Danes in England in the Early Eleventh Century LYNCH, John: Spain 1516-1598. From Nation State to World Empire
LYNCH, John: The Hispanic World in Crisis and Change 1598-1700 NELSON, Janet L: Charles the Bald BARBER, John & HARRISON, Mark: The Soviet Home Front 1941-1945. A Social and Economic History of the USSR in World War II
STRANGE, W.L: The Design and Construction of Small Reservoirs for Irrigation and Stock (BOUND WITH) the Design and Construction of Small Irrigation Canals VENTER, Kate: Sugar Decorating. Filigree, Flowers & Flooding VENTER, Kate: The Kate Venter Sugar Art Colle4ction
WILLIAMSON, Hugh Ross: Historical Whodunits DU TOIT, Sandra: Happy Birthday! All About Children's Parties KINNEIR, Jock: Words and Buildings. The Art and Practice of Public Lettering
LOUTH, Andrew: The Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition from Plato to Denys WYNDHAM, John: Jizzle ROTHENSTEIN, William: Twenty-four Portraits
STEIN, Fred (Intro. By J. GORIS): 5th Avenue. 100 Photographies GLICENSTEIN, Enrico & DUSHKIN, Alexander M: The Tree of Life. Sketches from Jewish Life of Yesterday aND TODAY IN DRAWING, PROSE AND VERSE (MALAN, D.F.; HAVENGA, N.C.): A Union Castle Menu, Farewell Dinner, May 281953. R.M.M.V. "Stirling Castle"
KIRBY, Percival R: Autograph Letter, 1p. On University of the Witwatersrand Letterhead, Signed and Dated 20.6.1939, to Noted Medical Figure Charles Berman ELIZABETH II: Coronation Thanksgiving By the Peoples of the Commonwealth in the Presence of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II St. Paul's Cathedral Tuesday, 9 June, 1953 ELIZABETH II: The Form and Order of the Service That is to be Performed and the Ceremonies That are to be Observed in the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in the Abbey Church of St Peter Westminster on Tuesday the Second Day of June 1953
WYMAN: The Upholsterers' Pqattern Book, Containing Original and Selected Designs for Mantel-Boards, Over-Doors, Window & Bed Draperies, 7c., From Originals By First Rate Artists, with Full Instructions as to Cutting and Making. FIRST SERIES BERNSTEIN, Birch: The Tide Turned at Alamein, Impressions of the Desert War with the South African Division and the Eighth Army, June 1941 - January 1943 LAKIN, Martin: Ethical Issues in the Psychotherapies
BHARUCHA, Rustom: Theatre and the World. Perfortmance and the Politics of Culture PAVIS, Patrice: Theatre at the Crossroads of Culture KASRILS, Ronnie: Armed and Dangerous. My Undercover Struggle Against Apartheid
HUNT, S. Leigh & KENNY, Alexander S: Tropical Trials. A Hand-book for Women in the Tropics MOLIERE: Théâtre complet, de J.-B. Poquelin, de Moliere: publié par D. Jouaust en huit volumes. Avec la préface de 1682 annotée par G. Monval BOTHE, R: Synagogen in Berlin. Zur Geschichte Einer Zerstörten Architektur
SALDO, A,M,: How to Excel at Games and Athletics CONGREGATION OF MARIANNHILL MISSIONARIES: Mariannhill and its Apostolate. Origin and Growth of the Congregation of the Mariannhill Missionaries ASHTON, Hugh; SUMMERS, Roger; HOVE, M.M: Yesterday Today & Tomorrow: A Guide to the African Village
BLACKING, John: Eight Flute Tunes from Butembo, East Belgian Congo THOREK, Max: The Face in Health and Disease JANSEN, G: The Doctor-Patient Relationship in an African Tribal Society
VISSER, George Cloete: O B Traitors or Patriots? DUNCAN, H.F.; GOURLAY, N.; HUDSON, Wm: A Study of Pictorial Perception among Bantu and White Primary School Children in South Africa GELFAND, Michael: African Medical Handbook. An Outline of Medicine and Hospital Practice for African Nurses, Orderlies and Medical Assistants
DAVIES, Horton & SHEPHERD, R.H.W. (Compiled by): South African Missions 1800-1950. An Anthology SCHMAHMANN, Brenda: Traversing Borderlines. Walter Oltmann's Recent Works. (Standard Bank Young Artist 2001) SEUPHOR, Michel (and Other authors): Quadrum 12 (XII) Revue Internationale D'art Moderne, International Magazine of Modern Art, Internationale Zeitschrift Fur Moderne kunst
GOODMAN, Paul & LEWIS, Arthur D. (Edited by): Zionism: Problems and Views HARVEY, Chris: E Type: End of an Era CASTRO, Miranda: The Complete Homeopathy Book
SIMPSON, Bruce L: History of the Metalcasting Industry LLOYD, S.; MULLER, H.W.; MARTION, R: Ancient Architecture: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Crete, Greece LE CORBUSIER: My Work
SCHILD, Erich; OSWALD, Rainer; ROGIER, Dietmar; SCHWEIKERT, Hans: Structural Failure in Residential Buildings. VOLUME 1: Flat Roofs, Roof Terraces, Balconies McCONNELL, Shean: Theories for Planning NORDBRUCH, C: Vir Vryheid En Reg: Buitelandersaan Boerekant Tydens Die Anglo-Boereoorlog 1899 - 1902
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