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PERREGAUX, H: Edmond Perregeaux Missionaire. D'après sa correspondance 1868 - 1905 WIRTH, A. & DIRR, Adolf (Edited by): Die Erschliessung Japans. Erinnerungen des Admirals Perry von der Fahrt der amerikanischen Flotte 1853/54 LEECH, Geoffrey: Principles of Pragmatics
LIVERSIDGE, Richard: The Birds Around Us DEWLEN, Al: Twilight of Homour NEZOS, Renna: Judicial Graphology. Authentication of Handwritten Documents
MUNOZ, Miguel L. (Edited by): Memorias De La Academia Mexicana De Estudios Numismaticos VOL.1 No.1 MUNOZ, Miguel L. (Edited by): Memorias De La Academia Mexicana De Estudios Numismaticos VOL.2 No.3 CHURCHILL, Winston: The River War. An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan
ERNST, J: Anton Van Wouw. 'n Biografie MASON, Stuart: Oscar WIlde Art and Morality: A Record of the Discussion Which Followed the Publication of "Dorian Gray" GASTER, Moses: The Ma'aseh Book. Book of Jewish Tales and Legends Translated from the Judeo-German
RADCLIFFE, Ann (Intro. Austin FREEMAN): The Mysteries of Udolpho VOLS. 1 and 2 UNITED NATIONS: The Charter and Judgment of the Nürnberg Tribunal. History and Analysis. (Memorandum submitted by the Secretary-General) KUNERT, Dirk: Glasnost. New Thinking and the ANC-SACP Alliance. A Parting of the Ways
BAIKOFF, Jill: A History of the Vineyard CARSON, R.A.G: A History of the Royal Numismatic Society MARCUSE, Herbert: Five Lectures. Psychoanalysis Politics and Utopia
MacCRONE, I.D: Race Attitudes in South Africa. Historical Experimental and Psychological Studies ALEXANDER, Lucy & HARDY, Patricia (Compiled by): Natale Labia Museum. An Account of the History of 'The Fort' & Its Conversion to a Museum and Cultural Centre DEBYE, P: The Interference of Electrons
GOODMAN, David & REDCLIFT, Michael: From Peasant to Proletarian: Capitalist Development and Agrarian Transitions KENNEDY, Kerry: Speak Truth to Power. Human Rights Defenders Who are Changing Our World KEARNEY, Mary-louise & RONNING, Anne Holden: Women and the University Curriculum. Towards Equakity, Democracy and Peace
SEREBRIAKOFF, Victor: A Mensa Analysis and History ARASTEH, A. Reza: Rumi the Persian, the Sufi GUITRY, Sacha: 18 Avenue Elisee Reclus
ABU DAWUD, Imam (Translated Ahmad HASAN): Sunan Abu Dawud MENDEL, Alfred O: Personality in Handwriting. A Handbook of American Graphology SELIGMANN, Kurt: The History of Magic
RUSSELL, Bertrand (Edited By Robert E. EGNER & Lester E. DENONN): The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell ARCHER, Geoffrey & GODMAN, Eva M: The Birds of British Somaliland and the Gulf of Aden. Their Life Histories, Breeding Habits, and Eggs. Volumes I and II JACKSON, Frederick John: The Birds of Kenya Colony and the Uganda Protectorate
BANNERMAN, David A: The Birds of Western and Equatorial Africa WILSON, Rhona: Old Airdrie Villages BARLOW, Margaret & BUCHAN, Bruce: The Last of the Lotus Lands., Being an Account of Twenty Four Years Spent in Pondoland
PORTLAND, Duke of: Men Women and Things. Memoirs of the Duke of Portland HARVEY, Roger & KOLB, Sylvia and John: Building Pottery Equipment VON GOTZEN, G.A., Graf: Durch Afrika von Ost nach West. Resultate und Begebenheiten einer Reise von der Deutsch-Ostafrikanischen Küste bis zur Kongomündung in den Jahren 1893/94
GRANGER, Vivian: Durban City Football Club 1962 Souvenir Brochure FOOTBALL PROGRAMME: Souvenir Programme. 1959 Cup Final. Rangers F.C. Vs. Germiston Callies F.C. Sat 10th Oct. Rand Stadium FOOTBALL PROGRAMME: Castle Cup Final. Souvenir Programme. Rand Stadium Saturday 12th October 1963. Southern Suburbs Vs. Addington
FOOTBALL PROGRAMME: Official Soccer Programme Vol.5 No.2. Saturday 4th April 1959; Monday 6th April 1959. 1958 Springboks Vs. Sourthern Transvaal; 1958 Springboks Vs. Combined Transvaal XI FOOTBALL PROGRAMME: Official Souvenir South African Tour 1947 SOUTHERN AFRICAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS CONFERENCE: Report on Police Conduct During Township Protests August - November 1984
VAN LILLE, Thys (Edited By Flip JOUBERT): Saam Met Die Visters in Die Skuit (RHODESIA): Southern Rhodesia Ideal Land for the Tourist (RHODESIA): Southern Rhodesia for Tourist and Settlet
RHODESIA: Fort Victoria and the Great Zimbabwe Ruins SELOUS, F.C: A Hunter's Wanderings In Africa Being A Narrative Of Nine Years Spent Amongst The Game Of The Far Interior Of South Africa CHASE, James Hadley: An Ace Up My Sleeve
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VAN DER MEY, S.J: The Johannesburg School of Art Ballet and Music. A Proposal. A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of Architectury of the Witwatersrand CHALMERS, Patrick R. (Arranged by): Mine Eyes to the Hills. An Anthology of the Highland Forest REED, David: 111 Days in Stanleyville
JUPITER DRAWING ROOM: The Agency Book Vol. 1. A Compendium of the Work and Credentials of the Forty Largest Above-the-line Advertising Agencies in South Africa KALASHNIKOFF, Nicholas: Jumper NOMACHI, Kazuyoshi: Sahara
THORPE, E.G: Young Ruffles CARR, Barbara: Spy in the Sun. The Story of Yuriy Logonov VERSVELD, Marthinus & DE KLERK, W.A: Die Berge Van Die Boland
WADIA, Ardasar Sorabjee N: The Romance of Rhodesia Being Impressions of a Sight Seeing Tour to Southern and Northern Rhodesia Via Seychelles, Mombasa, Zanzibar and Dar - Es - Salaam STRAND, Paul & DAVIDSON, Basil: Tir A'Mhurain. Outer Hebrides SIMPSON, Evelyn M: A Study of the Prose Works of John Donne
MARTIN, J.Wallis: A Likeness in Stone JOHNSTON, Paul: The Bone Yard HORLER, Sydney: The Man in the Shadows
HALL, T.; ECHLIN, P.; KAUFMANN, R. (Edited by): Microprobe Analysis as Applied to Cells and Tissues ABBAS, Abul K.; GALLI, Stephen J.; HOWLEY, Peter M. (Edited by): Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease. VOLUME 4 (2009) ALTHUSSER, Louis & BALIBAR, Etienne: Reading Capital
BOWER, F.O: The Origin of a Land Flora. A Theory Based Upon the Facts of Alternation WOLFF, Werner: Diagrams of the Unconscious: Handwriting and Personality in Measurement, Experiment, and Analysis DE VLEESCHAUWER, Herman J: The Development of Kantian Thought. The History of a Doctrine
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