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TORDAY, E: On the Trail of the Bushongo. An Ccount of a Remarkable and Hitherto Unknown African People. Their Origin, Art, High Social & Political Organization & Culture, Derived from the Author's Personal Experience Amongst Them CHIKAMATSU (Translated By Asataro MIYAMORI, Revised Robert NICHOLS): Masterpieces of Chikamatsu the Japanese Shakespeare CRONICAN, Frank & MUELLER, Edward A. (editors): "The Stateliest Ship" Queen Mary
WORCESTER, G.R.G: The Junks and Sampans of the Yangtze FLAYDERMAN, E. Norman: Scrimshaw and Scrimshanders. Whales and Whalemen MIGEOD, Drederick William Hugh: Across Equatorial Africa
MIGEOD, Drederick William Hugh: Through British Cameroons KELLER, C: Die Ostafrikanischen Inseln MEEK, C.K: A Sudanese Kingdom. An Ethnographical Study of the Jukun-Speaking Peoples of Nigeria
COLONY OF NATAL (ernest WARREN, Director): First Report of the Natal Government Museum Year Ending 31st December 1904 EWERTH, Hannes & NEUMANN, Peter (Edited by): Silent Fleet. The German Designed Submarine Family MATTHEW, Sidney L: Wry Stories on the Road Hole
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MALHERBE, D.F: Agterland DREYER, Joh.; PRINSLOO, J.J.; VENTER, P.W: Ds. Dirk Van Der Hoff (Die4 Eerste Predikant Van Transvaal) GRIM, Franciws: Attempted Rape of South Africa
DARRE, R. Walther: Ziel Und Weg Der Nationalsozialistischen Agrarpolitik PRITCHARD, Wm. H. Auret: A Parable. How Gold Was Discovered on the Witwatersrand in 1886. Adapted to the Gospel (CHINESE ART): Picture Story of Preparing tea
PERAGALLO, Edward: Origin and Evolution of Double Entry Bookkeeping. A Study of Italian Practice from the Fourteenth Century GIGGAL, Kenneth: Classic Sailing Ships JOBE, Joseph (Edited by): The Great Age of Sail
WHITER, Leonard: Spode. A History of the Family, Factory and Wares from 1733 to 1833 HELLIER, Chris & VENTURI, Francesco: Splendours of the Bosphorus. Houses and Palaces of Istanbul SIMPSON, A.W. (Edited by): South African Cricket Tour 1947
SCHAAP, Dick & SCHAAP, Dick: A Bridge to the Seven Seas. A Hundred Years of the Holland America Line MACINTYRE, Donald & BATHE, Basil W: The Man of War DACE, Wallace: National Theaters in the Larger German and Austrian Cities
HERMANS, Harry H: The Law - My Master ETAM (pseud E. THAMM): Die Politieke Stryd in Beeld BRELSFORD, W.V. (Edited by): The Northern Rhodesia Journal Volume II Number V
BRELSFORD, W.V. (Edited by): The Northern Rhodesia Journal Volume II Number VI HOBBS, Glynn B: From Sicily to the Alps. Personal Accounts and Recollections of World War II CLEMENTS< JOHN (Edited By Graeme GIBSON): Coastal Strike. A South African Pilot's Wartime Experiences in the Royal Air Force and the South African Air Force
HECKFORD, Mrs.Sarah: A Lady Trader in the Transvaal JACKSON, Major: Pretoria Middelberg (Transvaal Sheet No.2) VON ZITTEL, Karl Alfred: History of Geology and Palaeontology to the End of the Nineteenth Centuy
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SCHNITZLER, Arthur: Komodie Der Verfuhrung. In Drei Akten SCHNITZLER, Arthur: Der Junge Medardus. Dramatische Historie AXELSON, Eric: South East Africa 1488-1530
BISLAND, Elizabeth: The Life and Letters of Lafcadio Hearn FLEMING, Ian: `casino Royale CHAMBER OF MINES OF THESOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLIC: Eleventh Annual Report for the Year Ending 31st December 1899
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ADRIANI, Gotz: Cezanne Watercolors TSCHUDI, Jolantha: Nordafrikanische Felsmalereien (Tassili n Ajjer) WITH, Karl: Buddhistische Plastik in Japan Bis in Den Beginn Des8. Jahrhunderts N. Chr
VOGEL, Susan (Edited by): For Spirits and Kings. African Art from the Paul and Ruth Tishman Collection NISHI, Kazuo & HOZUMI, Kazuo: WHAT IS JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE? a SURVEY OF TRADITIONAL JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE KUMMEL, Otto: Die Kunst Ostasiens
KELLER, Horst: Fritz Winter HEYMER, Kay & VIGNOLD, Heinrich: Die Afrika-Sammlungen Der Essener Museen FRAMPTON, Kenneth (Introduction by): Tadao Ando. The Yale Studio and Current Works
DAWSON, Jim: The RAF in Arizona: Falcon Field, 1941-1945 DUTFIELD, Michael: A Marriage of Inconvenience. The Persecution of Seretse and Ruth Khama DOUWES, Marcus: Gerrit Bakker 70
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