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FRANKLIN , Colin: The Private Presses
HATHAWAY, Eileen (Edited by); CORNWELL, Bernard (Foreword by): A Dorset Rifleman. The Recollections of Benjamin Harris
MICHELL, F.Bice: Michell A Cornish Family of Engineers 1740-1910
BROWN, Kenneth & ACTON, Bob: Exploring Cornish Mines
BERNIER, F: The History of the Late Revolution of the Empire of the Great Mogol, with the most considerable Passages for five Years following in that Empire, with a Letter to the Lord Colbert, touching the Extent of Indostan...(AND) A Continuation of the Memoires...
STEVENS, Norman D: A Guide to Collecting Librariana
VARMA, Devendra P: The Evergreen Tree of Diabolical Knowledge
ROSENBLUM, Joseph: A Bibliographic History of the Book. An Annotated Guide to the Literature
MATTHEWS, William: Modern Bookbinding Practically Considered
LODEWYCKS, K.A: The Funding of Wisdom. Revelations of a Library's Quarter Century
BLACKWELL, Nigel: In Memory of Richard Blackwell D.S.C., M.A., Hon D Litt 1918 - 1980
ROTHSTEIN, Samuel; BLACKWELL, Richard; MACLEISH, Archibald: The University - The Library
DOWNS, Robert: Perspectives on the Past. An Autobiography
RIDER, Alice Damon: A Story of Books and Libraries
HARRIS, Michael H: History of Libraries in the Western World. Fourth Edition
HAMLIN, Arthur T: The University Library. Its Origins and Development
KRISHNAMURTI, J: Life in Freedom
WESSELS, J.W: History of Roman-Dutch Law
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HARDIE, W.F.R: A Study in Plato
DARWIN, Bernard: Golf (Pleasures of Life Series)
LANG, Serge: Undergraduate Analysis
WOOD, ERnest: A "Secret Doctrine" Digest. The Laws and Facts of Nature and Life Ass Taught By H P Blavatsky in Her Monumental Work Entitled "The Secret Doctrine" with Explanations Where Necessary
PERCIVAL, Robert: AN ACCOUNT OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE; Containing An Historical Views of its Original Settlement by the Dutch, its Capture by the British in 1795, and the different Policy pursued there by the Dutch and British Government. Also a Sketch of its Geography, Pr
HOUSEHOLD, Geoffrey: The Third Hour
TRONSON, A: The Story of the British Empire Games Auckland New Zealand 1950
CAINE, Mary: The Glastonbury Zodiac. Key to the Mysteries of Britain
PACKHAM, Richard: They Came to Build a Pier. An Illustrated Family History
BURTON, Richard: The Source of the Nile : The Lake Regions of Central Africa
PARK, Mungo: Travels in the Interior of Africa
CARTER, Angela: Expletives Deleted: Selected Writings
DEACON, Sidney H: Show Bulldogs
PENMAN, Sharon: Falls the Shadow
GRINSELL, L.V: Dorset Barrows
STANLEY, Henry Morton (Edited By Frank McLYNN): Into the Dark Continent : The Travels of Henry Morton Stanley
HAGGARD, H. Rider (Edited By D.S. HIGGINS): The Private Diaries of Sir Henry Rider Haggard
WHITE, D.J: Decision Theory
HARVEY, John: Mediaeval Craftsmaen
HARRISON, Tom: Savage Civilisation
ALLEN, James S: The Negro Question in the United States
AVEDON, Richard: In the American West
GIROUARD, Mark: Robert Smythson and the Elizabethan Country House
WORST, B.G,: The Great Dyke of Southern Rhodesia
SEYMOUR, S.M: Bantu Law in South Africa
CLINGMAN, Stephen: Regions and Repertoires. Topics in South African Politics and Culture
MATHU, Mohamed Recorded and Edited By Don BARNETT): The Urban Guerrilla
PIKE, Douglas: War, Peace and The Viet Cong
FRANK, Leonhard: Mathilde
SPENCER, Edmund: Sketches of Germany and the Germans, with a Glance at Poland, Hungary & Switzerland in 1834, 1835 and 1836
SHAKESPEARE, William: Der Sturm (The Tempest)
GROPIUS, Walter: Rebuilding Our Communities
COETZEE, J.M: Youth. Scenes from Provincial Life II
CAMOENS, Luis De (Translated By William MICKLE): THE LUSIAD (LUSIADS); or the Discovery of India. An Epic Poem. Translated from the Original Portuguese of Luis De Camoens by William Julius Mickle
HEATON, Paul: Lamport & Holt Line
WEISSMANN, Adolf: Der Virtuose
KERR, Alfred: Yankee-land
SIMMEL, Georg: Lebensanschauung. Vier Metaphysische Kapitel
PLANCK, Max: Das Prinzip Der Erhaltung Der Energie
MANN, Heinrich: Lidice
SEGHERS, Anna: Das Siebte Kreuz. Roman Aus Hitlerdeutschland
VAN HUYSSTEEN, Ters: Hugenoteland. Deel Twee Van Hart Van Die Boland Die Franse Verbintenis
LIND, Jakov: Soul of Wood
HARROW, Leonard & FRANSES, Jack: From the Lands of Sultan and Shah
NOOTER, Robert H: Flat Woven Rugs and Textiles from the Caucasus
DODDS, Dennis R. & EILAND, Murray L. (Editors): Oriental Rugs from Atlantic Collections. Eighth International Conference on Oriental Carpets Philadelphia 1996
BUTTERWECK, Georg & ORASCH, Dieter: Handbook of Anatolian Carpets / Das Standardwerk des anatolischen Knüpfteppichs
SABAHI, Taher: Qashqai. Tappeti Tribali Persiani
REINISCH, H: Saddle Bags / Sattel Taschen
O'BANNON, George W: Tribal and Village Rugs from Arizona Collections
AZADI, Siawosch & ANDREWS, Peter A: Mafrash. Gewebte Transporttaschen als textile Bilder des Orients - Arbeiten der Schahsawan und anderer Stämme Persiens. Woven transport packs as an art from among the Shahsevan and other nomads in Persia
TZAREVA, Elena: Rugs & Carpets from Central Asia. The Russian Collections
BOUCHER, Jeff W: Baluchi Woven Treasures
FRAUENKNECHT, Bertram: Schahsavan Sumakh Taschen
WALKER, Daniel: Flowers Underfoot. Indian Carpets of the Mughal Era
ELMBY, Hans: Antikke Turkmenske Taepper / Antique Turkmen Carpets
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