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COOK, William: The History and Development of the Orpington Fowl STAHL, Kathleen: History of the Chagga People of Kilimanjaro CHILVERS, Garth & JASIUKOWICZ, Tom: History of Contemporary Music of South Africa
MACKAY, Carolyn J: A Veneto Lexicon. Th Dialect of Segusino and Chipilo BOYCE, Chris: Extraterrestrial Encounter. A Personal Perspective NICHOLLS, Andrew: English Bracket and Mantel Clocks
WRIGHT, Harold (Introduction By J M KEYNES): Population BURROWS, George T: All About Bowls. A Manual for Novice and Expert Players STUDENT ALMANACK: Rotterdamsche Studenten Almanak Voor Het Jaar Negentien Honderd Drie En Twintig
CHASE, Charles M: Archery Guidelines to Excellence TAYLOR, Dennis (Introduced by): The Hamlyn Encyclopedia of Snooker BELL, Harry E. (Edited by): World Bowls 1976. 3rd World Bowls Championships Johannesburg South Africa. Zoo Lake 18 February - 6 March 1976
MEINTJES, Johannes: President Paul Kruger JOHNSON, Paul: Consolidated Gold Field. A Centenary Portrait BAEDEKER, Karl: Italy from the Alps to Nples
PENNY, Joshua: The Life and Adventures of Joshua Penny GORDON, R.E.; GERICKE, E.; GERICKE, E.; CLARK, J. (Edited by): Macrorie Gentle Bishop of Maritzburg. The Natal Career of William A.K. Macrorie Bishop of Maritzburg, and Hi Confronttion with John William Colenso, Bishop of Natal 1869-1891 RUPERT, Anton: Prosper from Our Good Fortune...
MAXWELL, Winifred A: Reconsiderations KRUGER, B.R: Die Ontstaan, Ontwikkeling En Betekenis Van Die Gerefomeerde Kerk Op Die Witwatersrand HENWOODS: 1856-1956. A Century of Service in South Africa. The History of Henwoods. Their First on Hundred Years
MARSHALL, Kit: Frog in the Reeds POLIVA, Joseph Abraham: A Short History of the Jewish Press and Literature of South Frica from Its Earliest Days Until the Present Time BUXTON, Charles Roden: The Race Problem in Frica
RAS, Anna C: Die Kasteel En Ander Vroee Kaapse Vestingwerke 1652-1713 LITURGY: Muombero Wecidyo Catenzi Nokuti Cidyo Conoyera PEARSE, Henry H.S. (Edited by): The History of Lumsden's Horse : A Complete Record of the Corps from its Formation to its Disbandment
HESSELING, D.C: Het Afrikaans. Bijdrge Tot De Gschiedenis Der Nederlndse Taal in Zuid Afrika GUTSCHE, Thelma: No Ordinary Woman.. The Life and Tim of Florence Phillips NIANE, D.T. (Edited by): Africa from the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Century (General History of Africa IV)
CLOETE, J.J.N: Bedfordview. Farm - Agricultural Holdings - Township DICKENS, Charles (Conductd by): Th Houshold Narrative of Current Events (For the Year 1850), Being a Monthly Supplement to Household Words DICKENS, Charles (Conductd by): The Household Narrative of Current Events (For the Year 1851), Being a Monthly Supplement to Household Words
HAMILTON, Margaret: The Mango Tree SOFFICI, Ardengo: Carlo Carra NIVEN, Cicely (Compiled by): Jock and Fitz. In Commemoration of the Sixtieth Anniversary of the First Publication of Jock of the Bushveld
GRIFFITHS, Anne O: In the Shadow of Marriage. Gender and Justice in an African Community SABINE, Edward (TYNDALL, John: Association item): Observations Made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope. VOLUME I: Magnetical Observations 1841 to 1846, with Abstracts of the Observations from 1841 to 1850 Inclusive CANNELL, M.G.R. & LAST, F.T: Tree Physiology and Yield Improvement
LEVESQUE, John: The Art of Brewing, and Fermenting, and Making Malt, Exhibited in Essays and Decimal Tables; Also a Description of the Author's Thermometer BAZIN, H: Experiments Upon the Contraction of the Liquid Vein Issuing from an Orifice, and Upon the Distribution of th Velocities Within it SPARK, Muriel & STANFORD, Derek (Edited by): Tibute to Wordsworth. A Miscellny of Opinion for the Centenary of the Poet's Death
BLACKWOOD, Algernon: Jimbo. A Fantasy BUCHAN, John: The Free Fishers OLAFSSON, Jon (Edited By Bertha S PHILLPOTTS): The Life of the Iclander Jon Olfsson, Traveller
JOHANSEN, Hjalmar: With Nansen in the North : A Record of the Fram Expedition in 1893-96 LUNDERSTEDT, Steve & WILSON, Dave: The Kimberley Golf Club. 1890-1990. A Celebration PELHAM, Henry Francis (Edited By F. HAVERFIELD): Essays
WALDSTEIN, Charles: Essays on the Art of Pheidias SINGLETON, John: The Battle-Fields of Natal LEVINSOHN, Rhod: Art and Craft of Southern Frica. Treasures in Transition
LEVINSOHN, Rhod: Basketry. A Renaissance in Southern Africa ACTON, Harold: Tuscan Villas STURTIVANT, Ray: The Anson File
HAYWARD, Roger: The Beaufort File COLET, John (Translation, Introduction and Notes By J H LUPTON): An Exposition of St. Paul's First Epistle to the corintians BOTHMA, L.J: Die Buffel Struikel. 'n Storie Van 32 Bataljon En Sy Mense
WINER, Georg Benedict: Grammatik Des Neutestamentlichen Sprachidioms Als Sichere Grundlage Der Neutestamentlichen Exegese HAIG, Douglas: The Man I Knew. The Intimate Life-Story of Douglas Haig CLARK, H. Atwood: Gun Dogs and Their Training
ALEXANDER, Neville (Foreword By Helen SUZMAN): Robben Island Dossier 1964-1974 HYAM, Ronald & HENSHAW, Peter: The Lion and the Springbok. Britain and South Africa Since the Boer War GEERS, Kendall: Contemporary South African Art. The GENCOR Collection
TABLER, Edward C: Pioneers of Natal and Southeastern Africa 1552-1878 PEISSEL, Michel: Zanskar. The Hidden Kingdom WILLIAMSON, Jenny & PARKER, Pat: Quilts on Safari
BEN-JOCHANNAN, Yosef: Cultural Genocide in the Black & African Studies Curriculum PIAGET, Jean: The Grasp of Consciousness. Ction and Concept in the Young Child EGLINTON, Edmund: The Last of the Sailing Coasters
CASSEL, Gustav: Fundamental Thoughts in Economics BELL, Colin & Rose: City Fathers. Town Planning in Britain from Roman Times to 1900 BLESOVSKY, J: Essays and Memoirs (Likoti Zichronot Umasvot)
BARING-GOULD, S: Our Inheritance: An Ccount of the Eucharistic Service in the First Three Centuries BARTH, Karl: From Rousseau to Ritschl: Being the Translation of Eleven Chapters of Die Protestantische Theologie Im 19. Jahrhundert GARGETT, Valerie: The Black Eagle
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