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CUVIER, Georges, Baron (Supplementary Additions By Edward GRIFFITH & Charles Hamilton SMITH): The Class Pisces
HALL, R.N: Great Zimbabwe. Mashonaland, Rhodesia. An Account of two years’ Examination work in 1902-4 on behalf of the Government of Rhodesia
FLINT, W. Russell: Works By Sir William Russell Flint R.A
BROWN, Robert; HAWKINS, Gordon; KAMENKA, Eugene; MORISON, W.L.; TAY, Alice Ehr-soon: Law and Society
LOWE, Claude A: The Q.A.C. Motorist's Route Book (Third Edition Fifth Revision) of the Eastern, Midlands and South Eatern Cape, Transkei and East Griqualand
GOUGH, Robert E: The Highbush Blueberry and Its Management
JOUBERT, W.A: The Law of South Africa. VOLUME 33: Eighth Cumulative Table of Cases
PORTCHMOUTH, John: Working in Collage
LOUW, Walter: Owambo
BACHMANN, Walter (translated by): Swiss Gateaux Designs and Decorations. "Decor" Book
LEEK, Michael: The Encyclopedia of Airbrush Techniques
SIMPSON, Ian (Edited by): Painter's Progress. An Art School Year in Twelve Lessons
VOGTS, Marie: South Africa's Proteaceae. Know Them and Grow Them
BLOCH, Georges: Pablo Picasso. Tome III. Catalogue De L'oeuvre gravé Céramique. 1949 - 1971. Volume III. Catalogue of the Printed Ceramics. 1949 - 1971. Des Graphischen Keramikwerkes
FARGES, Albert: Mystical Phenomena Compared with Their Human and Diabolical Counterfeits: A Treatise on Mystical Theology in Agreement with the Principles of St. Teresa Set Forth by the Carmelite Congress of 1923 at Madrid
GLOVER, Michael: 6. Bookseller Photo The Fight for the Channel Ports: Calais to Brest, 1940: A Study in Confusion
HAND, Wayland D: Magical Medicine: The Folkloric Component of Medicine in the Folk Belief, Custom, and Ritual of the Peoples of Europe and America Selected Essays
BALIA, Daryl M: Black Methodists and White Supremacy in South Africa
FERGUSON, Robert: Enigma. The Life of Knut Hamsun
SEMERDJIEV, S: Metal to Metal Adhesive Bonding
KOONZ, Claudia: Mothers in the Fatherland. Women, the Family and Nazi Politics
DENNINGER-SCHREUDER, Carole: De onvergankelijke kijk op Kortenhoef. Een schildersdorp in beeld
"AURIGA" (The War Time Workshops Officer and Peace Time Fleet Engineer): My Way with a Trout. Reflections of a South African Flyfisherman
SYMONDS, John Addington: Shakespeare's Predecessors in the English Drama
ROSENTHAL, Mark; RAINBIRD, Sean; SCHMUCKLI, Claudia: Joseph Beuys. Actions, Vitrines, Environments
VINCENT, William: The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea Part the First, Containing an Account of the Navigation of the Ancients
RALEIGH, Walter & JONES, H.A: The War in the Air, Being the Story of the Part Played in the Great War By the Royal Air Force. VOls I - IV
POWELL, E.S. & M: The Rngers' Handbook Consisting of Elementary Instruction in Grandire, Stedman, Plain Bob and Kent Treble Bob
CICERO: M. Tullii Ciceronis De philosophia prima pars id est: academicarum quaestionum editionis primae liber secundus, editionis secundae liber primus. de finibus bonorum et malorum libri V. Tusculanarum quaestionum libri V
PATMORE, P.G: My Friends and Acquaintances, Being Memorials, Mind-Portraits, and Personal Recollections of Deceased Celebrities of the Nineteenth Century with Selections from Their Unpublished Letters
NASO, Publius Ovidius (OVID): Metamorphoseon Libri XV, Cum Annotationibus Posthumis J. Minellii
LUCIANUS SAMOSATENSIS: Dialogi Selecti Cum Nova Versione et Notis Ab Uno et Patribus Societatis Jesu
LECHAT, Henri: Le Temple Grec. Histoire Sommaire De Ses Origines et De Son Developpement Jusqu'au Ve Siecle Avant Jesus Christ
REGNARD (Edited By Edouard FOURNIER): Oeuvres
GRATWICK, R.T: Dampness in Buildings
WILLIAMSON, C.N. & A.M: A Soldier of the Legion
OLLMAN, Bertell: Alienation. Marx's Conception of Man in Capitalist Society
DONALDSON, Ken (Edited by): South African Who's Who Social and Business 1937. An Illustrated Biographical Sketch Book of South Africans and South African Business
SAITO, K. & WADA, S: Magic of Trees & Stones. Secrets of Japanese Gardening
RALFE, J: The Naval Chronology of Great Britain; or, An Historical account of Naval and Maritime Events, From the Commencement of the War in 1803, to the end of the Year 1816: Also Particulars of the most Important Courts-martial, Votes of Parliament, ..VOLUME III
WALKERDINE, W.E: Selected Poems
FABER, Frederick William: All for Jesus, or the Easy Ways of Divine Love
THORNTON, Ron: The River Tyne from Sea to Source
CORNELL, Fred C. (Introduction T COUZENS): The Glamour of Prospecting : Wanderings of a South African Prospector in Search of Copper, Gold, Emeralds and Diamonds
LABAND, J. & HASWELL, R. (Edited by): Pietermaritzburg 1838-1988. A New Portrait of an African City
REGIMENTAL JOURNAL: The Red Hackle. The Chronicle of the Black Watch, the Royal Highland Regiment and of the Black Watch Association. JULY 1937 - APRIL 1939 (lacking Oct 1938 and Jan.1939)
MUZZARELLI, Riccardo; JEUNIAUX, Charles; GOODAY, Graham W. (Edited by): Chitin in Nature and Technology
WILLIAMS, Basil: Record of the Cape Mounted Riflemen
PLAATJE, Sol T. (Edited John L. COMAROFF): The Boer War Diary of Sol T. Plaatje. An African at Mafeking
BEISER, Arthur: The Proper Yacht
LEE, Peter: Compromise and Courage. Anglicans in Johannesburg 1864-1999
BARKA, Ben: The Political Thought of Ben Barka
TUTTLE, Russell: The Functional and Evolutionary Biology of Primates
MICHAEL, Richard P. & CROOK, John H. (Edited by): Comparative Ecology and Behaviour of Primates
JOLLY, Alison: Lemur Behaviour. A Madagascar Field Study
JAY, Phyllis C. (Edited by): Primates. Studies in Adaptation and Variability
HILL, W.C. Osman: Evolutionary Biology of the Primates
RICHARD, Alison F: Primates in Nature
COHEN, Mark Nathan: The Food Crisis in Prehistory: Overpopulation and the origins of agriculture
ALEXANDER, Richard D: The Biology of Moral Systems
MAYR, Ernst: Populations, Species and Evolution (An Abridgment of Animal Species and Evolution)
MACKINTOSH, Liz: The Tale of a School. Uplands Preparatory School 1928-2003
PEARY, Robert E: The North Pole
DRACOPOLI, J.L: Sir Andries Stockenstrom 1792-1864: The Origins of the Racial Conflict in South Africa
MONTGOMERY-MOORE, Cecil (as Told to Peter KILDUFF): That's My Bloody Plane" The World War I Experiences of Major Cecil Montgomery-Moore
SPENCER, Brian: Pilgrim Souvenirs and Secular Badges (Medieval Finds from Excavations in London)
PADYA, B.M: Cyclones of the Mauritius Region
BURROWS, Edmund H: Overberg Origins. The English Speaking Swellendam Families
FISHER, Lawrence & LORIE, James H: A Half Century of Returns on Stocks and Bonds.. Rates of Return on Investmentsn Common Stocks and on U.S. Treasury Securities 1926-1976
MASEFIELD, John: John M. Synge: A Few Personal Recollections, with Biographical Notes
FABOZZI, Frank J: Fixed Income Mathematics
SMITHERS, Andrew & WRIGHT, Stephen: Valuing Wall Street. Protecting Wealth in Turbulent Markets
WOMACK, James P.; JONES, Daniel T.; ROOS, Daniel: The Machine That Changed the World
GARNER, Jonathan: The Rise of the Chinese Consumer. Theory and Evidence
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