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HAGGARD, H. Rider: Queen of the Dawn PARGETER, Edith: The Eighth Champion of Christendom HAMILTON, Patrick: The Slaves of Solitude
COMBRINCK, Jacobus Arnoldus: Die Geskiedenis Van Die Regiment President Steyn 1934 Tot 1976 BEARD, Peter: Longing for Darkness: Kamante's Tales from Out of Africa MAUGHAM, W. Somerset: Then and Now
KENWARD, James: The Story of the Poor Author SILVERMAN, Melinda; ARVANITAKIS, Dian; MANOIM, Irwin (Edited By)e: Frankfort / Namahadi. Urban Change in a Small African Town ZIEHR, Antje & Wilhelm: Roland Bugnon. Werke / Oeuvres / Works / Obras 1987-1990
BLACKWELL, Lewis & CARSON, David: David Carson: 2nd Sight Grafik Design After the End of Print ANDERSON, Irene: Rock Paintings and Petroglyphs of South and Central Africa 1959-1970. A Bibliography EDITORIAL COMMITTEE (HOME ECONOMICS): Home Economics Dictionary (Engl.-Afr.; Afr.-Eng.)
TERBLANCHE, H.J. And Others: Engels-Afrikaanse Tegniese Woordeboek. English-afrikaans Technical Dictionary FULOP-MILLER, Rene: The Mind and Face of Bolshevism. An Examination of Cultural Life in Soviet Russia HARMSEN, Frieda; SASH, Cecily; KOSSICK, Shirley, Edited By. ( Contributors Include Esmé Berman, Kathleen Adler, Clinton Harrop-Allin, Ingrid Winterbach, Judith Mason, Gordon Vorster): Art and Articles in Honour of Heather Martienssen, P[rofessor of Fine Arts at the University of the Witwatersrand, Presented to Her By Her Former Students and Colleagues Upon Her Retirement in November 1973
NATHAN, Manfred & THORNTON, Edward: The Public Health, Housing and Slums Acts of the Union of South Africa with Regulations and Commentary STEKEL, Wilhelm: The Homosexual Neurosis SETON-WATSON, Hugh: Neither War Nor Peace. The Struggle for Power in the Post-war World
MRAZ, Bohumir: Zdenek Hajny BUNING, Robert: Princess Magogo MOORE, Dermot & BAGSHAWE, Peter: South Africa's Flying Cheetahs in Korea
KROS, Jack: War in Italy. With the South Africans from Taranto to the Alps GEORGE, Mike: The Complete Guide to Metalworking REITSCH, Hannah: The Sky My Kingdom
GANZO, Robert: Hadju VAN OORDT, Gregorius.Augustus: Strijd En Hoop Tot Die Bittere Einde. Het Leven Van Herman Frederick Van Oordt (1862-1907) LE ROUX, T.H. & PIENAAR, P. De Villiers: Afrikaanse Fonetiek
MARKHAM, Beryl: The Splendid Outcast HAMANN, Hilton: Days of the Generals MILLS, Greg & WILLIAMS, David: Seven Battles That Shaped South Africa
BRAMAH LOCK COMPANY: Illustrated Catalogue of the Genuine Bramah Patent Locks Etc EEMAN, L.E: Co-Operative Healing. The Curative Properties of Human Radiations HART, Thomas: Rope Driving or the Transmission of Power By Ropes
CHAMPION BLOWER AND FORGE CO: General Catalog of "CHAMPION" Forges, Blowers, Tuyere Irons, Drills............. CATALOG NO. 62 PRITZKE, Herbert: Bedouin Doctor. The Adventures of a German in the Middle East BLAKESLEE, Albert Francis & JARVIS, Chester Deacon: Trees in Winter. Their Study, Planting, Care and Identification
FRIEDLANDER, Vera: Poor Me. The Diary of a Motor Car on a Journey from Durban to the Cape WALPOLE, Lois: Creative Basket Making LAUGHRIDGE, Pat: Let's Weave Color Into Baskets
SCHIFFER, Nancy: Baskets ROSSBACH, ED: The Nature of Basketry COVARRUBIAS, Miguel: Indian Art of Mexico and Central America
MERRIOTT, Jack: Drawing and Painting in Pastel RICHMOND, Leonard: From the Sketch to the Finished Picture. Water-Colour Painting GOODISON, J.W. & ROBERTSON, G.H: Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge Catalogue of Paintings; VOLUME II. Italian Schools
GOWING, Lawrence: Henri Matisse. 64 Paintings HOCKING, Charles: Dictionary of Disasters at Sea during the Age of Steam; including sailing ships of war lost in action 1824-1962, vol. II: M to Z NETTLETON, Anitra & HAMMOND-TOOKE, David (Edited by): Catalogue Standard Bank Foundation Collection of African Art (1979-1986)
FEATHER, Adrian M. (Compiled by): The Aston Martin. Competition Cars 1921 to 1967. A Collection of Contemporary Articles FEATHER, Adrian M. (Compiled by): The Aston Martin. a Collection of Contemporary Road Tests. 1921-1942 COGHLAN, Mark: Pro Patria. Another 50 Natal Carbineer Years 1945 to 1995
BRAMAH, Edward & Joan: Coffee Makers. 300 Years of Art and Design WARNER, Philip: The Secret Forces of World War II WHEAL, Elizabeth-anne & POPE, Stephen: The MacMillan Dictionary of the Second World War
FEATHERSTONE, Donald: Victorian Colonial Warfare from the Campaigns Against the Kaffirs to the South African War NUTTALL, Jolyon: A Literary Friendship. Alan Paton and Neville Nuttall ALEXANDER, Peter F: Alan Paton A Biography
LIVINGSTONE, Douglas: A Littoral Zone BRUTUS, Dennis: Letters to Martha & Other Poems from a South African Prison LEVESON, Marcia and PATON, Jonathan (Edited by): Voices of the Land. An Anthology of South African Poems
LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY: The Navy List for April 1914, Corrected to the 18th March 1914 RADFORD, Winifred: A Heritage of 20th Century British Song VOLUME 2 LOVELOCK, William: Free Counterpoint
DEARMER, Percy; VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, R.; SHAW, Martin: The Oxford Book of Carols BUCK, Percy C: Unfigured Harmony. A Short Treatise on Modulation, Harmonization of Melodies, Unfigured Basses, Inner Melodies, Canons and Ground Basses TOTEMEYER, Gerhard K.H.; WEHMHORNER, Arnold; WEILAND, Heribert (Edited by): Elections in Namibia
GRIEG, Edvard: Lyrische Stucke Fur Pianoforte Op. 68 BUTTON, H. Elliot (Collected by) (BACH, Johann Sebastian): Chorales Harmonized By Johann Sebastian Bach KNOBIL, Marcel: Images of the Carnival. The Official Lilt Notting Hill Carnival Book
BONNER, Philip; HOFMEYER, Isabel; JAMES, Deborah; LODGE, Tom (Edited by): Holding Their Ground. Class Locality and Culture in 19th and 20th Century South Africa PROGRAMME DURBAN: Laying of the Foundation Stone Durban's New Town Hall and Municipal Buildings By H.R.H. The Duke of Connaught and Strathearn February 27th 1906. Full Programme BRAUN, Dieter: The Indian Ocean. Region of Conflict or 'Zone of Peace'?
CHRISTIE, Sarah; HUTCHINGS, Geoffrey; MACLENNAN, Don: Perspectives on South African Fiction SCHIMPER, A.F.W: Plant Geography upon a Physiological Basis MYERS, Marybelle: Things Made By Inuit
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