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GIBRAN, Kahlil: A Tear and a Smile GIBRAN, Kahlil: Spirits Rebellious RILKE, Rainer Mari (Translated J B LEISHMAN & Stephen SPENDER): Duino Elegies. The German Text with English Translation, Introduction and Commentary
LOFTING, Hugh: The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle STUART, Dorothy Margaret: A Child's Day Through the Ages FARRAR, Frederic W: Eric or Little By Little
KNIGHT, E.F: Small Boat Sailing. An Explanation of the Management of Small Yachts, Half-Decked and Open Sailing Boats of Various Rigs; Sailing on Sea and River; Cruising Etc STRAUSS, Rita: The Parents' Book. A Book Which Answers Children's Questions INCHFAWN, Fay: Dreams on the Golden Road
INCHFAWN, Fay: Homely Verses of a Home Lover INCHFAWN, Fay: Verses from a Chimney Corner INCHFAWN, Fay: Homely Talks of a Homely Woman
INCHFAWN, Fay: The Day's Journey LUCIE-SMITH, Edward: Adam. The Male Figure in Art LEROI-GOURHAN, Andre (intro. by): Treasures of Prehistoric Art
FLOWER, Raymond & JONES, Michael, Wynn: Raffles Story of Singapore JACQUOT, Jean (Edited by): Les Fetes De La Renaissance VOLUME I TUTIN, J.R: A Concordance to Fitzgerald's Translation of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
GIAEVER, John: THE WHITE DESERT the official account of the Norwegian British Swedish Antartic expedition. With contributions by Gordon de Q.Robin, E.F.Roots, V.Schytt and B.Waltford and Foreword by J.M.Wordie. Translated from the Norwegian by E.M.Huggard TALCOTT, Dudley Vaill: North of North Cape. The Arctic Voyages of 'Norkap II' WILSON, Leonard G. (Edited by): Sir Charles Lyell's Scientific Journals on the Species Question
WILSON, Monica & THOMPSON, Leonard (Edited by): The Oxford history of South Africa: in two volumes; Volume I: South Africa to 1870 Volume II: South Africa 1870-1966 SANTAYANA, George: Egotism in German Philosophy MARAIS, Eugene N: The Soul of the White Ant, with a Biographical Note by his Son
PEERS, E. Allison: Catalonia Infelix NDWANDWE, Sishaye Simon: Profiles of Parliamentarians in the Kingdom of Swaziland. Who is Who in Parliament BERLINSKI, Allen: Purvis the Newcastle Conjuror
BOTHA, Louis: South African Party. Address By General Botha at the Fourth Annual Congress Held at Pretroia 1st, 2nd and 3rd October 1917 /Toespraak Van Genl. Botha Ter Gelegenheid Van Het Vierde Jaarliks Kongres STEYN, M.T. & BOTHA, Louis: Addresses Given By President M T Steyn and General Louis Botha at Bloemfontein on 21st November 1911 / Aanspraken .....te Bloemfontein Op 21ste November 1911 PRANCE, C.R: The Riddle of the Veld. Sketches of Life, Character and History of the Backveld of South Africa
PURKEY, Malcolm; STEIN, Pippa and Others: Sophiatown (Junction Avenue Theatre Company) GRIESHABER, H.A.P: Du trittst auf meine Träume. Wiesen-Malbriefe von HAP Grieshaber an Margarete Hannsmann GRIESHABER, H.A.P: Liebe Nani, liebe Ricca. Malbriefe und Holzschnitte von der Achalm.Mit einem Bericht von der Familie und Fotos von Ricca Achalm
GRIESHABER, H.A.P & BRAUN, V: Guevara oder Der Sonnenstaat. Mit elf Holzschnitten und fünf Malbriefen von HAP Grieshaber GRIESHABER, H.A.P: Totentanz von Basel. Mit den Dialogen des mittelalterlichen Wandbildes und einem Nachwort von Stephan Cosacchi GRIESHABER, H.A.P: Drucken Ist Ein Abenteuer
GRIESHABER, H.A.P: Jerg Ratgeblandsmann Martyrer SPIELMANN, Heinz: HAP Grieshaber MARLOTH, Rudolf: Dictionary of the Common Names of Plants, with List of Foreign Plants Ciltivated in the Open
MARAIS, Christine: Swakopmund : Our Heritage : Ons Erfenis : Unser Erbe RAPPOPORT, Angelo S: Myth and Legend of Ancient Israel MONCRIEFF, A.R. Hope: Classic Myth and Legend
MONCRIEFF, A.R. Hope: Romance & Legend of Chivalry SQUIRE, Charles: Celtic Myth & Legend Poetry & Romance KEMELMAN, Harry: The Nine Mile Walk
MALLOCH, Peter: The Big Steal JACOBSEN, Hermann: A Handbook of Succulent Plants: Descriptions, Synonyms and Cultural Details for Succulents Other than Cactaceae JEFFRIES, John Amory: Eye Paralyses
BREMONT, Anna Comtesse De: Oscar Wilde and His Mother (RECORD CATALOGUE HIS MASTERS VOICE): A Catalogue of Music By International Artists, Being a List of "His Masters Voice" Celebrity Records GARTH, Samuel: The Dispensary. A Poem
OWEN, W.F.W: Narrative of Voyages to Explore the Shores of Africa, Arabia and Madagascar Performed in H.M. Ships Leven and Barracouta MOFFAT, Douglas: Crickety Cricket DAVIS, J. Merle (SEGREGATION / APARTHEID MEMORABILIA): Modern Industry and the African. An Enquiry Into the Effect of the Copper Mines of Central Africa Upon Native Society and the Work of Christian Missions...
HISCOX, Gardner D. (Edited by): Mechanical Appliances. Mechanical Movements and Novelties of Construction. An Encyclopedia of Mechanical Movements and Mechanical Appliances, Including Many Novelties of Construction Used in the Practical Operation of the Arts, Manufactures and ........ BEST, Elsdon: The Maori as he Was. A Brief Account of Maori Life as it Was in Pre-European Days DAVIDS, Jennifer: Searching for Words
PRANCE, C.R: A Socialist Scrap-book. Side-lights on Capitalism, Socialism and Bolshevism MUTLOATSE, Mothobi (Edited by): Forced Landing. Africa South Contemporary Writings ORTIZ, Sutti Reissig: Uncertainties in Peasant Farming. A Columbian Case
VREEDE De-STUERS, Cora: The Indonesian Woman. Struggles and Achievements RAPPAPORT, Roy A: Pigs for the Ancestors. Ritual in the Ecology of a New Guinea People SISTER OF THE COMMUNITY (Compiled by): Mother Cecile in South Africa 1883-1906. Foundress of the Community of the Resurrection of Our Lord
TORII, Ryuzo: Ancient Japan in the Light of Anthropology PRICE, A. Grenfell: White Settlers and Native Peoples. An Historical Study of Racial Contacts Between English-Speaking Whites and Aboriginal Peoples in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand SCHMIDT, Wilhelm & GROTEWOLD, Christian: Rassen Und Volker in Vorgeschichte Und Geschichte Des Abendlandes. 1. Die Rassen Des Abendlandes. 2: Die Volker Des Abendlandes
VAN WYK, Braam & MALAN, Sasa: Field Guide to the Wild Flowers of the Witwatersrand and Pretoria Region CAMPBELL, Oscar James: Shakespeare's Satire MULLER, F. Ad: Anleitung Zur Bestellung Kunstlicher Augen
KEYSER, Peter D: Blepharoplastics HELPS, Stuart: British Imperialism KRUCKMANN, E. & KERN, Prof. Dr. Von: Uber Schiessbrillen. Berichte Erstattet am 26 Juli 1913 in Der Sitzung Des Wissenschaftlichen Senats Bei Der Kaiser Wilhelms-Akademie Fur Das Militarartzliche Bildungswesen
MICHEL, Julius: Das Verhalten Des Auges Bei Storungen Im Circulationsgebiete Der Carotis GALBRAITH, John Kenneth: A Theory of Price Control ELLIS, Havelock: Studies in the Psychology of Sex. 1. The Evolution of Modesty; 2. Sexual Inversion; 3. Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; 4. Sexual Selection in Men; 5. Erotic Symbolism; 6. Sex in Relation to Society; 7. Eonism
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