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McKenzie, K.G., & Jones. P.J. (editors), 1993: Ostracoda in the Earth and Life Sciences. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Ostracoda, Warnambool. Victoria, Australia, 8-12 July 1991
McLean, J.D., Jr., 1963: A study of the forms referred to Ceratobulimina eximia in America. [Printed in:] Reports from The McLean Paleontological Laboratory, No. 5
McVITTIE, G.C. (editor): Problems of extra-galactic research. I.A.U. Symposium No. 15, August 10-12, 1961
MEADOWS, A.J. (editor): Development of science publishing in Europe
Mearns, E.A., 1907: Mammals of the Mexican boundary of the United States. A descriptive catalogue [...] with a general summary of the natural history, and a list of trees. Part I. Families Didelphiidae to Muridae. [U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull., 56.]
MEDEMA, Geert: Achter de façade van de Hollandse stad. Het stedelijk bouwbedrijf in de achttiende eeuw
MEDINA, Cuauthémoc, & STELLWEG, Carla: Jan Hendrix
Medler, J.T., 2000: Flatidae of New Guinea and adjacent areas (Homoptera: Fulguroidea). [Bishop Mus, Bull. Ent., 8.]
MEDLICOTT, Henry Benedict (1829-1905): On the geological structure and relations of the Southern portion of the Himalayan Range between the rivers Ganges and Ravee. [Mem. Geol. Surv. India, Vol. III, Art. IV.]
Meer, D.H. van der, Medenbach de Rooy, H.C., Ellerbeek, S., & Ramaer, G.A: Proeven een waarnemingen omtrent de inenting der pokken aan schapen. Met een vergelijkend overzigt, hiertoe betrekkelijk, en eene voorrede, door Dr. A. Numan
MEERLOO, A.M: Homo militans. De psychologie van oorlog, ziekte en vrede in den mens
MEES, G.F., 1962: A preliminary revision of the Belonidae [Pisces]. [Zool. Verh., 54.]
Mees, G.F., 1964: A revision of the Australian owls (Strigidae and Tytonidae). [Zool. Verh., 65.]
Mees, G.F., 1982: Birds from the Lowlands of Southern New Guinea (Merauke and Koembe). [Zool. Verh., 191.]
Mees, G.F., 1986: A list of the birds recorded from Bangka Island, Indonesia. [Zool. Verh., 232.]
MEES, L.F.C: The Dressed Angel. (In Search of The Little Prince.)
Meester, J., Davis, D.H.S., & Coetzee, C.G., 1964: An interim classification of Southern African mammals
MEEUSEN, Taco: Stenen gezichten
Mehes, G., 1936: Die eozänen Ostracoden der Umgabung von Budapest
Mehta, S.M., 1925: Bauxite. (Gwalior Mineral Series, No. 18.)
MEIER, Ernst (1813-1866): Deutsche Kinder-Reime und Kinder-Spiele aus Schwaben. Aus dem Volksmund gesammelt und herausgegeben
MEIJER, Bert W: Rondom Rembrandt en Titiaan. Artistieke relaties tussen Amsterdam en Venetië in prent en tekening
MEIJER, Emile, & SWART, Joop (red.): Het fotografische geheugen. Twaalf kenners over persfotografie
MEIJER, J., & FERRARI, F: Suriname, volk en geschiedenis. Cultuur-historisch leesboek voor het MULO en de lagere klassen van A.M.S. en Kweekschool
Meijer, J.J. de, 1971: Carbonate petrology of algal limestones (Lois-Ciguera Formation, Upper Carboniferous , León, Spain)
MEIJERINK, Henk: Handboek boekbinden. Bind- en kartonneertechnieken
Meijler, F.L., 1989: Waarom een walvis? Verlag van de walvis-ECG expeditie van 8-18 febriari 1989 naar Baja California, Mexico-Sur
Mein, P., & Freudenthal, M., 1971-1981: Ler Cricetidae (Mammalia, Rodentia) du Néogène moyen de Vieux-Collonges. Partie 1 & 2. [Scripta Geol., 5 & 60.]
Meinert, F., 1861: Bidrag til de danske Myrers Naturhistorie
Meinert, Fr., 1901: Vandkalvelarverne (Larvae Dytiscidarum). [Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skrift., 6. R., 9(8).]
MEISCHKE, R: De gothische bouwtraditie. Studies over opdrachtgevers en bouwmeesters in de Nederlanden. Redactie G.W.C. van Zwezel
Meister, A., 1909: Geologische Beschreibung der Reise von Semipalatinsk nach Wernyi. [Mém. Comité Géol., N.S., 51.]
MEKENKAMP, Monique, TONGEREN, Hans van, & VEEN, Hans van de (editors): Searching for peace in Africa. An overview of conflict prevention and management activities
MELCHIOR, Juliaan (1848-1920): De Bokkerijders. [Derde druk.]
Meldola, R. & White, Wm: Report on the East Anglian earthquake of April 22nd, 1884. [Essex Field Club Special Memoir, Vol. I.]
Melendez C., R., Galvez H., O., & Cornejo C., A., 1993: Catalogo. Collecion de peces depositada en el Museo de Historia Natural de Chile. [Publ. Ocas. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat., 47.]
Melentis, J.K., 1966: Studien über fossile Vertebraten Griechenlands. 10-18
Melichar, L., 1898: Monographie der Ricaniiden (Homoptera)
Melik, J.C., 1966: Hingement and contact margin structure of paleocopid ostracodes from some Middle Devonian formations of Michigan, Southwestern Ontario, and Western New York
MELLO MORAES, João de, & PINHEIRO, Sinval: 1a. Expedicão Científica à Serra de Paranapicaba e Alto Ribeira
MELO CARVALHO, José Candido de: Notas de viagem ao Javari-Itacoaí-Juruà. [Publ. Avuls. Mus. Nac., 13.]
MELO CARVALHO, José Cândido de: Notas de viagem ao rio Paru de Leste. [Publ. Av. Mus. Nac., 14.]
MELO, Mario: Os Carnijo's de Aguas Bellas
Melzer, J., 1927: Longicorneos do Brasil, novos ou pouco conhecidos
Melzi, G., 1893: Ricerche geologiche e petrografiche sulla valle del Masino. Extratto dal Giornale di Mineralogia [...] Vol. IV, Fasc. 2
Menchikoff, N., 1930: Recherches géologiques et morphologiques dans le Nord du Sahara occidental. Extrait de la Revue Géographie physique et de Géologie dynamique, volume III, fascicule 2
Mendelsohn, E., Shapere, D., & Allen, G.E. (editors), 1969: Conference on explanation in biology: historical philosophical, and scientific aspects
MENDELSSOHN, Moses (1729-1786): Moses Mendelssohns Morgenstunden oder Vorlesungen über das Dasein Gottes. Erster Theil. Veränderte Auflage
MENDES PINTO, Fernao: Pelgimsreis. Vertaald door Arie Pos
Mendes, J.C., 1952: A formação Corumbataï na região do rio Corumbataï. (Estratigrafia e descripcão dos lamelibranquios.) [Bol. Geol. Fac. Filos. Cienc. Letr. Univ. São Paulo, 145.]
Mendes, J.C., 1959: Chonetacea e Productacea Carboníferos da Amazônia. [Bol. Geol. Univ. Sao Paulo, 17.]
Mendez Olivo, C., 1966: Notas sobre Macrocheles de México (Acari: Macrochelidae)
Menke, B., 1976: Pliozäne und ältestquartäre Sporen- und Pollenflora von Schleswig-Holstein. [Geol. Jahrb., Reihe A, 32.]
Menning, M. (et al.), 2000: Karbon: Zeitskala und Sequenzstratigraphie. [Geol. Jahrb., Reihe A, 156.]
Menon, A.G.K., 1964: Monograph of the Cyprinid fishes of the genus Garra Hamilton
MENSONIDES, H.M: Grafschriften en andere genealogische en heraldieke merkwaardigheden in en om de kerken tossen Flie en Lauwers. III. Leeuwarden (eerste aflevering)
MENZIES, R.J., & GLYNN, P.W., 1968: The common marine isopod crustacea of Puerto Rico. A handbook for marine biologists. [Stud. Fauna Curaçao Carib. Isl., 104.]
MERCIER, André: Metaphysik, eine Wissenschaft sui generis. [Erfahrung und Denken. Schriften zur Förderung der Beziehungen zwischen Philosophie und Einzelwissenschaften. Band 61.]
MEREDITH, Hubert A: De dans om het Gouden Kalf. Speculatie-, beurs- en crisisdrama's. In het Nederlandsch vertaald en voorzien van een aanhangsel betreffende het speculatieve leven in Nederland door Mr. Paul Catz
Meregalli, M., 1987: Revisione delle specie iberiche del genere Digotrachelus Stierlin, 1853 (Coleoptera Curculionidae)
Merisuo, K.A., 1938: Itinerarien und Landschaftsprofile J.G. Granös aus Uranchai (Tannu-Tuwa) und der Nordmongolei. Mit Vorwort und einleitendem Text von J.G. Granö sowie ein Verzeichnis der Gesteinsproben von Pentti Eskola. [Acta Geogr., 6.]
Merla, G., 1952: Geologia dell'Appennino settentrionale. Estratto dal Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana. [Pubbl. Centro Studi Geol. Appenn., 14.]
Merriam, C.H., 1890: Results of a biological survey of the San Francisco mountain region and desert of the Little Colorado, Arizona. [North Amer. Fauna, 3.]
Merriam, C.H., 1893: Notes on the distribution of trees and shrubs in the deserts and desert ranges of Southern California, Southern Nevada, Northwestern Arizona, and Southwestern Utah. (From North American Fauna, No. 7.)
Merriam, C.H., 1895: Monographic revision of the pocket gophers, family Geomyidae (exclusive of the species of Thomomys). [North American Fauna, 8.]
Merriam, C.H., 1899: Results of a biological survey of Mount Shasta, California. [North American Fauna, No.16.]
Merrill, G.P., 1969: The first hundred years of American geology. (Facsimile of the edition of 1924.)
Merrill, G.P., editor, 1907: Catalogue of the type and figured specimens of fossils, minerals, rocks, and ores in the Department of Geology, United States National Museum, Part II. Fossil vertebrates; fossil plants; minerals, rocks, and ores
MERRILL, George P: Contributions to the history of American State geological and natural history surveys. [U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull., 109.]
MERTENS, F.J.H., e.a: 150 jaar toezicht Verkeer en Waterstaat. Rampen, wetten en inspectiediensten
Mesa Bernal, D., 1957: Historia natural del maiz
MESTROM, P.Th.R: Uurwerken en uurwerkmakers in Limburg 1367-1850. [Maasl. Monogr., 60.]
Metcalf, M.M., 1918: The Salpidae: a taxonomic study. [U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull., 100(2).]
Metcalf, Z.P., 1962: General catalogue of the Homoptera. Fascicle VI, Cicadellidae, part 3, Gyponidae
METTENIUS, Georg Heinrich (1823-1866): Beiträge zur Botanik. Heft I
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