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WEICK, Fred E. & HANSEN, James R: From the Ground Up. The Autobiography of an Aeronautical Engineer NESBIT, Roy Conyers: Torpedo Airmen. Missions with Bristol Beauforts 1940 - 42 HARPER, Harry: Twenty Five Years Flying. Impressions, Recollections and Descriptions
ALLEN, Richard Sanders: The Northrop Story 1929 - 1939 MASON, Francis K: The Hawker Typhoon and Tempest TAGG, A.E. & WHEELER, R.L: From Sea to Air. The Legacy of Sam Saunders
SAUNDERS, Andy (Collected by): RAF Tangmere in Old Photographs NAHUM, Andrew: The Rotary Aero Engine PEARCY, Arthur: Dakota at War
VASCO, John J. & CORNWELL, Peter D: Zerstorer. The Messerschmitt 110 and Its Units in 1940 LEWIS, Ralph & GARDNER, Keith S: Sir William Russell Flint SMITH, Anna (Compiled by): Treasures of the Africana Museum
HACKFORTH-JONES, Gilbert: Sweethearts and Wives HACKFORTH-JONES, Gilbert: The Questing Hounds HACKFORTH-JONES, Gilbert: The Stern Chase
MILLAR, William: Plastering Plain and Decorative. A Practical Treatise on the Art and Craft of Plastering and Modelling WOODROFFE, John (pseud Arthur AVALON): The Serpent Power Being the Sat-Cakra-Nirupana and Paduka-Pancaka : Two Works on Laya-Yoga, Translated from the Sanskrit, with Introduction and Commentary STANG, Ragna Thiis: The Art of Gustav Vigeland in 48 Pictures
CARRUTHERS, Jane: Melton Prior. War Artist in Southern Africa 1895 to 1900 CLARKE, Sonia: 'Vanity Fair' in Southern Africa, 1869 - 1914 VINEY, Graham & SIMONS, Phillida Brooke: The Cape of Good Hope 1806 to 1872. Aspects of the Life and Times of British Society in and Around Cape Town
MITCHELL, Diana: African Nationalist Leaders in Zimabwe Who's Who 1980 RASMUSSEN, R. Kent & RUBERT, Steven C: Historical Dictionary of Zimbabwe RANSFORD, Oliver: The Rulers of Rhodesia
HARDINGE, George (Edited by) (Contribs. Include Edmund CRISPIN; Joan FLEMING; Michael GILBERT; Ellis PETERS; JUlian SYMONS): Winter's Crimes I SMITH, John Thomas: The Cries of London, Exhibiting Several of the Itine4rant Traders of Antient and Modern Times, Copied from Rare Engravings or Drawn from the Life POLLNITZ, Baron De: Lettres et mémoires, contenant les observations qu'il a faites dans ses voyages, et le caractère des personnes qui composent les principales cours de l'Europe. VOLS 1-3 (?of 5)
CARRUTHERS GOULD, F.C: Froissart's Modern Chronicles BROWN, John Crombie (Compiled by): Water Supply of South Africa and the Facilities for the Storage of it ENGELENBURG, F.V: Belangrijke Samenspraak. Brieven, Opstellen, Rijmpies Enx. In Verband Met De Presidents-Elektie
TOUSSAINT VAN BOELAERE, F.V: De Doode Die Zich Nhiet Verhing HILLIER, Alfred P: Raid and Reform, By a Pretoria Prisoner WATSON, Patrick Campbell MacDougall: I Remember it Well
BARBOUR, Michael G; BURK, Jack H.; PITTS, Wanna D: Terrestrial Plant Ecology WILKINS, Hubert & SHERMAN, Harold M: Thoughts Through Space. A Remarkable Adventure in the Realm of Mind PRICE, Alfred: Aircraft Versus Submarine. The Evolution of the Anti-Submarine Aircraft 1912 to 1972
MACMILLAN, Norman (Edited by): The Art of Flying LOVETT, Richard: United States Pictures Drawn with Pen and Pencil FLEMING, Ian: Rus Eers James Bond (Thunderball)
SOTHERN, J.W.M: Notes and Sketches on Marine Diesel Oil Engines. A Manual of Marine Oil Engine Practice COMMITTEE FOR PUBLICATION IN HONOR OF THE RETIREMENT OF PROFESSOR K. INOKUCHI: My Life in Surgical Science in Memory of the Retirement of Prof. Kiyoshi Inokuchi BARCLAY, Alfred E: The Digestive Tract. A Radiological Study of Its Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology
DOSS, Manfred (Edited by): Porphyrins in Human Diseases. First International Porphyrin Meeting Freiburg I Br. 1975 WILSON, John R. (Edited by): Plant Relations in Pastures BENSON, G.K. & PHILLIPS, J.G: Hormones and the Environment (Memoirs of the Society for Endocrinology #18)
NYE, J.F: Physical Properties of Crystals: Their Representation By Tensors and Matrices O'BRIEN, Charles P. & JAFFE, Jerome H. (Edited by): Addictive States MOYNAC, Leon: Elements De Pathologie et De Clinique Chirurgicales
OPPENHEIM, H: Lehrbuch De Nervenkrankheiten Fur Artzte Und Studirende POLITZER, Adam: Lehrbuch Der Ohrenheilkunde Fur Praktische Artzte Und Studirende GELFAND, Michael: A Service to the Sick. A History of the Health Services for Africans in Southern Rhodesia (1890-1953)
KOLLNER, Hans: Die Storungen Des Farbensinnes. Ihre Klinische Bedeutung Und Ihre Diagnose HAJEK, M.`: Pathologie Und Therapie Der Entzundlichen Erkrankungen Der Nebenhohlen Der Nase NKETIA, J.H. Kwabena & DJEDJE, Jacqueline Cogdell (Editors): The Music of Africa
FITZPATRICK, J. Percy (Introduction Peter RANDALL): The Outspan Hadfield, John (Edited by): The Saturday Book 34 VIVIAN, R. Gwinn; DODGEN, Dulce N.; HARTMANN, Gayle H: Wooden Ritual Artifacts from Chaco Canyon New Mexico. The Chetro Ketl Collection
ALPERS, Antony: Katherine Mansfield. A Biography VINCENT, S.F: Flying Fever LAYMAN, Taylor (and Many others): Machining Difficult Alloys. A Compendium on the MacHining of High-Strength Steels and Heat-Resistant Alloys
PALAY, M: Metal-Cutting Tool Production QUINTON, J.C. & ROBINSON, A.M. Lewin (Edited by): Francois Le Vaillant: Traveller in South Africa and his collection of 165 water-colour paintings 1781-1784 BONDI, Inge: George Rodger
PRESSLY, G.N. (Edited by): Parish Church of St. Mary the Virgin. Barkly West C.P. Centenary 1971-72 O'SULLIVAN, Vincent (Edited by): Katherine Mansfield's New Zealand SONNTAG, Christoph: My Friend Maleboch. Chief of the Blue Mountains
ROSS, J.J: Die Sending Te Witzieshoek. Paulus Mopeli En Andere Sake Rakende Die Sending Aldaar NEL, O.L: Agter Die Doringdraad in Koffiefontein BEETHOVEN, Ludwig Von (Edited By Harold CRAXTON; Commentaries and Notes By Donald TOVEY): Sonatas for Pianoforte. Associated Board Edition Vols 1/2/3
HANDEL, Georg Friedrich (Edited By Fritz VOLBACH): The Messiah. Oratorio DELPORT, Adriaan Bernardus: Die Koranna Oorlog in Wes-Transvaal 1885 PEEL, Heather L: Sobantu Village. An Administrative History of a Pietermaritburg Township 1924-1959
GEORGIADIS, Evgenia: Nicholas Georgiadis HOW, James: Epistolary Spaces. English Letter Writing from the Foundation of the Post Office to Richardson's 'Clarissa' HERDAN, Innes & Gustav (Translated from the German, and with an Introdustion by): Lichtenberg's Commentaries on Hogarth's Engravings
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