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UYS, C.J. (Edited by) (JENKINS, Thomas): In the Era of Shepstone: being a study of British expansion in South Africa
SHAIN, Milton: The Jewish Population and Politics in the Cape Colony 1898 - 1910
SEXTON, Anne: The Complete Poems
O'HARA, Frank (Edited By Donald Allen): The Collected Poems
HORN, Peter: Voices from the Gallows Tree
MACKENZIE, Compton: Eastern Epic Volume 1 (ALL PUBLISHED): September 1939 - March 1943. Defence
BLIXEN, Karen: The Illustrated Out of Africa
HALLAM, T.D: The Spider Web. The Romance of a Flying-boat Flight in the First World War
BATTEN, A.G.M: The Postmarks of the Orange Free State and the Orange River Colony 1868 - 1910
ROBERTSON, R.B: Of Whales and Men
PERRINE, F.A.C: Conductors for Electrical Distribution. Their Materials and Manufacture
MEYER, Henry C: Steam Power Plants. Their Design and Construction
WEINRICH, A.K.H: Mucheke: Race, Status and Politics in a Rhodesian Community
MANNING, Samuel & GREEN, S.G: English Pictures Drawn with Pen and Pencil
POSTMA, Annabi: Governor or Robber Baron? The Story Vergelen and Willem Adriaan Van Der Stel
CANNENBERG, W. (Edited by): Beschrijvende catalogus der scheepsmodellen en scheepsbouwkundige teekeningen 1600-1900 [Scheepvaart Museum Amsterdam]
LIN, T.Y: Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures
HIBBERT, Christopher: No Ordinary Place. Radley College and the Publoic School System 1847 - 1997
GALE, Stanley: Modern Housing Estates
HILLER, Edward: Working of Steam Boilers, Being Instructions Respecting the Working, Treatment and Attendance of Steam Boilers
COMMELIN, I. (Edited by) (HARMANSEN, Wolfhart): Journael/ ofte dach-register vande voyagie/ ghedaen. onder het beleydt van den admirael Wolfhart Harmansen. Naer de Oost-Indien
ZAHAR, Marcel: Jansem
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GARDINER, Margaret: Footprints on Malekula. A Memoir of Bernard Deacon
HUREWITZ, J.C. (Translated, Compiled & Edited by): The Middle East and North Africa in World Politics. A Documentary Record. VOL. 1: European Expansion 1535-1914; VOL.2: British -French Supremacy 1914-1945
KIRBY, P.R: The True Story of the Grosvenor East Indiaman Wrecked on the Coast of Pondoland South Africa on 4 August 1782
REES, J.R. (Edited by): The Case of Rudolf Hess. A Problem in Diagnosis and Forensic Psychiatry
COLBY, Averil: Samplers
RUSSELL, John: Seurat
ROHMER, Sax: Brood of the Witch-Queen
CHANCE, John Newton: Maiden Possessed
THOMAS, Wolfgang (Edited y): Labour Perspectives on South Africa
GOLDING, John: Leger and Purist Paris
BUENZOD, Janine: La Formation De La Pensee De Gobineau et L'essai Sur L'inegalite Des Races Humaines
MIKAMI, Tsugami: The Art of Japanese Ceramics
RUIZ, Arturo Zarate: Gracian, Wit and the Baroque Age
WADDELL, Helen (Edited Felicitas CORRIGAN): Songs of Teh Wandering Scholars
GUEST, Charlotte (Translated by) (NORRIS, Leslie (Edited and Introduced by): The Mabinogion
WALTON, Isaac & COTTON, Charles: The Compleat Angler or the Contemplative Man's Recreation
DU TOIT, S.J: Tussen Die Dae: Gedigte
MORRIS, Michael: Lament: A Selection of the War Poetry
DE HEREDIA, Jose-Maria (Translations and Introduction By Brian HILL): The Trophies: Fifty Sonnets
BELKLERBY, Frances: The First-Known and Other Poems
VAIL, Leroy & WHITE, Landeg: Capitalism and Colonialism in Mozambique: A Study of Quelimane District
LAURENCE, Patrick: The Transkei. South Africa's Politics of Partition
FERREIRA, Eduardo De Sousa: Portuguese Colonialism from South Africa to Europe
HOLT, P.M: A Modern History of the Sudan from the Funj Sultanate to the Present Day
WATKIN, H., (Enlarged By PRAGNELL, T.W. ): A Short History of the IV Queen's Own Hussars
JOOSTE, Gerhardt: Diensherinneringe
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NELLES, Kajo: James. Leben, Werk Und Visionen Des Tanzers James Saunders
DE WET, C.W. Intro by): Marquard Sy Wording En Ontwikkeling 1905-1930
DE LARA, Adelina: Finale
HANCE, William A. (Edited by); KUPER, Leo; McKAY, Vernon; MUNGER, Edwin S: Southern Africa and the United States
CONQUEST, Robert: Courage of Genius. The Pasternak Affair
CARTER, Hodding: Southern Legacy
CARTER, Hodding: The Ballad of Catfoot Jones and Other Verses
PEGG, Brian F. & STAGG, William D: Plastering. A Craftsman's Encyclopeadia
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WATSON, Ernest W. & KENT, Norman: Watercolor Demonstrated
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SETON, Hilary: The Stonemason's Boy
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HUTTON, Ray Ed: The Z-Series Datsuns
WRIGHT, Gordon: Jaguar / Daimler XJ6 Restoration
LUCIE-SMITH, Edward: Art in the Seventies
KYLE, Frank: Chrysanthemums. A Complete Guide to Their Culture
THOMAS, Gordon & MORGAN-WITTS, Max: The Strange Fate of the Morro Castle
GREENE, Brian: The Elegant Universe. Sperstrings, Hidden Duimensions and the Quest for Ultimate Theory
LEE, R.W: The Elements of Roman Law, with a Translation of the Institutes of Justinian
BEERBOHM, Max: Rossetti and His Circle
HJERTER, Kathleen G. (Foreword By John UPDIKE): Doubly Gifted: The Author as Visual Artist
NORMAN, Geraldine: Biedermeier Painting
WILKINS, Harold T: Secret Cities of South America. Atlantis Unveiled
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