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WEST, Oliver: The Vegetation of Weenen County Natal
LOUW, W.J: An Ecological Account of the Vegetation of the Potchefstroom Area
DYER, R.A: The Vegetation of Divisions of Albany and Bathurst
MUIR, John: The Seed-Drift of South Africa and Some Influences of Ocean Currents on the Strand Vegetation
STORY, R: A Botanical Survey of the Keiskammahoek District
GALPIN, Ernest E: The Native Timber Trees of the Springbok Flats
DOIDGE, E.M. & BOTTOMLEY, A.M. (Compiled by): A Revised List of Plant Diseases in South Africa
MOSTERT, J.W.C: Studies of the Vegetation of Parts of the Bloemfontein and Brandfort Districts
FOURCADE, H.G: Check-list of the Flowering Plants of Divisions of George, Knysna, Humansdorp and Uniondale
PENTZ, J.A: Die Waarde Van 'n Plantkundige Opname (en) Die Karteer Van Plantegroei Soos Van Toepassing Op Boerderystelsels in Suid-Afrika
BEWS, J.W. & AITKEN, R.D: Researches on the Vegetation of Natal Series I (AND) Series II
SCHONLAND, S: Phanerogamic Flora of the Divisions of Uitenhage and Port Elizabeth
SANDOW, Eugen: Curative Physical Culture
VAN DYK, J.H: The Paardekraal Monument 1890-1936
DE PROROCK, Byron Khun: Digging for Lost African Gods. The Record of Five Years Archaeological Excavation in North Africa
FROMAN, Simon: This and That. A Collection of Short Stories
MTSAKA, Makwedini Julius: Not His Pride: A Play
NIENABER, G.S: Taalkundige Belangstelling in Afrikaans Tot 1900
SOWDEN, Dora (and others): The South African Jewish Board Ofdeputies. The Story of Fifty Years 1903-1953
JONKER, Abr.H: Israel. Die Sondebok
WAVKS, David (Edited by): The First 80 Years of Hebrew Order of David
KRUGER, B.J: The Beginnings of the Moravian Church
HOUGHLAND, Mason: Gone Away
BERESFORD, Marcus: A Sporting Alphabet of South African Animals
GORDIMER, Nadine (EDited Jonathan Paton: Apartheid and Censorship (in "The Grey Ones: Essays on Censorship")
BROUGHTON, Leslie Nathan (Edited by): Some Letters of the Wordsworth Family, Now First Published, with a Few Unpublished Letters of Coleridge and Southey and Others
HASKINS, Sam: Cowboy Kate and Other Stories
BARKER, Elizabeth: British Policy in South-east Europe in the Second World War
HARRIS, R. Baine (edited by): Authority: A Philosophical Analysis
BOLOGH, Roslyn Wallach: Dialectical Phenomenology: Marx's Method
KORTIAN, Garbis: Metacritique: The Philosophical Argument of Jurgen Habermas
RORTY, Richard: Essays on Heidegger and Others. Philosophicalm Papers Vol.2
WUTHNOW, Robert; HUNTER, James Davison; BERGESEN, Albert; KURZWEIL, Edith: Cultural Analysis: The Work of Peter L.Berger, Mary Douglas, Michael Foucault and Jurgen Habermas
RUSEN, Jorn: Studies in Metahistory
GRIFFIN, Margaret: Tiquimani
BULLOCK, Chris & PECK, DEavid: Guide to Marxist Literary Criticism
NORTON, Richard and Martin: A History of Gold Snuff Boxes
HENRY, Desmond Paul: The Logic of Saint Anselm
MESZAROS, Istvan: The Work of Sartre; VOLUME 1: Search for Freedom
SHEWRING, Walter (edited by): Letters of Eric Gill
BONNER, P. (Edited by): Working Papers in Southern African Studies. VOLUME 2
SEVE, Lucien: Man in Marxist Theory and the Psychology of Personality
OLAFSON, Frederick A: The Dialectic of Action. A Philosophical Interpretation of History and the Humanities
CAWS, Mary Ann: A Metapoetics of the Passage. Architextures in Surrealism and After
COLISH, Marcia L: The Mirror of Language. A Study in the Medieval Theory of Knowledge
BUTLER, A.S.G: Portrait of Josephine Butler
GORDON, John F: The Staffordshire Bull Terrier Owner's Encyclopaedia
HEMINGWAY, Ernest (sleeve Notes By A E HOTCHNER): Ernest Hemingway Reading: The Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech; Second Poem to Mary; in Harry's Bar at Venice; the Fifth Column; Work in Progress; Saturday Night at the Whorehouse in Billings Montana
SULLIVAN, John (Editor): Carmelite Studies: Spiritual Direction
SULLIVAN, John (Editor): Carmelite Studies: Contemporary Psychology and Carmel
KOTZE, J.J. & HUBBARD, C.S: The Growth of Eucalypts on the High Veld & South Eastern Mountain Veld of the Transvaal
THORLEY, Nigel: Jaguar XJ: The Complete Companion
VAN ROOYEN, Piet: Diving and Spearfishing in South Africa
HAY, Ian: The Battle of Flanders (The Army at War)
DELDERFIELD, R.F. / HAY, Ian / GIELGUD, Val;: Embassy Successes III: Peace Comes to Peckham / Let My People go / Away from it All
TROYAT, Henri & KISLING, Jean: Tolstoi
MOSCHL, Wilhelm: Cerastium Semidecandrum Linne Sensu Latiore (Memorias Da Sociedade Broteriana Vol.V)
RODRIGUES, J.E. De Mesquita: Contribuicao Para o Conhecimnto Das Phaeophyceae Da Costa Portuguesa (Memorias Da Sociedade Broteriana Volume XVI)
WERTH, A.J: Sculpture By Edoardo Villa 1960 to 1970 at the Art Museum Pretoria July August, and in Joubert Park Johannesburg September October
GREIG, Desmond (Edited by): Artlook #6 April 1967
GREIG, Desmond (Edited by): Artlook #7 May 1967
GREIG, Desmond (Edited by): Artlook #9 August 1967
GREIG, Desmond (Edited by): Artlook #11 October 1967
GREIG, Desmond (Edited by): Artlook #12 November 1967
LONDON, Jack: Poppy Cargo (in "Physical Culture" July 1931 (VOL. LXVI No.1)
McGILVARY, Margaret: The Dawn of a New Era in Syria
IONS, Edmund: James Bryce and American Democracy
YAMAGUCHI, Gogen: Karate. Goju-ryu By the Cat
MEIRING, J.G. (and others): Ds. P.G.J. Meiring En Sy Mense
PIPER, William Bowman: The Heroic Couplet
EVANS, David S.; DEEMING, T.J.; EVANS, Betty H.; GOLDFARB, S: Herschel at the Cape. Diaries and Correspondence 1834 - 1838. Cape Social & Cultural Life
CHURCHOUSE, Gabrielle: The Reverend Francis McLelland. Colonial Chaplain to Port Elizabeth 1825 - 1853. A Family History
VERNON, Ken: Ascent & Dissent. The S A Everest Expedition the Inside Story
IRWIN, Robert (Edited By Lawrence WECHSLER): Being and Circumstance. Notes Toward a Conditional Art
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