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DU PLESSIS, L.J.; DIEDERICHS, N.; LOMBARD, I.M.; VAN HEERDEN, W.; SCHWELLNUS, O.; MEYER, P.J. (Edited by): 'N Halfeeu Afrikaner Prestasie 1900 - 1950
MILNER, W.M.H: The Royal House of Britain An Enduring Dynasty
FORREST, W.G: A History of Sparta 950-192 B.C
HONIG, Fritz: Worterbuch Der Kolner Mundart
CONWAY, R.S. (and others): On the Terminology of Grammar, Being the Report of the Joint Committee on Grammatical Terminology. Revised 1911
SCHOLTZ, J. Du P: Nederlandse Invloed Op Die Afrikaanse Woordeskat
KLUYVER, A: Proeve Eener Critiek Op Het Woordenboek Van Kiliaan
THIAM, Doudou: The Foreign Policy of African States. Ideological Bases. Prsent Realities. Future Prospects
VAN NIEKERK, Lydia: De Eerste Afrikaanse Taalbeweging En Letterkundige Voortbrenselen
DE PECIS, M: Observations Sur La Campagne De Jules Cesar En Espagne Contre Les Lieutenants De Pompee, Et Sur l'Histoire Detaillee Que M. Guischard En a Faite
LE SAGE (Translated Tobias SMOLLETT): The Adventures of Gil Blas De Santillane
THOMSON, A.G. (Compiled and Edited by): The Years of Crisis. .......a Record of the Work of the Metal Industries During the War Years 1939-1944
SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley: The School for Scandal and The Rivals
CONNOLLY, Bob: Victory Warcartoonews. Selection of R.D.M. Cartoons
CONNOLLY, Bob: War Cartoonews. Fifth Selection of War Cartoons
SPICER, N.H.D. (Edited by): NADA. The Southern Rhodesian Native Affairs Department Annual No.15 1938
SPICER, N.H.D. (Edited by): NADA. The Southern Rhodesian Native Affairs Department Annual No.28 1951
FARQUHAR, J.H. (Edited by): NADA. The Southern Rhodesian Native Affairs Department Annual No.36 1959
MOLLO, John & McGREGOR, Malcolm: Uniforms of the American Revolution
MEURANT, Louis Henri: Zamenspraak Tusschen Klaas Waarzegger En Jan Twyfelaar Over Het Onderwerp Van Afscheiding Tusschen De Oostelyke En Westelyke Provincie
PARTRIDGE, Eric: A Dictionary of R.A.F. Slang
CLOETE, Fanie; SCHLEMMER, Lawrence; VAN VUUREN, Daan (Edited by): Policy Options for a New South Africa
NICHOLSON, John & HAMILTON, Maurice: Pole Position. The Inside Story of Williams-Renault
ERICHS, Rolf; HAMMERICH, Kai; RAPP, Gudmund; THORNQVIST, Hans; WISSMARK, Eva (Edited by): The Saab Scania Story
LYELL, Charles: The Geological Evidence of the Antiquity of Man
(TRANSVAAL GOVERNMENT): Circulars Issued from the Office of the Colonial Secretary During the Year 1902
FREEMAN, J J: A Tour in South Africa with Notices of Natal, Mauritius, Madagascar, Ceylon, Egypt and Palestine
SMITH, Joanna: Edwardian Children
JEFFERSON, T.B. & WOODS, Gorham: Metals and How to Weld Them
HOWELL, Clare (Edited by) (WOODFORDE, James): A Country Parson. James Woodforde's Diary 1759-1802
LANGWORTH, Richard M: Illustrated Cadillac Buyer's Guide. All the Postwar Models
RUSHDOONY, Rousas John: The Institutes of Biblical Law
SHAND, S. James: Eruptive Rocks. Their Genesis, Composition, Classification and Their Relation to Ore Deposits with a Chapter on Meteorites
PURSER, Stuart: The Drawing Handbook
ROUKES, Nicholas: Acrylics Bold and New
PORTER, Tom & GREENSTREET, Bob: Manual of Graphic Techniques for Architects, Graphic Designers and Artists
KEMNITZER, Ronald B: Rendering with Markers
MAURELLO, S. Ralph: The Complete Airbrush Book
SMITH, Stan & TEN HOLT, H.F. (Consultant editors): The Artist's Manual. Equipment, Materials, Techniques
BOCKUS, William: Advertising Graphics
LAUGHTON, Roy: TV Graphics
HINWOOD, Tony: Advertising Art
NEUBAUER, Robert G: Packaging in Contemporary Media
BLAVATSKY, H.P: The Secret Doctrine. The Synthesis of Sciece, Religion and Philosophy
ADDIS, B.J. (Edited by): Fulton's Concrete Technology
BUCKLEY, Martin & MANN, James: Jaguar XJ-Series
ClARKE, R.M. (Compiled by): Jaguar XJ6 & XJ12 Series III 1979-1985
WHERRETT, Duncan: Jaguar XJ-S
WHERRETT, Duncan: Jaguar MkII
WOOD, Jonathan: Jaguar the Legend
PERKINS, Shaun: The Mini Manual
(KENSINGTON GOLF CLUB): Constitution and Rules and Regulations of the Kensington Golf Club
(KENSINGTON GOLF CLUB): The Rules of the Kensington Golf Club
ANON: Locomotive Engineer's Pocket Book and Diary 1924
IRVING, Washington: The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus (Abridged By the author) (AND) Voyages and Discoveries of the Companions of Columbus
KELVIN, Martin: The Scottish Pistol. Its History, Manufacture and Design
CASATI, Cesare M. (Edited by): Richard Rogers (l'Arca Plus #18)
MOFOKENG, S.M: Senkatana (Southern Sotho Play)
WALTON, Izaak & COTTON, Charles: The Complete Angler, Extensively Embellished with Engravings on Copper and Which is Added, an Introductory Essay: The Linnaean Arrangement of the Various River Fish Delineated in the Work..
OFFENHARTZ, Harvey: Point-Of-purchase Design
BLAKE, John & Avril: The Practical Idealists: Twenty-five Years of Designing for Industry
BERGMAN, Ingrid & BURGESS, Anthony: Ingrid Bergman My Story
JOCHMANN, Werner: Gesellschaftskrise Und Judenfeindschaft in Deutschland 1870-1945
MORICE, Bernard: Le Palais Du Luxembourg et Ses Metamorphoses
WINDSOR, Duchess of: The Heart Has Its Reasons
SMITH, Anna H. (Edited by): Cape Views and Costumes. Water-colours By H.C. De Meillon
MAZARS, Pierre (introduction by): Jansem
MILTON, John (Commentary By William COWPER): Latin and Italian Poems of Milton Translated Into English Verse, and a Fragment of a Commentary on Paradise Lost By the Late William Cowper
BRAND, John & ELLIS, Henry: Observations on Popular Antiquities Chiefly Illustrating the Origin of Our Vulgar Customs, Ceremonies and Superstitions
LOHANN, Carl (Edited by): Freda Linde. Saamgestel Deur Die Instituut Vir Navorsing in Kinder En Jeuglektuur Van Die Potchefstroomse Universiteit Vir Christelike Hoer Onderwys
ISAAC (One of Thomas Jefferson's Slaves, as Dictated to Charles CAMPBELL in the 1840's): Memoirs of a Monticello Slave
STRASSER, Otto: History in My Time
BERLIN, Brent & KAY, Paul: Basic Color Terms. Their Universality and Evolution
EASTMAN, Carol M: Language Planning: An Introduction
DERWING, Bruce L: Transformational Grammar as a Theory of Language Acquisition. A Study of the Empirical, Coceptual and Methodological Foundations of Contemporary Linguistic Theory
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