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LESLIE, S. Clement: The Rift in Israel. Religious Authority and Secular Democracy ARON, Raymond: De Gaulle, Israel and the Jews RABINOWITZ, L: The Herem Hayyishub. A Contribution to the Medieval Economic History of the Jews
TWERSKY, Isadore (Edited by): A Maimonides Reader NELSON, Sheila: The Violin Family PAGE, Athol: Playing String Quartets
"OLD HAND": The Collected Works of "Old Hand": The Six Principles of Pigeon Racing; The Racing Pigeon & Pigeon Racing for All; the Pigeon Fancier; the Pigeon Racer; the Strain Makers; the Secrets of the Racing Ace; the Technique of Breeding; & 5 Other Titles HARRIS, C.J: Otters. A Study of Recent Lutrinae CALVERT, Albert F: Daffodil Growing for Pleasure and Profit
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TRAILL, Thomas W: Boilers, Marine and Land. Their Construction and Strength (CHURCH HISTORY): A Memoir of Sister Mary Ruth C.S.M.V. Of Holy Cross Irene 1910 - 1930. First Mother Provincial of the South African Province (BIBLE): Ta Hiera Grammata, Metaphrasthenta Ek Ton Theion Arkhetupon (The Holy Bible in Modern Greek)
HOMERE: Iliade (AND) Odyssee DEISt, F.E: Towards the Text of the Old Testament JANIAUD-LUST, Colette: Nikos Kazantzaki Sa Vie, Son Oeuvre. (1883-1957)
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SOLLERS, Philippe (Edited by): L'Infini. Litterature / Philosophie / Art / Science / Politique. #11 SOLLERS, Philippe (Edited by): L'Infini. Litterature / Philosophie / Art / Science / Politique. #13 SOLLERS, Philippe (Edited by): L'Infini. Litterature / Philosophie / Art / Science / Politique. #8
SOLLERS, Philippe (Edited by): L'Infini. Litterature / Philosophie / Art / Science / Politique. #9 SOLLERS, Philippe (Edited by): L'Infini. Litterature / Philosophie / Art / Science / Politique. #10 SOLLERS, Philippe (Edited by): L'Infini. Litterature / Philosophie / Art / Science / Politique. #14
VON WARTBURG, Walther: Evolution et Structure De La Langue Francaise BOURCIEZ, E. & J: Phonetique Francaise. Etude Historique GAONAC'H, D: Theories D'appentissage et Acquisition D'une Langue Etrangere
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MACKENZIE, Donald A: Myths from Melanesia and Indonesia MACKENZIE, Donald A: Myths and Traditions of the South Sea Islands (GRAMMAR): The French Royal Grammar, By Which One May in a Short Time Attain the French Tongue in Perfection.... / Grammaire Royale Pour Apprendre Facilement La Langue Francoise...
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