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BURNS, Jimmy: When Beckham Went to Spain. Power, Stardom and Real Madrid BEAUMONT, Forrest & PLAYER, Gary: In the Presence of Gary Player - A Perspective on the Life and Philosophy of one of the World's Greatest Golfers RENDELL, Matt (Edited by): The Olympics. Athens to Athens 1896 - 2004
KEOHANE, Mark: Springbok Rugby Uncovered. The Inside Story of South Africa's Rugby Controversies KIRSTEN, Gary (With Neil MANTHORP): Gazza: The Gary Kirsten Autobiography VALENSTEIN, Elliot S: The War of the Soupds and the Sparks. The Discovery of Neurotransmitters and the Dispute Over How Nerves Communicate
FRIEDLAENDER, Walter: Poussin BONNEFOY, Yves: Miro JOUFFROY, Alain & TEIXIDOR, Joan: Miro Sculptures
PONCET, Dominique & NEYROUD, Philippe: L'extradition et L'asile Politique En Suisse McWHINNEY, Edward & BRADLEY, Martin A: The Freedom of the Air PERRY, Richard: A Naturalist in Lindisfarne
LEVENTHAL, F.M: The Last Dissenter. H.M.Brailsford and His World INGRAMS, Harold: Arabia and the Isles VAN RENSBURG, S.W.J: Breeding Problems and Artificial Insemination
BIROT, Pierre: The Cycle of Erosion in Different Climates BRANAGAN, David F. (Edited by): Rocks Fossils Profs. Geological Sciences in the University of Sydney 1866-1973 HORLER, Sydney: They Thought he Was Dead
MARSDEN, Philip: In Peril Before Parliament SMIT, Lilian: The Wind's Wing RUNCIE, John: Songs By the Stoep
PEARSALL, C.W: The Queen Of the South and Other Poems ADAMSON, John Ernest: Songs from the South MURRAY, Doris Erica Gordon: Love's Petals are Strewn
MADDICK, Maud (Mrs. A C DOUGHTY): Songs FISKE, John: Darwinism and Other Essays BENNETT, T.W. And Others (Edited by): Acta Juridica 1987 (Law Under Stress: South African Law in the 1980's)
COLLIS, Joyce: All About the Bearded Collie IRVEN, Jan: All About the Dobermann MOCKLER-FERRYMAN, A.F. (Edited by): The Oxfordshire Light Infantry Chronicle 1905 (Volume XIV). An Annual Record of the First and Second Battalions, Formerly The 43rd and 52nd Light Infantry
MOCKLER-FERRYMAN, A.F. (Edited by): The Oxfordshire Light Infantry Chronicle 1906 (Volume XV). An Annual Record of the First and Second Battalions, Formerly The 43rd and 52nd Light Infantry MOCKLER-FERRYMAN, A.F. (Edited by): The Oxfordshire Light Infantry Chronicle 1913 (Volume XXII). An Annual Record of the First and Second Battalions, Formerly The 43rd and 52nd Light Infantry DEUTSCHER, Isaac: The Non-Jewish Jew and Other Essays
STECHOW, Wolfgang: Dutch Landscape Painting of the Seventeenth Century MURPHY, Patrick: Cho Duck-Hyun. Genealogy on My Father GHIONE, Sergio: Turtle Island. A Journey to Britain's Oddest Colony
GROSS, Milt: Nize Baby BUBER, Martin: The Prophetic Faith GLAZERSON, Matityahu: Philistine and Palestinian. The Ideological Conflict Between Israel and the Philistines in the Past and Today
DAVIS, Moshe (Edited by): Zionism in Transition STYLES, Showell: Look at Mountains JUNG, Leo (Edited by): Judaism in a Changing World
WAXMAN, Meyer: A History of Jewish Literature from the Close of the Bible to Our Own Days (THE FRIEND NEWSPAPER): To Mark the Occasion of the Retirement of Major A Buchan Fyffe, M.C., After 30 Years Service on the Editorial Staffs of the Friend Newspapers Ltd Bloemfontein. Menu / Toast List Polley's Hotel Saturday 30th 1933 WAGENKNECHT, Edward (Edited by): Marilyn Monroe. A Composite View
OBOLENSKY, Dimitri: The Byzantine Commonwealth. Eastern Europe 500-1453 MITCHELL, Alan: A Field Guide to the Trees of Britain and Northern Europe BAKKE, E. Wight: The Unemployed Man: A Social Study
McKENDRICK, Brian & HOFFMANN, Wilma (Edited by): People & Violence in South Africa (BLUE BOOK): Correspondence Relating to the Murder of Mr. Jenner and the Ogaden Punitive Expedition (AFRICA No.3 1901) HORWOOD, O.P.F. (General Editor): The Port of Durban (Natal Regional Survey VOL.15)
GIBBS, Henry: The Splendour and the Dust WATT, Elizabeth Paris (Research By Patrick and Elizabeth GOODERHAM): Febana. The True Story of Frances George Farewell, Explorer, Pioneer and Founder of Natal CHANNEL, A.R: Red Ivory
ROBINSON, John (Edited by): Notes on Natal: An Old Colonist's Book for New Settlers KILPIN, Ralph: The Parliament of the Cape. Being a Narrative of the Parliament and Councils of the Cape of Good Hope from the Founding of the Colony By Jan Van Riebeeck in 1652 to the Union of South Africa in 1910.. WEDDERBURN, Leslie: Death Between Drinks
TROWELL, H.C: The Passing of Polygamy FAIRBRIDGE, Dorothea: Piet of Italy WILMOT, A: The Life and Times of the Right Rev James David Ricards Bishop of Retimo in Partibus Infidelium and Vicar-Apostolic of the Eastern Districts of the Cape Colony
LILIENTHAL, Adelheid: Animal Art of Etosha / Tierkunst Von Etoscha / Dierekuns Van Etosha STRUBEN, H.W: Recollections of Adventures. Pioneering and Development in South Africa 1850-1911 NICOL, Mike: "Knysna Heads": A Poem , in ABYSM 2
NORGAARD, Sofie: En Norsk Familie I Syd Afrika. A Norwegian Family in South Africa HAMMOND-TOOKE, W.D: Patrolling the Herms: Social Structure, Cosmology and Pollution Concepts in Southern Africa SCHOEMAN, P.J: Gevallige Van Onwettige Bevrufting By Die Zoeloe. (Annale Van Die Universiteit Van Stellenbosch XVII, Reeks B, No.1)
CONNOLLY, Bob: Breakfast Quips from the Rand Daily Mail GUNN, Hugh: The Language Question in the Orange River Colony 1902-1910 DE LAS CASES, Count (Introduction and Motes By O H SPOHR): My Residence at the Cape, Being an Extract from Volume IV of the Journal of Count De Las Cases
DUFFY, Maureen: The Passionate Shepherdess: 1640-1689 MASHABELA, Harry: Mekhukhulu. Urban African Cities of the Future LEROUX, Etienne: Die Suiwerste Hugenoot is Jan Schoeman
ANDOVER, Henry: The Dennisdale Tragedy PREVOST, Antoine Francois: Histoire générale des voyages, ou nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre, qui ont ete publiees jusqu'a present dans les differentes langues de toutes les nations connues: contenant ..........VOLUME 1 ONLY GRAY, Mary W. Tyler (Edited By Stakesby LEWIS): A Long Trek. Memoirs of Mary W. Tyler Gray, Daughter of an American Missionary in Natal and Founder of the Women's Christian Temperance Union in the Transvaal
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