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LIEBURG, M.J. van: Het Sint Franciscus Gasthuis te Rotterdam 1892-1992
LIEBURG, M.J. van: Het Sint Franciscus Gasthuis te Rotterdam 1892-1992. [Pantaleon Reeks, 7.]
Lieftinck, M.A., 1962: Revision of the Indo-Australian species of the genus Thyreus Panzer (=Crocisa Jurine) (Hym., Apoidea, Anthophoridae). Part 2. Oriental and Australian species. [Zool. Verh., 53.]
Lieftinck, M.A., 1968: A review of Old World species of Thyreus Panzer (=Crocisa Jurine) (Hym., Apoidea, Anthophoridae). [Zool. Verh., 98.]
Liem, K.F., 1963: The comparative osteology and phylogeny of the Anabantoidea (Teleostei, Pisces). [Illinois Biol. Mon., 30.]
Lignier, O., 1903: Le fruit du Williamsonia gigas Carr. et les Benettitales. Documents nouveaux et notes critiques. [Extrait des Mémoires de la Société Linnéenne de Normadie T. XXI.]
LIGTHART, Jan, & SCHEEPSTRA, H: Het boek van Ot en Sien. Bewerkt door Marchien Eising. Met de oorspronkelijke plaatjes van C. Jetses. Tweede druk
Liljeblad, E., 1945: Monograph of the family Mordellidae (Coleoptera) of North America, North of Mexico. [Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, 62.]
LIM, Irene: Sketches in the Straits. Nineteenth-century watercolours and manuscript of Singapore, Malacca, Penang and Batavia by Charles Dyce
LIM. Nathalie Sophana: Nary, rescapée du génocide cambodgien
Limburg Stirum, G.J. Graaf van: Iconografie van het Geslacht van Limburg Stirum
Linck, G., 1892: Geognostische Beschreibung des Thalhorn im oberen Amariner Thal.. Besonderer Abdruck aus Mittheilungen der geologischen Landes-Anstalt von Elsass-Lothringen, Band IV, Heft 1
Lind, J., 1934: Studies of the geographical distribution of Arctic circumpolar Micromycetes. [Biol. Medd. Danske Vid. Selsk., 11(2).]
Lindberg, H., 1958: Hemiptera Insularum Caboverdensiun. Systematik, Ökologie und Verbreitung der Heteropteren und Cicadinen der Kapverdischen Inseln. [Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fenn., 19(1).]
Lindberg, R.G., 1955: Growth, population dynamics, and field behavior in the spiny lobster, Palinurus interruptus (Randall)
LINDEMAN, C.M.A.A: Joachim Anthonisz. Wtewael. Met een voorwoord van Prof. Dr. W. Vogelsang
Lindeman, J.C., 1953: The vegetation of the coastal region of Suriname. [The Vegetation of Suriname, 1(1).]
Linden, W.J. van der, Fillon, R.H., & Monahan, D., 1976: Hamilton Bank, Labrador Margin: origin and evolution of a glacial shelf. [Geol. Surv. Canada Pap., 75-40 / Mar. Sci. Pap., 14.]
Linden, W.J.M. van der, 1963: Sedimentary structures and facies interpretation of some molasse deposits, Sense-Schwarzwasser area, canton Bern, Switzerland. [Geol. Ultraject., 12.]
LINDER, Erik Hjalmar: Ny illusterad Svensk litteraturhistoria
Linders, Joke & Sterck, Marita de: Nice to meet you. A companion to Dutch & Flemish children's literature
Lindgren, W., 1896: The gold-quartz veins of Nevada City and Grass Valey Districts, California
Lindner, G., 2001: Schelpengids. Schelpen uit de wereldzeeën. Vorm, voorkomen, systematiek. Vertaling / bewerking herziene en uitgebreide druk: R.H. de Bruyne
Lindroth, J.I., 1902: Die Umbelliferen-Uredineen. [Acta Soc. Fauna et Flora Fennia, 22(1).]
Lindsay, E.H., 1972: Small mammal fossils from the Barstow Formation, California
Lindström, M., 1964: Conodonts
Lindvall, C.A: The Glacial Period. Essay on its origins, effects, and end; also on the possibility of its recurrence. Translation from the Swedish original
LING, Ting G., & PALDER, L.S: Bloemen en puin. Verzen van Ting G. Ling en L.S. Palder
Linnaeus, C., 1899: Caroli Linnaei Hortus Uplandicus, med inledning och förklaringar af Th. M. Fries. [Upsala Univ. Årsskr. 1899, Programm I.]
LINNAEUS, Carolus (1707-1778): Système des Plantes, contenant les Classes, Ordres, Genres et Espèces; les Caractères naturels essentiels des Genres; les phrases caractéristiques des Espèces [...] Extrait et traduit des Ouvrages de Linné, par M.J.P. Mouton-Fontenille [...]
Linnarsson, A.G., 1875: Öfversigt af Nerikes öfvergangsbildingar. [Öfvers. Kongl. Vet.-Akad. Förh., 1875 No. 5.]
Linnemann, G., 1941,: Die Mucorineen-Gattung Mortierella Coemans. [Pflanzenforschung, 23.]
LINZ, Barbara: Eco-houses / Öko-Häuser / Maisons écologiques
Liou, J.G., et al., 1977: The East Taiwan ophiolithe. Its occurrence, petrology, metamorphism, and tectonic setting. [MRSO Spec. Rep., 1.]
Lipold, M.V., 1863: Die Eisensteinlager der silurischen Grauwackenformation in Böhmen
Lippens, L., & Wille, H. [n.d., c. 1985]: Uitzonderlijke vogels in België en West-Europa. I. Watervogels, dagroofvogels en steltlopers
Lippert, H., 1939: Geologie der Daleider Mulden-Gruppe. [Abh. Senckenberg. Naturf. Ges., 445.]
Lipták, P: Awaren und Magyaren im Donau-Theiss Zwischenstromgebiet
Liro, J.I., 1922: Über die Gattung Tuburcinia Fries. [Ann. Univ. Fenn. Aboensis, Ser. A, 1(1).]
Lisson, C.I., 1907: Contribución a la geología de Lima y sus aldredores. Obra premiada [...]
LISTER, Raymond: Infernal Methods. A study of William Blake's art techniques
LIT, Robert van: De poppenhuizen van Jonkvrouwe Lita de Ranitz
Lith, J.P. van, 1962: Contribution to the knowledge of the Indo-Australian Pseninae (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Part II. Psenulus Kohl, 1896. [Zool. Verh. Rijksmus. Nat. Hist. Leiden, 52.]
Lith, J.P. van, 1965: Contribution to the knowledge of the Indo-Australian Psenini (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Part III. New species of the subgenera Psen Latreille and Mimumesa Malloch, and a review of East-Asiatic and Indo-Australian Psen Latreille s.l. [Zool. Verh., 73.]
Litke, E., 1966: Kutikularanalytische Untersuchungen im Niederlausitzer Unterflöz
LLOPIS LLADO, N., & FONTBOTÉ, J.M: Estudio geologicode la Cabrera Alta (León)
Lloyd, J.T., 1921: The biology of North Amrrtican caddis fly larvae. [Bull. Lloyd Libr. Bot. Pharm. Mat. Med., Ent. Ser., 1.]
Lloyd, J.Th., 1921: North American caddis fly larvae. [Bull. Lloyd Libr., Entom. Ser., 1.]
LLOYD, J.U: History of the vegetable drugs of the Pharmacopeia of the United States. [Bull. Lloyd Libr., Pharm. Ser., 4.]
Lloyd, J.U., Just, Th., & Simons, C.M., 1957: Catalogue of the Pharmacopoeias, Dispensatories, Formularies, and allied publications (1493-1957) in Lloyd Library. [Lloydia, 20(1).]
Lo Bianco, S., 1909: Notizie biologiche riguardanti specialmente il periodo di maturità degli animali del Golfo di Napoli
Locher, Th., 1957: Zur Geologie der Gruppe von Voltri (Ligurien - Italien). [Mitt. Geol. Inst. Eidgen. Techn. Hochsch. Univ. Zürich, Ser. C, 71.]
Locker, S., 1972: Coccolithineen aus dem Paläogen Mitteleuropas
Locy, Wm.A., 1915: Die Biologie und ihre Schöpfer. Autorisierte Übersetzung der zweiten amerikanischen Auflage von E. Nitardy
Locy, Wm.A., 1962: Biology and its makers. Third edition, revised
Lóczy, L. von, 1934: Geologie van Noord Boengkoe en het Bongka-gebied tusschen de Golf van Tomoni en de Golf van Tolo in Oost-Celebes
Lodder, J: Die Hefesammlung des "Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures". Beiträge zu einer Monographie der Hefearten. II. Teil. Die anaskosporogenen Hefen. Erste Hälfte
Lodder, W., 1966: Gold-alunite deposits and zonal wall-rock alteration near Rodalquilar, SE Spain
LOEB, Jacques (1859-1924): Regeneration. From a physic-chemical standpoint. First edition
LOEBER, R., SLOT, N.W. & SERGEANT, J.A: Ernstige en gewelddadige jeugddelinquentie. Omvang, oorzaken en interventies
Loeblich, A.R., Jr., & Tappan, E., 1964: Treatise on Invertebrata Paleontology. Part C. Protista 2. Sarcodina, ,chiefly "Thecamoebians" and Foraminiferida
Loevezijn, G.B.S. van, 1986: Stratigraphy and facies of the Nocedo, Fueyo, and Ermita Formations (Upper Devonian to lowermost Carboniferous) in León, N Spain. [Scripta Geol., 81.]
LOEVGREN, Sven: The genesis of Modernism. Seurat, Gaugin, Van Gogh & French Symbolism in the 1880's. Revised edition
Loewinson-Lessing, F., 1905: Eine petrographische Excursion auf den Tagil
Loewinson-Lessing, F., 1915: Die Vulkane und Laven des Zentralen Kaukasus
LÕFFLER, Fritz: Das alte Dresden. Geschichte deriner Bauten
Löffler, H., & Danielopol, D., 1977: Aspects of ecology and zoogeography of recent and fossil Ostracoda. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Ostracods, Saalfelden (Salzburg), July 30-August 8, 1976
Lohman, K.E., 1941: Geology and biology of North Atlantic deep-sea cores between Newfoundland and Ireland. Part 3. Diatomaceae. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 196-B.]
Lohmeyer, T.R., & Künkele, U., 2006: Paddenstoelen. [Herkennen en verzamelen.]
Lombard, A., 1958: Un itinéraire géologique dans l'Est du Népal (Massif du Mont Everest). [Mém. Sci. Helvét. Sci. Nat., 82(1).]
LOMBARD, Augustin: Panorama géologique du Salève (Haute-Savoie, France) et Vue de la face du Salève prise de Troinex
Lomnitz, C., 1974: Global tectonics and earthquake risk. [Developments in Geotectonics, 5.]
LONGCHAMPS, Jeanne de: Contes malgaches. Illustrée par l'Auteur. Commentaires folkloriques de Paul Delarue. [Collection Contes des Cinq Continents, 11.]
Lönnberg, E., 1903: Material for the study of ruminants. [N. Acta Reg. Soc. Sci. Upsal., Ser. 3, 20:]
Lönnfors, F., 1930: Beiträge zur Morphologie der Analginen [Arachn.].[Acta Zool. Fenn., 8.]
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