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EKUNDARE, R. Olufemi: An Economic History of Nigeria 1860-1960 DAVEY, Kenneth: Taxing a Peasant Taxes in East Africa JOHNSTON, Harry H: The Black Man's Part in the War. An Account of the Dark-Skinned Population of the British Empire; How it is and Will be Affected By the the Great War; and the Share it Has Taken in Waging the War
BOYCE, W.B: A Grammar of the Kafir Language CASTLE, H.C: Spion Kop TOPS, A.W: Weerbaar Sonder Wapen
STEWART, James: Outlines of Kafir Grammar, with Practical Examples SPIES, F.J. Du T: 'N Nederlander in Diens Van Die Oranje-Vrystaat . Uit Die Nagelate Papiere Van Dr. Hendrik P.N. Muller Oud Konsul-generaal Van Die Oranje-Vrystaat 'N SEUN VAN DIE GEMEENTE: Gedenkboek Van Die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Gemeente Te Prins Albert. 'n Geskiedkundige Oorsig Van Sy Honderdjarige Bestaan 1842-1942
ZUID AFRIKAANSCHE TAALBOND: De Z. A. Taalbond En De Taalvereenvoudiging SMITHERS, Reay H.N: Land Mammals of Southern Africa. A Field Guide MONICK, S: Awards of the South African Uniformed Public Services 1922-1987. The South African Police. South African Railways Police. South African Prisons Service
THE EDITING AND PUBLICITY COMMITTEE OF THE HACKNEY HORSE SOCIETY: The Hackney Stud Book. Stallions, Mares and Geldings. VOL. XLIII QUARTERMAINE, P.N: Metcalf Motor Coasters Limited 1924 - 1965. A History and Fleet List of the Company SOMNER, Graeme: Fifty Years of Shipowning. A Brief History and Fleet List of A.F. Henry & MacGregor Ltd
GRAY, Leonard: The Ropner Fleet 1874-1974 HACKMAN, Rowan M.B.H: The Fleet Past and Present of Hunting & Son Ltd, Shipowners and Ship Managers London and Newcastle BLAND, Michael & CROWDY, Michael: Wilh. Wilhelmsen 1861-1961. The Firm and the Fleet
CROWDY, Michael: The Eagle Tankers CROWDY, Michael: Leif Hoegh & Co. A/S Oslo. The Firm and the Fleet 1928-1968 SYSE, J.P. & HOWELLS, Astri / CROWDY, Michael: Wilh. Wilhelmsen 1861-1977. A Brief History and a Fleet List
CARTER, Craig J.M: Stephenson Clarke Shipping. A Brief Chronology and History of the Ships Owned and Managed for Associated Companies THE GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY: What's What in Shipping SMITH'S DOCK CO>: Ships and Men 1899-1949
DANIELSON, Richard & HENDY, John: Faithfully Yours, Manxman YOUNG, Robert T: The Lessons of the Liberties VON MUNCHING, L.L: Nederlandse Koopvaarders
VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Johann; THOMAS, Ph. J.; SCOTT, Susan; VAN DER MERWE, Derek; DE SMIDT, J. Th.; FEENSTRA, R. (Edited by): Huldigingsbundel Paul Van Warmelo. Aangebied Aan Professor Paul Van Warmelo By Geleentheid Van Sy Sewentigste Verjaardag Op 19 November 1984 DAY, Adela M: Sunshine and Rain in Uganda SMITH, Sydney Ure & STEVENS, Bertram: The Art of J.J.Hilder
STEVENSON, John: Yoshitoshi's Thirty Six Ghosts VOGT, Will H: South African Amateur Athletic and Cycling Association : Championships and Official Records. 1952 HOWE, James Virgil: The Modern Gunsmith. A Guide for the Amateur and Professional Gunsmith in the Design and Construction of Firearms, with Practical Suggestions for All Who Like Guns
HENDERSON, Lawrence W: Angola. Five Centuries of Conflict PRESTON, Hubert (Edited by): Wisden Cricketer's Almanack 1950 LIPKIN, Aileen: From Bamako to the Dogon Country October 1975
ROBINSON, Hercules G.R: Speeches Delivered By His Excellency Sir Hercules G.R. Robinson...during His Administration of the Government of New South Wales FITZGEORGE-PARKER, Tim: Grundy. The Making of a Derby Winner SEIDLER, Gregorz L: Soziale Ideen in Byzanz
POLE EVANS, I.B: A Vegetation Map of South Africa (Botanical Survey of South Africa Memoir No.15) PUCKEY, Walter, and Numerous Other Contributors: The Automatic Factory. What Does it Mean? The Report of the Margate Conference of the Institution of Production Engineers MOORE, William C. & KEMBLE, John H: Our Navy's Fighting Ships (The Ships and Siling Albums Book 3)
WARD, Emily: Three Travellers in North Africa HARRISON, E.J: Judo on the Ground. "Katamewaza". The Oda-9yh Dan-Method CAN ONSELEN, Charles: The Seed is Mine. The Life of Kas Maine, A South African Sharecropper 1894-1985
COX, Warren E. (Edited by): The Homelovers Book. Etchings, Engravings and Colour Prints for Home Decoration PHILP, Jude: Past Time: Torres Strait Islander Material from the Haddon Collection 1888-1905 (APPEL, Karel)(ROMBOUT, Luke, Introduction by): Appel's Appels
BRISAC, Catherine: A Thousand Years of Stained Glass DAVIS, S: Race-Relations in Ancient Egypt FORGE, Andrew: David Bomberg 1890-1957
COLLINS, Judith (and others): Winifred Knights 1899-1947 MURPHY, Gavin: From Dark Passages: Ian Charlesworth DANIELSSON, Kirsten (Edited by): Mozambique! Exhibition Workshop Programmes Stockholm Kulturhuset 1987
BJORK, Christina; DANIELSSON, Kerstin; SERENANDER, Bengt: Angola. Mocambique. Sydafrika. Zimbabwe. Bildkonst I Sodra Afrika : Art/Images in Southern Africa LEVINSON, Olga: Our First Thirty Years. The History of the South African Association of Arts (SWA) PISTORIUS, Julius C: Molokwane an Iron Age Bakwena Village. Early Tswana Settlement in the Eastern Transvaal
ABERCROMBIE, John: Inquiries Concerning the Intellectual Powers and the Investigation of Truth OBERLING, Pierre: The Road to Bellapais. The Turkish Cypriot Exodus to Northern Cyprus VOLKAN, Vamik D: Cyprus - War and Adaptation. A Psychoanalytic History of Two Ethnic Groups in Conflict
COUFOUDAKIS, Van (Edited by): Essays on the Cyprus Conflict KOUMOULIDES, John T. A. (Edited by): Cyprus in Transition 1960-1985 ATTALIDES, Michael: Cyprus Nationalism And International Politics
WOODHOUSE, C.M: The Rise and Fall of the Greek Colonels VENEZIS, P.N: Makarios: Pragmatism V. Idealism VENEZIS, P.N: Makarios: Faith & Power
POLYVIOU, Polyvios G: Cyprus Conflict and Negotiation 1960-1980 MYRTIOTIS, Panos: President Makarios of Cyprus BORENIUS, Tancred: The Iconography of St. Thomas of Canterbury
KELLER, A.G: A Theatre of Machines VOLAVKOVA, Hana: A Story of the Jewish Museum in Prague BROOK, Ian: The Black List
JACKSON, John: Justice in South Africa NEWTON-KING, Susan & MALHERBE, V.C: The Khoikhoi Rebellion in the Eastern Cape (1799-1803) (UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA BLUE BOOK): Treaty of Peace Between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany Signed at Versailles June 28th 1919
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