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VAUGONDY, Robert De: Congo Cafrerie JUKIC, Ilija: Tito Between East and West HODGKINSON, Harry: West and East of Tito
ADAMIC, Louis: The Native's Return WHITE, Leigh: Balkan Caesar: Tito Vs. Stalin BONIFACIC, Antun F. & MIHANOVICH, Clement S. (Edited by): The Croatian Nation in Its Struggle for Freedom and Independence. A Symposium
MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS: White Book on Aggressive Activities By the Governments of the USSR, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria and Albania Towards Yugoslavia DRASKOVICH, Slobodan M: Tito Moscow's Trojan Horse PAVLOWITCH, K. St: The Struggle of the Serbs
LODGE, Oliv: Peasant Life in Jugoslavia GOLLANCZ, Victor: The Case of Adolf Eichmann WALKER, Miles: Specification and Design of Dynamo-Electric MacHinery
BODART, Roger: Ianchelevici Dessins NIENABER, P.J: Die Afrikaanse Roman-Tematologie RENTOUL, J.N: Growing Orchids. Cymbidiums and Slippers
STEELE, S.B: Forty Years in Canada. Reminiscences of the Great North West with Some Account of His Service in South Africa BLACKWELL, Leslie & MAY, Henry John: This is South Africa HALL, A. Vine: South Africa and Other Poems
GOSSE, Philip: St. Helena 1502-1938 STREATFIELD, Frank: Reminiscences of an Old 'Un THEAL, George McCall: Boers and Bantu. A History of the Wanderings and Wars of the Emigrant Farmers from Their Leaving the Cape Colony to the Overthrow of Dingan
LEAKEY, L.S.B: The Progress and Evolution of Man in Africa WHITE, Arthur Silva: The Expansion of Egypt Under Anglo-Egyptian Condominium HAWKER, Robert Stephen (EDited By Alfred WALLIS): The Poetical Works of Robert Stephen Hawker....edited from the Original Manuscripts and Annotated Copies, Together with a Prefatory Notice and Bibliography
FREEMAN, John: Collected Poems KILPIN, Ernest F. (Edited by): The Cape of Good Hope Civil Service List, 1887 MELVILLE, Fred J: Cape of Good Hope with Mafeking and Vryburg
AN INDIAN (Foreword By Rajendra Nath Mookerjee): Bridging the Gulf. a Study of the Background of the Indian Situation with Some Suggestions LOUW, N.P. Van Wyk: Die Halwe Kring GUEULETTE, T.S. (Edited By Leonard C. SMITHERS): The Transmigrations of the Mandarin Fum-hoam (Chinese Tales)
COLE, F. Tennyson: Vanity Varnished. Reminiscences in Many Colours LEGGE, Edward: The Empress Eugenie and Her Son WILSON, Beckles: Nova Scotia. The Province That Has Been Passed By
SHIPLEY, Arthur E: Pearls and Parasites SCHMID, Herta & VAN KESTEREN, Aloysius: Semiotics of Drama and Theatre. New Perspectives in the Theory of Drama and Theatre DOYLE, Arthur Conan: A Visit To Three Fronts. Glimpses of the British French and Italian Lines
DOYLE, Arthur Conan: The Last Galley. Impressions and Tales DOYLE, Arthur Conan: The Captain of the Pole-star and Other Tales DOYLE, Arthur Conan: Uncle Bernac. A Memory of the Empire
DOYLE, Arthur Conan: The Stark Munro Letters ORR, James: History of the Seventh Lanarkshire Rifle Volunteers, Late 4th AD. Battalion and 29th L.R.V TWINING, E.F.(Edited by): The Uganda Journal the Organ of the Uganda Literary and Scientific Society. VOL.II: Nos 1-4 July 1934 - April 1935
SYKES, John (Edited by) (PITMAN, C.R.S.): The Uganda Journal the Organ of the Uganda Society. VOL.IV: Nos 1-4 July 1936 - April 1937 SYKES, John (Edited by) (PITMAN, C.R.S.): The Uganda Journal the Organ of the Uganda Society. VOL.III: No 2 October 1935 SNOXALL, R.A., And Others (Editorial Commirttee): The Uganda Journal The Journal of the Uganda Society. VOL.XI No 1 March 1947
SNOXALL, R.A., And Others (Editorial Commirttee): The Uganda Journal The Journal of the Uganda Society. VOL.XI No 2 September 1947 SNOXALL, R.A., And Others (Editorial Commirttee): The Uganda Journal The Journal of the Uganda Society. VOL.12 No 1 March 1948 SNOXALL, R.A., And Others (Editorial Commirttee): The Uganda Journal The Journal of the Uganda Society. VOL.12 No 2 September 1948
SNOXALL, R.A., And Others (Editorial Commirttee): The Uganda Journal The Journal of the Uganda Society. VOL.13 No 2 September 1949 SNOXALL, R.A., And Others (Editorial Commirttee): The Uganda Journal The Journal of the Uganda Society. VOL.13 No 1 March 1949 SNOXALL, R.A., And Others (Editorial Commirttee): The Uganda Journal The Journal of the Uganda Society. VOL.16 No 2 September 1952
SNOXALL, R.A., And Others (Editorial Commirttee): The Uganda Journal The Journal of the Uganda Society. VOL.17 No 1 March 1953 LE ROUX, Willem G: Om Aan Te Proux. Iets Oor Die Le Roux Families in Suid Afrika RAUTENBACH, G.F. (Org): Die Geslagregister Van Die Rautenbach En Aanverwante Families
FERREIRA, O.J.O: Stamvader Ignatius Ferreira En Sy Naverwante HORN, Marie (Compiled by): Genealogie Van Enkele Takke Van Die Familie Horn. Meer in Besonder Die Horns Van Witnek. 1736-1986 CLAASSEN, Gert (Compiled by): The Rubidge Family Records
MALAN, Danie, George, Ria, Bets, Charl & Christine: Warm Harte. Die Lewensverhaal Van Charlie En Christine Malan STEYN, J.C. And Others: Die Steyns Van Omdraai-Noord VAN EEDEN, D .H: Van Eede(n) Van Ede(n) Families 1662-2001
CLAASSEN, Gert Hendrik (Compiled by): Familieregister Van Die Dannhauser Afstammelinge in Suid Africa HOPKINS, H.C: Die Smalberger Familieregister STEYN, Jan Johannes: Dr. Wm Nicol 1938-1948. Tien Jaar in Pretoria Oos
FIRTH, Charles: Cromwell's Army SCHIRMER, Walter F: John Lydgate. A Study in the Culture of the XVth Century HOLLIS, Leslie: One Marine's Tale
JONES, Ernest: Papers on Psycho-Analysis CLUTTON BROCK, A; DEARMER, Percy; DUNCAN-JONES, A,S,; MURRY, J. Middleton; POLLARD, A.W.; SPENCER, Malcolm: The Necessity of Art TEMPLE, Joan: Deliver My Darling
ROBINSON, Lennox: Towards an Appreciation of the Theatre SCHERCHEN, Hermann: The Nature of Music BLISS, Arthur: As I Remember
CLAPHAM, John: Antonin Dvorak Musician and Craftsman HONEGGER, Arthur: I am a Composer SCHINDLER, Anton Felix (Edited By Donald W. MacArdle): Beethoven as I Knew Him
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