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CASTANEDA, Carlos: The Fire from Within PANIS, Olivier (Foreword by): Formula 1 Yearbook 1998-99 NORRIS, Ian (Edited by): Automobile Year #42, 1994-95
WALKER, Murray & TAYLOR, Simon: Formula One Heroes SUTTON, Keith: Nigel Mansell Thge Complete Pictorial Record WATKINS, Vernon: Affinities
WATKINS, Vernon: The Collected Poems of Vernon Watkins ABSE, Daniel: White Coat Purple Coat. Collected Poems 1948-1988 SCHWOB, Marcel: The King in the Golden Mask and Other Stories
COHEN, J.M. (Edited by): The Penguin Book of Spanish Verse. Parallel Text Edition VAN WARMELO, P: An Introduction to the Priciples of Roman Civil Law SCHIMLEK, Francis: Mariannhill. A Study in Bantu Life and Missionary Effort
ALDISS, Brian & WILKS, Mike: Pile. Petals from St. Klaed's Computer OSORIO, Maria De Conceicao; ANDRADE, Ximena; TEMBA, Eulalia; JOSE, Andre Christiano: Women and Law in Southern Africa. The Justice Delivery System and the Illusion of the Transparency HALL, Margaret & YOUNG, Tom: Confronting Leviathan. Mozambique Since Independence
HIRSON, Baruch: Revolutions in My Life PRAIN, Ronald: Reflections on an Era. An Autobiography CHILD, Daphne (Edited by): Zulu War Journal Col. Henry Harford C.B
PAMA, C: Die Wapens Van Doe Ou Afrikaanse Families DANZ, Ernst: The Architecture of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill 1950-1962 JACOBY, Helmut: New Architectural Drawings
GATZ, Konrad & WALLENFANG, Wilhelm O: Farbige Bauten / Colour on Buildings / Batiments Polychromes DRAYSON, A.W: Early Days Among the Boers or the Diamond Hunters of South Africa GUERNSEY PHILATELIC BOARD: Guernsey Philatelic Bulletins Nos. 1-12
O'SULLIVAN, Donal: Carolan. The Life Times and Music of an Irish Harper. VOLUME TWO: The Notes to the Music and The Memoirs of Arthur O'Neill KOLBE, F.C. (With Contribution By J C SMUTS): Mightier Than the Sword . A Centenary Anthology of Articles from the Southern Cross BLAINE, C.H: Dog Law. A Compilation of the Law in South Africa Relating to Dogs, with Appendices South-west Africa, Southern Rhodesia
WOOLER, Thomas Jonathan: Every Man His Own Attorney, Comprising the Law of Landlord and Tenant, The Bankrupt and Insolvent Laws, the Law of Debtor and Creditor....The Law of Wills, The Laws of Criminal Jurisprudence &c &c. With an Appendix Containing All the Modern Alterations.. MARAIS, Theo (Edited by): The South African Rugby Annual / Die Suid-Afrikaanse Rugby Jaarboek. 1956. Seventh Edition TROLLOPE, Anthony: South Africa. Abridged By the Author from the Fourth Edition
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE (RAILWAYS): Reports of the Committees of the Legislative Council Session 1864. 1. On Banking, Railway and Other Companies; 2: On Wynberg Railway Act Amendment Bill; 3: On Priveleges; 4: On Lunatic Asylum Eastern Province; ....7: On Railway Surveys DELAVIGNE, Kenneth T: The Spyderco Story. The New Shape of Sharp RAMPHELE. Mamphela: A Bed Called Home. Life in the Migrant Labour Hostels of Cape Town
CADDY, Eileen: The Spirit of Findhhorn GILZIN, Karl: Sputniks and After. The Soviet Account of Travel in Space GILZIN, Karl: Travel to Distant Worlds
PEPYS, Samuel (Edited By Robert LATHAM): The Shorter Pepys CLAYTON, KIm (Edited by): Doc Craven's Tribute. The Legends of Springbok Rugby 1889-1989 KLIJN, A.F.J: An Introduction to the New Testament
BRINTON, Daniel G: Rig Veda Americanus. Sacred Songs of the Ancient Mexicans, with a Gloss in Nahuatl HEYDEMARCK, Haupt: Double-Decker C.666 HYDE. W.G.S. (Edited by): The Manchester Album. A Pictorial Survey of Manchester's Tramways
AMES, Delano: She Shall Have Murder TWAIN, Mark: A Yankee at the Court of King Arthur DUCATMAN, Barbara S. & WANG, Helen H: The Pap Smear
BUCKLEY, C.H. & FOX, H: Biopsy Pathology of the Endometrium BALAJI, Seshadri; GILLETTE, Paul C.; CASE, Christopher L. (Edited by): Cardiac Arrhythmias After Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease LUESLEY, David M.; SHAFI, Mahmood I.; JORDAN, Joseph A. (Edited by): Handbook of Colposcopy
McGHIE, AS. Iain (edited by): Handbook of Non-Invasive Cardiac Testing EVERITT, Brian S. & DUNN, Graham: Statistical Analysis of Medical Data TRAYNOR, Michael: Managerialism and Nursing Beyond Oppression and Profession
KETTLES, Alyson M.; WOODS, Phil; COLLINS, Mick (Edited by): Therapeutic Interventions for Forensic Mental Nurses BATEMAN, Neil: Advocacy Skills for Health and Social Care Professionals A CONGO RESIDENT: Bokwala. The Story of a Congo Victim
SCHENK, Leopold: Schenk's Theory. The Determination of Sex FORER, Alois: Orgeln in Osterreich CHRISTIE, Agatha: Dumb Witness
BEWS, J.W: Human Ecology ERICKSEN, Ray: Ernest Giles. Explorer and Traveller 1835-1897 SHECKLEY, Robert: Dramocles. An Intergalactic Soap Opera
CENDRARS, Blaise: The Astonished Man WOOLF, Virginia: The Waves CAMPBELL, Robert (Edited by): Skeet Shooting with D. Lee Braun. A World Champion Shows How Skeet Can Make You a Better Field Shot
FORDE, Adam & PAINE, Suzanne H: The Limits Of National Liberation FONTEYN, Margot (also Michael SOMES. Cecil SKOTNES, Tockie PLAISTOWE): A 4pp. Autograph Letter to Mrs (Tiekie) Plaistowe, Dated Oct.18, 1958, on Dawson's Hotel Johannesburg Notepaper, Accepting an Invitation to an Exhibition of African Arts and Crafts, (TOGETHER WITH) A 4pp. Invitation and Catalogue of the Exhibition DE VILLIERS, M. (VOET): The Roman and Roman-Dutch Law of Injuries. A Translation of Book 47, Title 10, of Voet's Commentary on the Pandects, with Annotations
FALLADA, Hnas: Old Heart Goes on a Journey HEINZ, W.C: The Professional. A Novel MOCKLER-FERRYMAN, A.F: The Oxfordshire Light Infantry Chronicle 1911. An Annual Record of the First and Second Battalions, Formerly The 43rd and 52nd Light Infantry
MOCKLER-FERRYMAN, A.F: The Oxfordshire Light Infantry Chronicle 1908. An Annual Record of the First and Second Battalions, Formerly The 43rd and 52nd Light Infantry MOCKLER-FERRYMAN, A.F: The Oxfordshire Light Infantry Chronicle 1909. An Annual Record of the First and Second Battalions, Formerly The 43rd and 52nd Light Infantry MOCKLER-FERRYMAN, A.F: The Oxfordshire Light Infantry Chronicle 1919-20. An Annual Record of the First and Second Battalions, Formerly The 43rd and 52nd Light Infantry
PORTAL, Francis: Portals. The Church the State and the People Leading to 250 Years of Papermaking CHRISTOPHER, John: A Wrinkle in the Skin MILLER, Margaret: Captain of the Gordons. Service Experiences 1900-1909
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