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MADANHIRE, Nevanji: Goatsmell MUNGOSHI, Charles: Coming of the Dry Season OUSMANE, Sembene: Black Doctor
PLAATJE, Sol (Introduction Tim COUZENS): Mhudi BASKIN, Jeff: Striking Back. A History of COSATU KENYATTA, Jomo: Suffering Without Bitterness. The Founding of the Kenya Nation
OLIVER,, Roland & MATHEW, Gervase (Edited by): History of East Africa Volume One MOORE-KING, Bruce: White Man Black War CROCKETT, Candace: The Complete Spinning Book
BENGTSSON, Gerda: Gerda Bengtsson's Book of Danish Stitchery WOLFE, Alvin W: In the Ngombe Tradition. Continuity and Change in the Congo ARNAU, Frank: 3,000 Years of Deception in Art and Antiques
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BURTON, A.W. (Cape Government Railway Department): The Cape Colony To-day BOTSWANA SOCIETY: Proceedings of the Symposium on the Okavango Delta and Its Future Utilisation. National Museum Gaborone Botswana August 30th to September 2nd 1976 STEVENS, Thomas: Through Russia on a Mustang
GRANIT, Ragnar: Muscular Afferents and Motor Control. Proceedings of the First Nobel Symposium Held in June 1965 at Sodergarn on the Island of Lidingo in the County of Stockholm MacGREGOR, Alasdair Alpin: Behold the Hebrides TAYLOR, F. Sherwood: A History of Industrial Chemistry
TIPSON, R. Stuart & HORTON, Derek (Edited by): Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry VOLUME 28 BERENS, Lewis & SINGER, Ignatius: The Story of My Dictatorship LANING, Edward: The Act of Drawing
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VERLAINE, Paul (Translated Brian HILL): The Sky Above the Roof. Fifty Six Poems GODEAU, Antoine: Paraphrase Des Pseaumes De David En Vers Francois HALPERN, Daniel (Edited by) (BOWLES, Paul, Contributing Editor): Antaeus Nos.1-24
AZIZ, K.K: The Making of Pakistan. A Study in Nationalism GLUBB, John Bagot: The Empire of the Arabs GLUBB, John Bagot: The Course of Empire. The Arabs and Thier Successors
GLUBB, John Bagot: The Lost Centuries OLMSTEAD, A.T: History of Palestine and Syria to the MacEdonian Conquest VAN SETERS, John: Abraham in History and Tradition
OREN, Eliezer D: The Northern Cemetery of Beth Shan ZEMER, Avshalom: Storage Jars in Ancient Sea Trade LAPP, Paul W: The Dhahr Mizbaneh Tombs. Three Intermediate Bronze Age Cemeteries in Jordan
HERZOG, Ze'ev: Beer Sheba II. The Early Iron Age Settlements KNAPLUND, Paul: Gladstone and Britain's Imperial Policy PARTRIDGE, Eric: Shakespeare's Bawdy. A Literary and Psychological Essay and a Comprehensive Glossary
MORROW, Bradford (Edited by): Conjunctions 12. The Credos Issue READE, Charles: The Cloister and the Hearth BURMAN, Peter & STRATTON, Michael (Edited by): Conserving the Railway Heritage
TABUCCHI, Antonio: The Edge of the Horizon SHEDROW, Adolphe: Ombres COOK, N.G.W. And Others (Edited by): The Technology and Potential of Tunnelling. Papers Presented at the South African Tunnelling Conference 1970
MACAULAY, Lord Thomas Babington: Biographies By Lord MacAulay Contributed to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, with Notes of His Connection with Edinburgh and Extracts from His Letters and Speeches TOLSTOY, Leo (Edited C. Hagberg WRIGHT): Hadji Murad and Other Stories BOURBAKI, N: Elements De Mathematique Fascicule XI: ALGEBRE Chapitre 4 Polynomes et Fractions Rationelles; Chapitre 5 Corps Commutatifs
CONYBEARE, Fred: The Dreyfus Case BRAMWELL, J. Milne: Hypnotism and Treatment By Suggestion BAKER, H.E: Legal System of Israel
LUARD, Evan (Edited by): The International Protection of Human Rights JONES, J. Walter: The Law and Legal Theory of the Greeks. An Introduction JENKS, C. Wilfred: Law in the World Community
BUTTERWORTHS: Who's Who in South African Law NIENABER, P.J. (Introduction by) (Contributions By F.I.J. VAN RENSBURG; Elize BOTHA; Anita LINDENBERG; Ernst LINDENBERG; P.J.NIENABER; Johann JOHL; A.J.COETZEE): Vyftig Afrikaanse Skrywers. Van Die Eerste Taalbeweging Tot Die Sestigers DU TOIT, P.S: Onderwys Aan Die Kaap Onder Die Kompanjie 1652-1795. "N Kultuur-Historiese Studie
KNIGHT, Stephen: The Killing of Justice Godfrey. An Investigation Into England's Most Remarkable Unsolved Murder KERR, A.J: The Native Law of Succession in South Africa, with Special Reference to the Nguni Tribes of the Ciskeian and Transkeian Territories and Natal KERR, A.J: Law and Justice. A Christian Exposition
KUPER, Hilda & KUPER, Leo (edited by): African Law. Adaptation and Development PLUCKNETT, T.F.T: Legislation of Edward I. The Ford Lectures Delivered in the University of Oxford in Hilary Term 1947 VENTER, H.J: Die Geskiedenis Van Die Suid Afrikaanse Gevangenisstelsel 1652-1958
JONES, Gareth: History of the Law of Charity 1532-1827 TAUBENFELD, Rita F & TAUBENFELD, Howard J: Race, Peace, Law and Southern Africa. Background Paper and Proceedings of the Tenth Hammarskjold Forum AGUDA, T. Akinola: Principles of Criminal Liability in Nigerian Law
STAFFORD, W.G. & FRANKLIN, Emanuel: Principles of Native Law and the Natal Code ELIAS, T. Olewale: The Nature of African Customary Law GLUCKMAN, Max (Edited by): Ideas and Procedures in African Customary Law
STRAKOSCH, Henry E: State Absolutism and the Rule of Law. The Struggle for the Codification of Civil Law in Austria 1753-1811 JOLOWICZ, H.F: Roman Foundations of Modern Law PICARD, Louis A: The Politics of Development in Botswana. A Model for Success?
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