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CHAPMAN, Sydney & LENTZEN, Richard S: Atmospheric Tides. Thermal and Gravfitational CRANEFIELD, Paul F: The Conduction of the Cardiac Impulse BOUDOULAS, Harisios & WOOLEY, Charles F. (Edited by): Mitral Valve Prolapse and the Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome
MORTIMER, Richard: Angevin England 1154-1258 DAVID, Jean-michel: The Roman Conquest of Italy MAKIN, Stephen: Indifference Arguments
GALLIOU, Patrick & JONES, Michael: The Bretons BURKE, Peter (Preface by): History of Italian Art Volume II ROBERTSON, Ritchie & TIMMS, Edward (Edited by): Gender and Politics in Austrian Fiction
HEBDEN, Juliet: Pel and the Precious Parcel COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES: Multilingual Dictionary of Fishing Vessels and Safety on Board CHABOT, H.T. And Others: Anniversary Contributions to Anthropology. Twelve Essays. Published on the Occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Leiden Ethnological Society W.D.O
MORGAN, N.J: Early Gothic Manuscripts I: 1190-1250; II: 1250-1285 (A Survey of Manuscripts Illuminated in the British Isles Volume 4) LEE, Daniel O'C & WICKINS, John F: Crustacean Farming BAIGENT, Michael & LEIGH, Richard: The Elixir and the Stone. The Tradition of Magic and Alchemy
SCOTT, J.M: The Man Who Made Wine MASON, A.E.W.; MILNE, A.A.; HAY, Ian; MACKENZIE, Compton; FREEMAN, R. Austin; and Several Others: The Times Red Cross Story Book By Famous Novelists Serving in His Majesty's Forces DE LA SOUCHERE, Dor: Germaine Richier 1904-1959
BARSLEY, Michael: Akice in Wunderground and Other Blits and Pieces ATWATER, Sally & SCHNELL, Judith: The Ruffed Grouse (TROTSKY, Leon) DEWEY, John and Others: The Preliminary Commission of Inquiry: The Case of Leon Trotsky. Report of Hearings on the Charges Made Against Him in the Moscow Trials
EPSTEIN, Edward Jay: The Diamond Invention. An Expose of the International Diamond Monopoly LANDON, H.C. Robbins: Supplement to the Symphonies of Joseph Haydn SUZUKI, D.T: Studies in Zen
GAMZU, Haim; CASSOU, Jean; GOLDCHEIDER, Cecile; COUTARD-SALMON, Germaine: Chana Orloff COINTAT, Michel (Introduction by): Emmanuel De La Villeon 1858-1944. Catalogue Raisonne Des Aquarelles, Gouaches, Pastels et Dessins GUICHETEAU, Marcel: Paul Serusier
JENSEN, Jens Christian & HODIN, Josef Paul: Friedrich Karl Gotsch MONNERET, Sophie: Dictionnaire International Illustre L'impressionisme et Son Epoque BOUIN-LUCE, Jean & BAZETOUX, Denise: Maximilien Luce Catalogue De L'oeuvre Peint
SCHMALENBACH, Werner & SORLIER, Charles: Marc Chagall De Draeger DEJEAN, Philippe: Carlo Rembrandt Ettore Jean Bugatti (ANON): Ciobanu
GASSIOT-TALABOT, Gerald: Jiri Kolar (Reperes Cahiers D'art Contemporain No.8) FREMON, Jean: Tapies. (Reperes Cahiers D'art Contemporain No.7) LYOTARD, Jean-Francois: Adami. Peintures Recentes. (Reperes Cahiers D'art Contemporain No.6)
JAWORSKA, Wladyslawa: Gauguin et L'ecole Pont Aven GREINDL, Edith: Les Peintres Flamands De Nature Mort Au XVIIe Siecle BOZO, Dominique and Others: Bonnard. Centre Georges Pompidou Musee National D'art Moderne / The Phillips Collection / Dallas Museum of Art
GANS-RUEDIN, E: Antique Oriental Carpets VAILLANT, Annette: Bonnard Ou Le Bonheur De Voir. Dialogue Sur Pierre Bonnard Entre Jean Cassou et Raymond Cogniat OSBORNE, Harold: The Oxford Companion to Twentieth Century Art
PRAT, Jean-Louis (Intro by): Exposition Joan Miro Au Japon 1980 LAFFAILLE, Maurice (Introduction by): Patrice Pastels 1949-1963 MONNERET, Jean and Others: Un Siecle Cent Chefs-D'oeuvre. Centenaire De La Societe Des Artists Independants 1884-1984
EXHIBITION CATALOGUE: L'extraordinaire Aventure De L'aube Du XXe Siecle. De Renoir a Chagall. Catalogue Avec Visite Commentee DIEHL, Gaston: A Derain TAILLANDIER, Yvon: Corot
PACH, Walter: Renoir SPIES, Werner: Max Ernst LLOYD, Christopher: Pissarro (FRENCH TEXT)
LEYMARIE, Jean: Corot WERNER, Alfred: Utrillo BOCCARA, Dario: Les Belles Heurs De La Tapisserie
FERMIGIER, Andre: Bonnard GRASSELLI, Margaret Morgan & ROSENBERG, Pierre (Curated by): Watteau 1684-1721. National Gallery of Art Washington / Galeries Nationales Du Grand Palais Paris / Chateau De Charlottenberg Berlin HOOG, Michel: Musee De l'Orangerie. Catalogue De La Collection De Jean Walter et Paule Guillaume
(AUCTION CATALOGUE): Collection Georges Renand. Parts 1 and II (of 3) ROSENBLUM, Robert & JANSON, H.W: Art of the Nineteenth Century. Painting and Sculpture NAYLOR, Colin & P-ORRIDGE, Genesis: Contemporary Artists
BAZIN, Germain: L'Univers Impressionniste HAFTMANN, Werner: Chagall McKITTERICK, David: The Sandars and Lyell Lectures. A Checklist with an Introduction
THE EDITOR, "THE BRITISHPRINTER" (Compiled by): Practical Notes on Stereotyping and Electrotyping MORISON, Stanley: First Principles of Typography MASON, John: J.H.Mason. R.D.I. A Selewction from the Notebooks of a Scholar-Printer
VAUGHAN, Richard (Edited by): Zambia HARLING, Robert (Edited by): Image. A Quarterly of the Visual Arts No.4 Spring 1950 BRUWER, A.J: Zimbabwe. Rhodesia's Ancient Greatness
VAN CLEEF, Piter Marius (Introduction By Frans A. JANSSEN): Handboek Ter Beoefening Der Boekdrukkunst in Nederland 1844 WILLIAMSON, Hugh: Methods of Book Design. The Practice of an Industrial Craft FAIRBANK, Alfred: A Book of Scripts
O'CONNOR, John: Introducing Relief Printing WARNOD, Jeanine: Suzanne Valadon COGNIAT, Raymond: Pissarro
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