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FREEDLAND, Michael: Dino. The Dean Martin Story
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GODFREY, Lionel: The Life and Crimes of Errol Flynn
BLORE, HUbert (and others): The Diamond Jubilee Book of Scouting 1907-1967
MACGREGOR, Lewis R: British Imperialism Memories and Reflections
BAIN, George Sayers: The Growth of White-Collar Unionism
GANNON, Thomas & TRAUB, George W: The Desert & the City. An Interpretation of the History of Christian Spirituality
EDWARDS, Harry: Life in Spirit, with a Guide for the Development of Mediumship
SOUBIGOU, Louis: A Commentary on the Prefaces and the Eucharistic Prayers of the Roman Missal
BACON, G. W. & Co: Bacon's New Survey Map of South Scotland
MANNING, Samuel: Swiss Pictures Drawn with Pen and Pencil
BENARD, Edmond Darvil: A Preface to Newman's Theology
MANSON, T.W. (Edited by): A Companion to the Bible
DUDLEY, Donald R: A History of Cynicism from Diogenes to the 6th Century A.D
HARRISON, C.W. Francis (Compiled by): The Trade, Industries, Products & Resources of South Africa and Adjacent Territories
ARMSTRONG, Henry: Gloves, Glory and God. An Autobiography
BUCKLAND, A.W: The World Beyond the Esterelles. VOLUME II
SCHREITER, Robert J: Constructing Local Theologies
SAUNDERS, Hilary St. George: Valiant Voyaging. A Short History of the British India Steam Navigation Company in the Second World War
LOVETT, Richard: Irish Pictures Drawn with Pen and Pencil
DUGDALE, William: Monastici Anglicani Volumen Tertium et Ultimum: Additamenta Quaedam in Volumen Primum Ac Volumen Secundum Jampridem Edita; Necnon Fundationes, Sive Dotationes Diversarum Ecclesiarum Cathedralium Ac Collegiatarum Continens: Ex Archivis Regiis, Ipsis .....
WERTH, A.J: Hans Anton Aschenborn. Commemorative Exhibition Wednesday May 13 to Sunday June 14 1970
RICHARDS, Frank: The Making of Harry Wharton (Magnet Issue Nos.1-10)
MASCAGNI, Pietro (Arranged for Piano and Voice By Leopoldo MUGNONE): Cavalleria Rusticana. Melodramma in Un Atto. Riduzione Per Canto e Pianoforte
ROSENBERG, Valerie: The Von Veltheim Trial
WESSELS, Elria: They Fought on Foreign Soil
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MARKANDAYA, Kamala: Nectar in a Sieve
KAFKA, Franz: The Great Wall of China and Other Pieces
HOWARTH, David: The Voyage of the Armada. The Spanish Story
LESLIE, Anita: Cousin Randolph. The Life of Randolph Churchill
REID, Frank H. & GOLDIE, William: Gold Plating Technology
VASSILTCHIKOV, George (Edited by): The Berlin Diaries 1940-1945 of Marie 'Missie' Vasseltchikov
YAMASNE, Yuzo: Momoyama Genre Painting
NAKATA, Yujiro: The Art of Japanese Calligraphy
MACVICAR, Simers M: The Student's Handbook of British Hepatics
MIYASHIRO, A: Metamorphism and Metamorphic Belts
JOHNSON, Una E. (Introduction by): Alice Trumbull Mason. Etchings and Woodcuts
RISEBOROUGH, Edward J. & HERNDON, James H: Scoliosis and Other Deformities of the Axial Skeleton
DOMMISSE, G.F: The Arteries and Veins of the Human Spinal Cord from Birth
WILLIAMS, J.G.P: A Colour Atlas of Injury in Sport
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HELFET, Arthur: Disorders of the Knee
BARNARD, Chris: Good Life Good Death. A Doctor's Case for Euthanasia and Suicide
LEACH, Graham: The Afrikaners Their Last Great Trek
JOHNSON, Stanley (Foreword By Peter SCOTT): Antartica. The Last Great Wilderness
WARD, Ian: The Sports Car
BRUNTON, Paul: The Sensitives. Dynamics and Dangers of Mysticism. (The Notebooks of Paul Brunton Volume Eleven)
GRAVELLE, Kim: Fiji's Times. A History of Fiji
WALKER, Augusta: The Goat Boy
JOHNSON, David (Pseudonym of Charles NUETZEL): Sabre General. A Novel of the Glory of France
VIERECK, George Sylvester: Gloria
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HAMILTON, Patrick: Twopence Coloured
GIGUERE, Diane: Innocence
SOLLERS, Philippe: A Strange Solitude
(NELSON, Michael): A Room in Chelsea Square
JOHNSON, David: Promenade in Champagne
TILTMAN, Marjorie Hessell: Master Sarah. A Novel of The Opium War in China
BRIGHT, John: Its Cleaner on the Inside
LANZMANN, Jacques: The American Rat
SAINT-LAURENT, Cecil: Frou-frou
FITZGERALD, Edward: After the Locust
BEACHCROFT, T.O: A Young Man in a Hurry and Other Stories
McCULLOCH, John Herries: A Million Miles in Sail
KATHIGASU, Sybil: No Dram of Mercy
QUARRELL, Charles: Buried Treasure
BERNSTEIN, Leon: Flavius Josephus His Time and His Critics
MUIR, John R: Messing About in Boats
JANE, Fred T: Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1913: A Reprint
EDWARDES, R. Des Anges (Compiled by): The African Building and Engineering Manual, 1943, in Which is Incorporated the South African Building and Allied Trades Manual . VOLUME VIII
ALDISS, Brian: Dracula Unbound
KURTEN, Bjorn: The Age of Mammals
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