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SCOTT, Douglas: The spoils of War LEIGH, James: The Ludi Victor ROGERS, Stanley: The Atlantic Buccaneers
MALLOWAN, Agatha Christie: Come tell me how you live DIXON, Franklin, W: The Clue of the schreeching owl CRESSWELL, C, M: The Keystone of Fascism : A study of the Ascendancy of Discipline
DIXON, glen & MOCKLER, Anthony: Hostage ROWLEDGE, J.W.P: The L.M.S Pacifics HOOG, Michel: Paul Gauguin
PRITCHARD, Anthony: Grand Prix Reflections from the 2 1/2 litre formula 1 era 1954/60 RABINOWITZ, L: Soldiers From Judea : Palestinian Jewish Units in the Middle East 1941-1943 GOLDFELLOW, J: The merchants and ship master's ready calculator and complete pocket assistant for all persons concerned in the freight of goods
HANSARD, Peter & HARRIS-CHING, Raymond: Wild Portraits : The Wildlife Art of Raymond Harris-Ching GREINDEL, Edith: Les peintres Flamands de nature mort au XVIII Siecle NASSERMANN, Jacob: The Maurizius Case
GOODMAN, Paul: The Jewish National Home WASSERMANN, Jacob: The Maurizius Case POOLMAN, Kenneth: The Battle of Sixty North
CORY, Desmond: Sunburst HUIZINGA, leonard: "Take Your Jacket Off" : The chronicle of a merchant as seen against 75 years of world history SAROYAN, W: Tracy's Tiger
LAMBERT, Gavin: The Goodby People AUCHINCLOSS, Louis: The Embezzler SUTHERLAND, Halliday: Lapland Journey
MONSARRAT, Nicholas: Signs of the times : Smith and Jones EIDSON, Thomas: The Last Ride EDWARDES, Michael: Battles of the Indian Mutiny
SOHHNCKE, L.A: Bibliotheca Mathematica : Verzeichnes Der Bucher Uber Der Gesammten Zweige der Mathematik McNEILL Captain Malcolm: In Pusuit of the "Mad" Mullah : Service and Sport in the Somali Protectorate WATSON, Larry: Montana 1948
McCULLOCH, George & FUTERS, T Campbell: Winding Engines and Winding Applainces: Their Design and Economical Working CLIFTON, Paul: The Fastest men On Earth RUEFF, Suze: I Knew Sarah Bernhardt
BARNABY, Sydney, W: Marine Propellers BATTARBEE, Rex: Modern Australian Aboriginal Art ARMY & NAVY STORES LIMITED: General price List 1935-36
RICHARDSON, Anthony: Crash Kavanagh LINDSAY, J.H: The London Scottish in the Great War DALLAS, Gila Cohen: Moshe Gat
McGURN, james: On your bicycle : An Illustrated History Of Cycling LOW, David: Low again, with Colonel Blimp, Hit and Muzz & Muzzler GILMOUR, John & WALTERS, Max: Wild Flowers
ELLIOTT, Inger, McCabe: Batik Fabled Cloth Of Java HOMMEL, Rudolpf, P: China At Work MOENS, W.J.C: English Travellers and Italian Brigands. A narrative of capture and Captivity
PENN, Irving: Moments Preserved ELDRIDGE, Russell: Tennis : The South African Story Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the South African Tennis Union AUCHINCLOSS, Louis: The Country Cousin
RAYMOND, Diana: Incideent on a Summers Day O ' FABLAIN, Julia: The Irish Signorina COTTRELL, Leonard: Life Under the Pharoahs
KING, W.J. Harding: A Search for the Masked Tawareks SEGAL. Louis: The Conquest of The Arctic OSBORNE, Milton: River Road to china
FORD, Jodeph, M: Compressor Theory and Practice with special reference to the Multi-Stage Machine DAVEY, Norman: The Gas Turbine DAWSON, J: Belting and its application : A treatise on the construction and use of the many types of belting
KERSHAW, J.W: The elemantary Internal Combustion Engines DE LA TOUR, Henri Boy: The induction motor : Its theory and design PHILLIPS, R, S: Electric Lifts
CATLING, Patrick, Skene: The Catalogue JUDGE, Arthur, W: Automobile Engines YOUNG, Robert, B: The banket : A Study of the auriferous conglomerates of the Wiwatersrand and Associated Rocks
ENDO, Shusaku: Silence DUNCAN, Ronald: The Lost Adam SEARLE, G.F.C: Experimental Harmonic Motion, A manual for the laboratory
EVANS, Ellioot, A: Lubricating And Allied Oils MILLER, William, T.W: Crushers for stone and ore ROSE, Thomas, Kirke & NEWMAN, W.A.C: The Metallurgy of Gold
PAGE, Eleanorr: Lace Making JENKINS BROS: Jenkins Valves and Mechanical Rubber Goods ORTON, A: The Diesel Engine
HUDSON, R.J Harrington: Reinforced Concrete : A practical handbook for the use in design and construction WANNAN, A.C: The engine-Drivers Guide KAULA, R.J & ROBINSON, I.V: Condensing Plant
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