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FERREIRA, O,J,O, (& D P M BOTES): Adamastor Gees Van Die Stormkaap, Met 'n Afrikaanse Verwerking Van Die Adamastor-Gedeelte Uit Os Lusiadas Van Luis De Camoes OLIVIER, S.P: Die Pioniertrekke Na Gazaland KOTZE, C.S: Doornkloof-Wereld ..
MEIRING, Jane: The Magic Calabash LAMPLOUGH, R.W: Matabele Folk Tales ADDY, Sidney Oldall (Introduction J D A WIDDOWSON): Folk Tales and Supertitions
ALBERTS, Andries: Swart Weerlig. Ware Verhale En Lewensbeskrywinge, Plus Drie Legendes Uit Angola En Namibie Van Der Horst, Sheila: African Workers in Town LOOTS, W.J.G: Die Herkoms, Ontwikkeling En Verspreiding Van Die Reisiesverhale. 'n Verhandeling Vir Die Graad Philosophiae Doctor Ingelewer Aan Die Universiteit Witwatersrand
BASCOM, William R: African Dilemma Tales TREVEYAN, Marie: Folk-lore and Folk-Stories of Wales STALDER, Valerie: Legends and Folktales of Lappland
BOWMAN, James Cloyd & BIANCO, Margery, Illustrated by Laura Bannon: Tales from a Finnish Tupa COLLEDGE, E. (Edited and Introduced by): Reynard the Fox and Other Mediaeval Netherlands Secular Literature LEVER, Henry: Ethnic Attitudes Of Johannesburg Youth
WAY, Lewis: Adler's Place in Psychology. An Exposition of Individual Psychology WEST, D.J: Homosexuality HERZBERG, Alexander: Active Psychotherapy
BRINK, Andre P: Voorlopige Rapport. Beskouings Oor Die Literatuur Van Sewentig BRINK, Andre P: 'N Droe Wit Seisoen BRINK, Andre P: Waarom Literatuur?
CARTER, Gwendolen & KARIS, Thomas & STULTZ, Newell: South Africa's Transkei: The Politics Of Domestic Colonists NIENABER, G.S. & RAPER, P.E: Hottentot (Khoekhoen) Place Names DU PLESSIS, E.J: 'n Ondersoek Na Die Oorsprong En Betekenis Van Suid-Afrikaanse Berg- En Riviername
CHILVERS, Hedley: The Seven Lost Trails of Africa. A Record of Sundry Expeditions, New and Old, in Search of Buried Treasure SCHRIJNEN, Jos: Nederlandsche Volkskunde TILLOTSON, Robert G. (Edited MENKES, Diana D.): Museum Security. La Securite Dans Les Musees
SADLER, Celia, Comp: Never A Young Man: Extracts from the Letters And Journals Of the Rev William Shaw ZIERVOGEL, D. (Compiled by): Swazi Texts, with an English Translation HAECKEL, Ernst: Ueber Unsere Gegenwartige Kenntniss Vom Ursprung Des Menschen. Vortrag Auf Dem Vierten Internationalen Zoologen-Congress in Cambridge am 26 August 1898
WEISMANN, August: Uber Germinal-Selection Eine Quelle Bestimmt Gerichteter Variation WEISMANN, August: Neue Gedanken Zur Vererbunsfrage. Eine Antwort an Herbert Spencer BUCHNER, Ludwig: Die Macht Der Vererbung Und Ihr Einfluss Auf Den Moralischen Und Geistigen Fortschritt Der Menschheit
TIRRONEN, T.E: Ndonga-English Dictionary MONSELL, J.R: Balderdash Ballads CONTENSOU, Bernadette (and Others: Robert Sonia Delaunay. Musee D'art Moderne Paris 14 Mai to 18 Septembre 1985
DUNDES, Alan: The Study of Folklore THOMPSON, Stith: The Folktale TER LAAN, K: Folkloristisch Woordenboek Van Nederland En Vlaams Belgie
SCHMIDT, Sigrid: Hansel Und Gretel in Afrika. Marchentexte Aus Namibia Im Internationalen Vergleich HARKORT, Frtitz; PEETERS, Karel C.; WILDHABER, Robert: Volksuberlieferung. Festschrift Fur Kurt Ranke Zur Vollendung Des 60. Lebensjahres CHRISTIANSEN, Reidar Thorwald (Edited by): Folktales of Norway
DEGH, Linda (Edited by): Folktales of Hungary BRIGGS, Katharine & TONGUE, Ruth L. (Edited by): Folktales of Hungary NOY, Dov (Edited by): Folktales of Israel
EBERHARD, Wolfram (Edited by): Folktales of China PAREDES, Americo (Edited by): Folktales of Mexico MEGAS, Georgios A. (Edited by): Folktales of Greece
PINO-SAAVEDRA, Yolando (Edited by): Folktales of Chile MASSIGNON, Genevieve (Edited by): Folktales of France WYKES, Alam: Snake Man: The Story Of C.J.P. IONIDES
MAINE, Henry Sumner: Dissertations on Early Law and Custom DE VRIES, Hugo: Van Amoebe Tot Mensch. Laatste Les Aan De Universiteit Van Amsterdam Op 13 Juni 1918 Gegeven GERHART, Gail M: Black Power in South Africa. The Evolution of an Ideology
FREDRICKSON, George M: The Comparative Imagination. On the History of Racism, Nationalism and Social Movements LIGHTBODY, Charles Wayland: The Judgements of Joan. Joan of Arc. A Cultural History SMITH, Percy J: Lettering. A Handbook of Modern Alphabets
HERBERT, Robert K. (Edited by): Language and Society in Africa. The Theory and Practice of Sociolinguistics SNYMAN, J.P.L: The Works Of Sarah Gertrude Millinn MARIJNISSEN, R.-H: Bruegel De Oude
CASSOU, Jean & LEYMARIE, Jean: Leger. Dessins et Gouaches MARLIER, Georges: Hedendaagsche Vlaamsche Schilderkunst PARKES, Margery: Wheatlands. The Story of a Family and a Farm 1849-1879
SUTTON, Denys: Nicolas De Stael PLENDERLEITH, H.J: The Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art. Treatment, Repair and Restoration DU TOIT, J.D: Dr. S.J. Du Toit in Weg En Werk. 'N Periode Van Afrikaanse Oplewing
DU TOIT, S.J: Fergelijkende Taalkunde Fan Afrikaans En Engels / Comparative Grammar of English and Cape Dutch GOMBRICH, E.H: Norm and Form (Studies in the Art of the Renaissance I) GOMBRICH, E.H: Symbolic Images (Studies in the Art of the Renaissance II)
HUNT, Leigh: Critical Essays on the Performers of the London Theatres, Including General Observations on the Practise and Genius of the Stage, By the Author of the Theatrical Criticisms in the Weekly Paper Called The News SARDIS, Alexander (Attributed to John SELDEN): Liber De Nummis in Quo Antiqua Pecunia Romana & Graeca Metitur Precio Ejus, Quae Nunc Est in Usu. Hinc Accedit Bibliotheca Nummaria Sive Elenchu Auctorum, Qui De Antiquis Numismatibus, Hebraeis, Graecis, Romanis; Necnon De Monetis, Ponderibus, ...... JACKSON, Anthony: The Politics of Architecture. A History of Modern Architecture in Britain
MOLEMA, S.M: Montshiwa: Baralong Chief and Patriot BORRAS, Maria Lluisa: Arquitectura Finlandesa En Otamieni. Alvar Aalto. Heikki Siren. Reima Pietila REYNOLDS, John: Windmills and Watermills
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