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WAINWIGHT, John: Their Evil Ways VAN DER MERWE, H.J.J.M: Patriot-Woordeboek, Heruitgegee En Van 'n Voorwoord Voorsien .. VAN DER MERWE, H.J.J.M. (edited by): Studierigtings in Die Taalkunde
VAN DER MERWE, H.J.J.M. (edited by): Afrikaans Sy Aard En Ontwikkeling VAN RENSBURG, F.I.J. (edited by): Die Kunswerk as Taal LOUBSER, J.E: Eerste Beginsels Van Die Afrikaanse Taal En Fergelijkende Taalkunde Fan Afrikaans En Engels
BOSMAN, D.B: Afrikaans En Maleis-Portugees SCHONKEN, F. Th: De Oorsprong Der Kaapsch-Hollandsche Volksverleveringen BOSMAN, D.B.; LE ROUX, T.H.; MALHERBE, D.F.; SMITH, Johannes J: Afrikaanse Woordelys En Spelreels
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CONDORCET, Marquis De: Eloges Des Academiciens De Academie Royale Des Sciences Morts Depuis 1666, Jusqu'en 1699 BREED, J. & Others: Feesbundel Vir Prof. Jan Antonie Engelbrecht. 'N Huldingsblyk Aan Hom Opgedra Deur Sy Oud-Studente Ter Geleentheid Van Sy Vyf-En-sestigste Verjaardag 27 Augustus 1961 FOTHERGILL, Brian: The Strawberry Hill Set. Horace Walpole and His Circle
COX, Benjamin: The Book of Blandford Forum LEWIS, E. Roberts: The History of Caerphilly Castle BANDI, H.G: Eskimo Prehistory
BROOKE-HUNT. Violet: Prisoners of the Tower of London, Being an Account of Some Who at Divers Times Lay Captive Within Its Walls FORNARO, Carlo De: Isvara's Ring the Legend of Jade; Asneha the Legend of the Opal; the Tear of Soms the Legend of the Pearl; Uttara the Legend of the Turquoise BURGESS, Anthony: The Pianoplayers
LABAND, J.P.C. & THOMPSON, P.S: Field Guide to the War in Zululand and the Defence of Natal 1879 ESCUDIER, Jean-noel & FULLER, Peta: True Provencal & Nicoise Cooking YOUNG, E. (Edited by): The Capture and Care of Wild Animals. The Work of Eighteen Veterinary, Medical and Wildlife Experts
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STEINMEYER, F.L: The History of the Passion and Resurrection of Our Lord, Considered in the Light of Modern Criticism KENYON, Frederic G: Handbook to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament FRIED, Albert & ELMAN, Richard (Selected and Edited By): Charles Booth's London
DRAPER, Alfred: Operation Fish. The Race to Save Europe's Wealth 1939-1945 ARNDT, Ruth Spence: John Dewey's Philosophy of Education CLAYTON, Joseph: Father Stanton of St. Alban's Holborn. A Memoir
ROBERTSON, James Craigie: Plain Lectures on the Growth of the Papal Power WARNER, Marmaduke & HOOPER, A.C: The History of Roath St. German's (CHURCH DOCUMENTS): Documents Relating to the Settlement of the Church of England By the Act of Uniformity of 1662
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FERGUSON, Duncan: Civilisation for Africa. A Study of the Impact of Modern Scientific Medicine on Africa BRIEGER, Peter: English Art 1216-1307 ROSE, Alec: My Lively Lady
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DAVIN, Frans J: Die Davins Van Suid-Afrika CUNNISON, Ian: Baggara Arabs. Power and Lineage in a Sudanese Nomad Tribe HOOPER, John & Rodney: Modern Furniture and Fittings
MIRBT, Carl: Quellen Zur Geschichte Des Papsttums MAJOR, A: Vibration Analysis and Design of Design Foundations for MacHines and Turbines. Dynamical Problems in Civil Engineering JONES, David Keith: Faces of Kenya
EDGAR, R.C.R. (Edited by): Underground Transport Symposium 1984: Proceedings STANTON, Shelby: U.S. Army Uniforms of the Cold War 1948-1973 HUNT, Eric: History of the 13th/18th Royal Hussars (Queen Mary's Own) 1947 to 1992
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CREASEY, John: Alibi OLIVER, Basil: The Renaissance of the English Public House KIDD, Walter: The Sense of Touch In Mammals and Birds with Special Reference to the Papillary Ridges
HUISH, Marcus & ALLINGHAM, Helen, Illustrated by Helen Allingham: Happy England KAWATA, T: Glimpses of the East. N.Y.K. Official Guide. Thirteenth Annual Issue 1930-1931 FROST, Thomas: The Old Showmen and the Old London Fairs
HUNT, Robert (Collected and Edited by): Popular Romances of the West of England, or the Drolls, Traditions and Superstitions of Old Cornwall BOYLE, Thomas: Only The Dead Know Brooklyn MONROE, Will S: Sicily The Garden of the Mediterranean. The History, People, Institutions and Geography of the Island
CALVERT, Albert F: Leon, Burgos and Salamanca. An Historical and Descriptive Account CALVERT, Albert F: Valladolis, Oviedo, Segovia, Zamora, Avila & Zaragoza. An Historical and Descriptive Account WINDLE, Bertram C.A: The Romans in Britain
LAING, Samuel & HUXLEY, Thomas H: Pre-Historic Remains of Caithess, ..., With Notes on the Human Remains EDWARDS, William: The Early History of the North Riding KIPLING, Rudyard, Illustrated by Mauruce & Edward Detmold: The Jungle Book
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