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TUNG TRAN VAN: Viet-nam HOOKER, Richard: Of the Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politie. Eight Books ARAGO, J. (FREYCINET, Captain): Narrative of a Voyage Round the World in the Uranie and Physicienne Corvettes Commanded By Captain Freycinet, During the Years 1817, 1818, 1819, 1nd 1820; on a Scientific Expedition Undertaken By Order of the French Government, in a Series of Letters ...
PITT RIVERS, Lieutenant General: Antique Works of Art from Benin BURY, J.B: A History of the Eastern Roman Empire from the Fall of Irene to the Accession of Basil I (A D 802-867) JACKSON, T.G: Byzantine and Romanesque Architecture
LENDENFELD, Robert Von: A Monograph of the Horny Sponges MECHELIN, L. (Edited by): Finland in the Nineteenth Century, By Finnish Authors, Illustrated By Finnish Artists QUEVEDO-VILLEGAS, Francisco De, Illustrated by DAniel Vierge: Pablo De Segovia. The Spanish Sharper
AMSINCK, Paul, Illustrated by Letitia Byrne: Tunbridge Wells and Its Neighbourhood Illustrated in a Series of Etchings and Historical Descriptions SULLIVAN, Michael: Symbols Of Eternity: The Art of Landscape Painting in China MURRAY, A.S: Terracotta Sarcophagi Greek and Etruscan in the British Museum
BOILEAU DESPREAUX, M: Oeuvres, Avec Eclaircissemens Historiques FACCIOLATUS Jacob & FORCELLINUS, Aegidius (Edited and Revised FURLANETTO, Joseph): Totius Latinitatis Lexicon BUXTORF, Johannes: Lexicon Chaldaicum, Takmudicum et Rabbinicum
BRISSON, Barnabe: De Verborum Quae Ad Ius Civile Pertinent Significatione Opus Praestantissimum KNIGHT, Caharles: The Pictorial Gallery of Arts. Useful Arts. Fine Arts DOBYNS, Stephen: A man Of Little Evils
DIRECTORY: The United Transvaal Directory 1940, Comprising Complete Directories of Johannesburg and Pretoria and All Towns in the Transvaal 1940; Containing Also a Coastal Section, Embodying a Directory of Durban MORRIS, Lewis: Rhodd Meistr I'W Brentis. Y Gywrain Gelfyddyd o Japanio Yn Cynnwys Hyfforddiadau... PRICHARD, Rees: The Welshman's Candle. Canwyll y Cymry; Sef, Gwaith y Parchedig
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DESVIGNES, P. & LEGRAS, M: Les Expertises En Ophtalmologie SACHSENWEFER, Rudolf: Augenartzliche Begutachtung JAYLE, Gaetan E. & OURGAUD, Albert G: La Vision Nocturne et Ses Troubles
JONES, William E: The Gold and Silver Currency Stamps of China and Formosa SUTHERLAND, Douglas: Strike! ALLBUTT, T. Clifford: Notes on the Composition of Scientific Papers
THORNTON, J. Knowslery: Surgery of the Kidneys, Being the Harveian Lectures 1889 CHARLEWOOD, G.P: Bantu Gynaecology COLENSO, J.W: Zulu-English Dictionary
NELSON, Colleen Helgeson: The Downy Waterfowl of North America ACHCAR, Gilbert (Edited by): The Legacy of Ernest Mandel GELFAND, Michael: The Sick African
VACCARI, Pietro: Storia Della Universita Di Pavia HIGGINS, George, V: The Judgement Of Deke Hunter BASSI, Agostino: Del Mal Del Segno Calcinaccio o Moscardino Malattia Che Affligge I Bachi Da Seta e Sul Modo Di Liberarne Le Bigattaje Anche Le Piu Infestate
BUSACCHI, Vincenzo: Ricordi Di G.B.Morgagni, Nel Il Centenario Di Pubblicazione Del De Sedibus et Causis Morborum Per Anatomen Indagatis BONE, Gertrude, Illustrated by Stephen Bone: The Hidden Orchis NETER, Eugen: Das Eimzige Kind Und Seine Erziehung
GYSEL, Carlos: Histoire De L'orthodontie. Ses Origines, Son Archeologie et Ses Precurseurs GLUCKMAN, Henry: Lectures on Gonorrhoeal and Syphilitic Affections, with a Special Lecture on the Theermo-Electric Treatment of Gonorrhoea EDENS, Ernst: Die Digitalisbehandlung
STOHR, Philipp: Lehrbuch Der Histologie Ind Der Mikroskopischen Anatomie Des Menschen Mit Einschluss Der Mikroskopischen Technik ELLIS, Mark: A Fatal Charade MEYER, Hans Horst: Experimentelle Pharmakologie Als Grundlage Der Arzneibehandlung
VERWOERD, H.F: Crisis in World Conscience / The Road to Freedom for Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Swaziland MACHANICK, Sonia, Illustrated by Nina Campbell-Quine: I'll Make Me a World KAPLAN, Alec: Southern Rhodesia Matabeleland Commemorative Issue 2D
KAPLAN, Alec: Union 3s Booklets KAPLAN, Alec: The Union Coronation Stamps A Comprehensive Study CASPER, Leopold: Lehrbuch Der Urologie Mit Einschluss Der Mannlichen Sexualerkrankungen
FUCHS, Ernst: Lehrbuch Der Augenheilkunde DAVIS, Angela: An Autobiography HILL, Peter: The Hunters
RIGAL, D. (And others): L'Epithelium Corneen GRANGE, J.D: La Retinopathie Diabetique MONDON, H. & METGE, P: La Myopie Forte
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