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COCKBURN, John: The History of Duels
LINGUET, Mr. (Edited Edmund Goldsmid): Memoirs of the Bastille
AN EYEWITNESS (Edited Edmund Goldsmid): The History of the Devils of Loudun. The Alleged Possession of the Ursuline Nuns, and the Trial and Execution of Urbain Grandier
MOYLAN, D.C. (Edited Edmund Goldsmid): The History of Manon Lescaut and the Chevalier Des Grieux
ANON. (Edited Edmund Goldsmid): The Chronicles of London from 44 Hen.III to 17 Edw.III, Translated from a Ms. In the Cottonian Library
COTTON, Robert. (Edited Edmund GOLDSMID): Cottoni Posthuma: Divers Choice Pieces of That Renowned Antiquary Sir Robert Cotton Knight and Baronet. Preserved from the Injury of Time and Exposed to Publick Light for the Benefit of Posterity
RITSON, Joseph (Edited Edmund GOLDSMID): Ancient Popular Poetry from Authentic Manuscripts and Old Printed Copies
BOUVIER, Jacques Le (Edited Edmund GOLDSMID): The Recovery of Normandy from the English in 1449
ANON. (Edited Edmund GOLDSMID): Narrative of the Events of the Siege of Lyons
ANON. (Edited Edmund GOLDSMID): A Collection of Historical Documents Illustrative of the Reigns of Tudor and Stuart Sovereigns
ANON. (Edited Edmund GOLDSMID): Quaint Gleanings from Ancient Poetry. A Collection of Curious Poetical Compositions of the XVIth, XVIIth and XVIIIth Centuries
WINCHELSEA, The Earl of (Edited Edmund GOLDSMID): The Works of Asnacreon and Sappho, Done from the Greek By Several Hands
COLLIER, Jeremy (Edited Edmund GOLDSMID): An Essay on Gaming in a Dialogue Between Callimachus and Dolomedes
CANEL, A: A History of the Stes-General of Normandy
ANON: The Field of Bloud or Rebellion Blazoned in All Its Colours
O'HARA, John: Hope Of Heaven
ANON: The Tryal of Edward Coleman, Gent. For Conspiring the Death of the King and the Subversion of the Government of England
CHURCHILL, Winston S: Winston Churchill His Memoirs and His Speeches from Armistice to Victory 1918 - 1945
MOUNTAIN CLUB SOUTH AFRICA: The Annual of the Mountain Club of South Africa No.20
MOUNTAIN CLUB SOUTH AFRICA: The Annual of the Mountain Club of South Africa No.29
MOUNTAIN CLUB SOUTH AFRICA: The Annual of the Mountain Club of South Africa No.30
MOUNTAIN CLUB SOUTH AFRICA: The Annual of the Mountain Club of South Africa No.31
MOUNTAIN CLUB SOUTH AFRICA: The Annual of the Mountain Club of South Africa No.32
MOUNTAIN CLUB SOUTH AFRICA: The Annual of the Mountain Club of South Africa No.33
STEWART, Mary: The Moon-Spinners
MURRAY, Lindley: Introduction to the English Reader, or a Selection of Pieces in Prose and Poetry Calculated to Improve the Younger Classes of Learners in Reading; and to Imbue Their Minds with the Love of Virtue...
OMOND, G.W.T: The Early History of the Scottish Union Question
BOSWELL, James (EDited POTTLE, Frederick A & BENNETT, Charles H.): Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, Now First Published from the Original Manuscript
HOPWOOD, David: South African English Pronunciation
FREMLIN, Celia: A Lovely Day To Die
HAWKER, George: The Life of George Grenfell. Congo Missionary and Explorer
GRAHAM, R.H. Carson: Under Seven Congo Kings
HOEFLER, Paul: Africa Speaks. A Story of Adventure. The Chronicle of the First Trans-African Journey By Motor Truck from Mombasa on the Indian Ocean to Lagos on the Atlantic, Through Central Equatorial Africa
HILL, Richard: A Biographical Dictionary of the Sudan
HATCH, John: Tanzania. A Profile
HART, Gillian P: Some Socio-Economic Aspects of African Entrepreneurship, with Particular Reference to the Transkei and Ciskei
PIRES, Rui (Edited and Compiled by), Illustrated by Neves e Sousa: Luanda
JASTER, Robert Scott: The Defence of White Power. South African Foreign Policy Under Pressure
HEMMENS, H.L: Congo Journey
MACKINDER, H.J. (Edited K. Michasel BARBOUR): The First Ascent of Mount Kenya
VAN LOGGERENBERG, Joachim Christoffel Cornelius: Lex Aquila En Nalate
REBELO DE SOUSA, L: Moedas De Angola
BLELOCH, W.E: The Far East Rand. Its Reefs, Mines and Share Values
KUNENE, Daniel P: Thomas Mofolo and the Emrgence of Written Sesotho Prose
LAVACHERY, Henri: Statuaire De L'afrique Noire
LEIPOLDT, C. Louis: Oom Gert Vertel En Andere Gedichte
DELAFIELD, E.M: The Provincial Lady In War-Time
GREAVES, Alan: Tell Me of Komani....A History of Queenstown
KRIEL, T.J: The New Sesuto-English Dictionary
SINGH, Madanjeet: The Cave Paintings of Ajanta
FORMAN, Bedrich: Borobudur. The Buddhist Legend in Stone
VAN RENSBURG, Hans: Their Paths Crossed Mine. Memoirs of the Commandant General of the Ossewa-Brandwag
VERBURGH, C: Ontwikkeling En Vooruitsigte Van Die Suid-Afrikaanse Handelskeepvaart
LOVESEY, Peter: Keystone
BEELAERTS VAN BLOKLAND, F. (and others): Jan Van Riebeeck. Zijn Voor- En Nageslacht
TAYLOR, H.W: Tobacco Culture with Special Reference to South Afreican Conditions
VAN HEERDEN, Ernst: Wolk Van Die Mooi Weer. "N Suid-Amerikaanse Reisjoernaal
SCHIMLEK, Francis: Mariannhill. A Study in Bantu Life and Missionary Effprt
CONWAY, William Martin: Dawn of Art in the Ancient World. An Archaeological Sketch
NEWBY, P.H: The Retreat
JOYCE, P.W: English as We Speak it in Ireland
GAWTHORP, T.G. & W.E: A Manual of Practical Instruction in the Art of Brass Repousse for Amateurs
WORNUM, R.N: Analysis of Ornament. The Characteristics of Styles. An Introduction to the History of Ornamental Art
MILES-CADMAN, C.F: Socialism for South Africa
HARRISON, Wilfrid H: Memoirs of a Socialist in South Africa 1903-1947
CHAMBERLIN, Thomas C. & SALKISBURY, Rollin D: Geology. Processes & Their Results
LEWIS, C.S: English Literature in the Sixteenth Century Excluding Drama. The Completion of the Clark Lectures Trinity College Cambridge 1944 (Oxford History of English Literature III)
SHENSTONE, William (Edited, with Life, Critical Dissertation and Explanatory Notes By George GILFILLAN): The Poetical Works
GOLDSMITH, Oliver; COLLINS, William; WARTON, T(Edited, with Life, Critical Dissertation and Explanatory Notes By George GILFILLAN): The Poetical Works
YOUNG, Edward (Edited, with Life, Critical Dissertation and Explanatory Notes By George GILFILLAN): Night Thoughts
POPE, Alexander Edited, with Life, Critical Dissertation and Explanatory Notes By George GILFILLAN): The Poetical Works
SPENSER, Edmund, Illustrated by William Kent: The Faerie Queene, with and Exact Collation of the Two Original Editions Published By Himself at London in Which is Added a New Life of the Author and Also a Glossary
HERBERT, George (Edited George GILFILLAN): The Poetical Works
COTTON, C.A: Landscape as Developed By the Processes of Normal Erosion
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