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BOYLE, Robert: The Sceptical Chymist ANSHEN, Ruth Nanda (Planned and Edited By) MANN, Thomas; RUSSELL, Bertrand; BERGSON, Henri; WHITEHEAD, Alfred North; EINSTEIN, Albert and Others: Freedom. Its Meaning CHADWICK, H.M: Early Scotland. The Picts the Scots & the Welsh of Southern Scotland
DIXON, W. Hepworth ( to Bishop COLENSO): A 3pp. Autograph Letter to Bishop Colenso, on Athenaeum Letterhead, Signed and Dated Feb.24 1863 LA GUMA, Alex: Tattoo Marks and Nails (in Black Orpheus #14) HOERNLE, R.F.A: Philosophers and Anthropologists
SPOHR, O: Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel Bleek. A Bio-Biliographical Study CORFIELD, F.D: The Origins and Growth of the Mau Mau. An Historical Survey FLORIN, Rudolf: On Walkomia N. Gen. A Genus of Upper Palaeozoic Conifers from Gondwanaland
HOOD, A.G. (Edited by): The French Line Compagnie Generale Transatlantique Quadruple Screw Turbo-Electric North Atlantic Steamship NORMANDIE the World's Largest Liner. Souvenir Number of the Shipbuilder and Marine Engine-Builder June 1935 WESTON, Jessie (Translated by), Illustrated by Caroline Watts: Sir Gawain at the Grail Castle WESTON, Jessie (Translated by), Illustrated by Caroline Watts: Morien. A Metrical Romance
WESTON, Jessie (Translated by), Illustrated by Caroline Watts: Sir Cleges. Sir Libaeus Deconus WESTON, Jessie (Translated by) (MARIE DE FRANCE), Illustrated by Caroline Watts: Guingamor. Launfal. Tyolet Lisclaveret. Four Lais BAEDEKER, Karl: Paris And Environs
WESTON, Jessie (Translated by), Illustrated by Morris M Williams: Sir Gawain and the Lady of Lys WESTON, Jessie (Translated by), Illustrated by M.M.Crawford: Sir Gawian and the Green Knight NIKKO: Pictorial Nikko National Park
WHITE, James Dillon: The Salzburg Affair SELWYN, Francis: Sergeant Verity Presents His Compliments SYLVESTER, Cyril & RITCHIE, Thomas E: Modern Electrical Illumination
DINSDALE, Tim: The Leviathans METZGER, Bruce M: The Text of the New Testament. Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration (ANON: ?? Peter NICHOLSON): Practical Masonry, Bricklaying and Plastering Both Plain and Ornamental, Containing a New and Complete System of Lines for Stone-Cutting; for the Use of Workmen; with and Ample Detail of the Theory and Practice of Constructing Arches, Domes, Groins, ...
KEELY, H.H. & PRICE, Christine: The City of the Dagger JONES, G. Howard: The Earth Goddess. A Study of Native Farming on the West African Coast CAPE OF GOOD HOPE (RAILWAYS): Report of the Select Committee Appointed to Consider and Report On the Central Railways Company Bill
BAEDEKER, Karl: London and Environs GREEN, Celia & McCREERY, Charles: Apparitions SHAW, G.A: Madagascar and France. With Some Account of the Island, Its People, Its Resources and Development
TALBOT, P. Amaury: Life in Southern Nigeria. The Magic, Beliefs and Customs of the Ibibio Tribe MORTELMANS, Georges & NENQUIN, Jacques (Edited by): Actes Du IVe Congres Panafricain De Prehistoire et De L'etude Du Quaternaire. Section I: Geologie. Paleontologie Generale et Climatologie; Section II: Paleontologie Humaine. Section III. Pre- et Protohistoire GARCIA, Luis Pericot & TARRADELL, Miguel: Manuel De Prehistoria Africana
DAVIES, Evan (Secretary): The Warden's Meeting. A Tribute to John Sparrow KIRWAN, L.P: Rome Beyond the Southern Egyptian Frontier LUKE, Harry, charles: The Travellers Handbook For Palestine and Syria
RIIS, P.J: Sukas I. The North-east Sanctuary and the First Settling of Greeks in Syria and Palestine CURTIS, J.W: The Coinage of Pharaonic Egypt GOLDSMITH, Joel S: Living Between Two Worlds
WRIGHT, Carol: Mauritius COPPELL, W.G: World Catalogue of Theses and Dissertations About the Australian Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders GODEY, John: A Thrill A Minute With Jack Albany
KEARNS, Jack (Doc) (As Told to Oscar FRALEY): The Million Dollar Gate PERLS, Frederick; HEFFERLINE, Ralph F.; GOODMAN, Paul: Gestalt Therapy. Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality POWELL, E. Alexander: Vive La France
HEITLAND, W.E: The Roman Republic VOLUME III MOOREY, P.R.S. (Edited by): Levant. journal of The British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem VOLUME V MOOREY, P.R.S. (Edited by): Levant. journal of The British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem VOLUME VI
VOGEL, Eleanor K. & HOLTZCLAW, Brooks: Bibliography of Holy Land Sites, Compiled in Honor of Dr. Nelson Glueck FORTE, Elizabeth Williams: Ancient Near Eastern Seals. A Selection of Stamp and Cylider Seals from the Collection of Mrs. William H. Moore LIVERANI, Mario: Three Amarna Essays
POTTER, S.R. (Edited by): South African Mining Year Book 1941-2 (29th Year of Publication) NIDA, Eugene A. (Edited by): The Book of a Thousand Tongues WARNE, F.G. (Compiled by): The Bombing of Bristol. Pictures of Streets and Buildings Damaged in the Raids of 1940-1941
WACE, Alan J.B. & STUBBINGS, Frank H. (Edited by): A Companion to Homer CORVO, Baron (FR ROLFE): Don Renato CHRISTIE, Agatha; MACDONALD, Philip; CAMPBELL, Alice; RHODE, John: The Fifth Crime Club Omnibus. Peril at End House / The Crime Conductor / the Click of the Gate / Dead Men at the Folly
BOWEN, J.C.E: Poems from the Persian VERHAGE, J.A: 'N Sintakties-Stilistiese Studie Van Die Dagregister Van Jan Van Riebeeck CORMACK, Robin: An Apostle Mosaic from Medieval Torcello
BERTHOUD, Ruth: My Childhood My Family and Other Adventures. Written 1978-9 BERTHOUD, Ruth, Illustrated by Hubert Williams: Sadie & Sydney. Stories of Two Donkeys WELLS, H.G: The Wonderful visit
JONES, Lawrence E: The Observer's Book of Old English Churches BOTTOMLEY, A.M. & TALBOT, P.H.B: Common Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms in South Africa (Bulletin 324) SCOBIE, Alastair: Women of Africa
WILSON, Monica; BROOKES, Edgar H.; KUPER, Hilda; HARRIS, E.E: Homage to Wifred Hoernle (Race Relations Journal Volume XXII No.4) CALLAHAN, Steven: Adrift. Seventy-six Days Lost at Sea MAGONA, Sindiwe: Mother to Mother
WOOLF, Virginia: Rofer Fry A Biography MICHELANGELO (Translated Joseph TUSANI): The Complete Poems of Michelangelo SHAW, Artie: I Love You I Hate You Drop Dead! Variations on a Theme
SHINN, Alida Visscher, Illustrated by Jimmy Thompson: Children of Hawaii MIDDLETON, Lynn: Place Names of the Pacific Northwest Coast CHADOURNE, Marc: Anahuac. Tale of a Mexican Journey
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