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HAMMACHER, A.M: Barbara Hepworth FREEBAIRN, David: Freebairn. A Family History 1849-1989. James and Jean Freebairn and their Descendants in Australia HOYLE, R.W. And Others: Camden Miscellany XXXI (Camden Fourth Series Volume 44)
SPRY, J.F: The Sea Shells of Dar Es Salaam. Part 1: Gastropods. Part II: Pelecypoda (Bivalves) NOURSE, Alan E: The Mercy Men GILBERT, Stuart & HORNER, Ray: The Thames Barrier
BOORMAN, H.R.Pratt: Hell's Corner 1940. Kent Becomes the Battlefield of Britain KELLER, Helen: Helen Keller's Journal INNES, Hammond: Campbell's Kingdom
BRIERLEY, David: Cold War O'RIORDAN, Conal; EDMONDS, Charles; GRUNDY, C.W.; BROPHY, John; "MILES"; DENISON, Corrie; SOUTHWOLD, Stephen; PATTISON, E.C.; HANCOCK, Norman; PARTRIDGE, Eric: A Martial Medley. Fact and Fiction LIE, Jonas: The Devil's Birthday
SNOW, C.P. (Edited Harold WRIGHT): Chemistry in "University Studies Cambridge 1933" AAFJES, Bertus: In Het Atrium Der Vestalinnen En Andere Fragmenten MOCKLER-FERRYMAN, A.F. (Compiled and Edited by): The Oxfordshire Light Infantry Chricle 1904. Volume XIII. An Annual Record of the First and Second Battalions Formerly the 43rd and 52nd Light Infantry
SARTRE, Jean Paul: Two Plays. The Flies Les Mouches. In Ca,era Huis Clos GRIMSHAW, Jean: Feminist Philosophers. Women's Perspectives on Philosophical Traditions KRETZMER, Herbert (Adapted and with Lyrics by) (BARRIE, James), Illustrated by Michael Annals: Our Man Crichton
PHELPS, William Lyon (Edited by): The Pocket Book of Mystery Stories HOTCHNER, A.E: The Dangerous American WOOLCOTT, Alexander: While Rome Burns
SMITH, Thorne: Topper RINEHART, Mary Roberts: The Album HITCHCOCK, Alfred (Introduction by): The Pocket Book of Great Detectives
QUEEN, Elley: The Vhinese Orange Mystery STOUT, Rex: Fer-De-lance HILTON, James: Without Armor
WELLS, H.G: Pocket History of The World HAMILTON, Alex: Beam Of malice FEUERSTEIN, Georg & MILLER, Jeanine: A Reappraisal of Yoga. Essays in Indian Philosophy
MOCKLER-FERRYMAN, A.F. (Compiled and Edited By): The 43rd and 52nd Light Infantry Chronicle 1893 MOCKLER-FERRYMAN, A.F. (Compiled and Edited By): The 43rd and 52nd Light Infantry Chronicle 1894 MOCKLER-FERRYMAN, A.F. (Compiled and Edited by): The Oxfordshire Light Infantry Chronicle 1896. An Annual Record of the First and Second Battalions, Formerly The 43rd and 52nd Light Infantry
THORNLEY, Richard: Zig - Zag MOCKLER-FERRYMAN, A.F. (Compiled and Edited By): The Oxfordshire Light Infantry Chronicle 1898. An Annual Record of the First and Second Battalions, Formerly The 43rd and 52nd Light Infantry MOCKLER-FERRYMAN, A.F. (Compiled and Edited By): The Oxfordshire Light Infantry Chronicle 1899. An Annual Record of the First and Second Battalions, Formerly The 43rd and 52nd Light Infantry
MOCKLER-FERRYMAN, A.F. (Compiled and Edited By): The Oxfordshire Light Infantry Chronicle 1907. An Annual Record of the First and Second Battalions, Formerly The 43rd and 52nd Light Infantry MOCKLER-FERRYMAN, A.F. (Compiled and Edited By): The Oxfordshire Light Infantry Chronicle 1910. An Annual Record of the First and Second Battalions, Formerly The 43rd and 52nd Light Infantry MOCKLER-FERRYMAN, A.F. (Compiled and Edited By): The Oxfordshire Light Infantry Chronicle 1912. An Annual Record of the First and Second Battalions, Formerly The 43rd and 52nd Light Infantry
TOBIAS, Philip: The Brain in Hominid Evolution LANKESTER, E. Ray: The Kingdom of Man MICHAEL, Henry N. (Edited by): The Archaeology and Geomorphology of Northern Asia: Selected Works
FORREST, Alan: The Sword Master WENDORF, Fred & SCHILD, Romuald: Prehistory of the Nile Valley GRANT, Jay S: Pictorial Ancient America
LACK, David: Evolutionary Theory & Christian Belief. The Unresolved Conflict MARSHALL, A.J: Darwin and Huxley in Australia (PERIODICAL): The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland VOLUMES 72-86
KILNER, Walter J: The Human Atmosphere (The Aura) ROGERS, Cyril H: The World of Zebra Finches McWHIRTER, George: Bodyworks
JESSEN, B.H: W.N.Mcmillan's Expeditions and Big Game Hunting in Sudan, Abyssinia & British East Africa CUMMING-GEORGE, L. (Compiled by): Architecture in South Africa. VOLUME ONE 1933 BERESFORD, M.W. & JOSEPH, J.K.S. St: Medieval England. An Aerial Survey
CARR, H. Gresham: Flags of the World TUCKER, E.N. & McGREGOR, P.M.J: Per Noctem Per Diem. The Story of 24 Squadron South African Air Force THE RAILWAY MAGAZINE: Gradients of British Main Line Railways
BORACHIA, Vittorio & PAGANI, Carlo: Sede Divani Poltrone DELDERFIELD, R.F REINER, Imre: Woodcut Wood Engraving. a Contribution to the History of the Art
GRIFFITS, T.E: The Rudiments of Lithography ROBINSON, H.P: Art Photography in Short Chapters TRUMPER, Victor L: Historical Sites in Palestine, with a Short Account of Napoleon's Expedition to Syria
HALL, A.L: A Bibliography of South African Geology to the End of 1920. Author's Index (AND) A Subject Index to the Literature on Geology and Mineral Resources of South Africa (A Companion Volume and Supplement to Memoir No.18 Bibliography of South African Geology) HALL, A.L: A Bibliography of South African Geology for the Years 1921 to 1925 (Inclusive) Authors Index HALL, A.L: A Bibliography of South African Geology for the Years 1931 to 1935 (Inclusive) Authors Index
HULSTAERT, G: Dictionnaire Francais-Lomongo (Lonkundo) FERGUSON, G.P: Memoir and Sermons of George Reid Ferguson, Principal of the Missionary Training Institute, Wellington, South Africa HORSBRUGH, C.B: Some Observations Upon the Behaviour and Treatment in Captivity of Otis Caerulescens (Blue Knorhaan)
SCLATER, W.L: Address Delivered By the Chairman Mr. W.L.Sclater at the Inaugural Meeting BROWN, James G: Notes on the Water Birds of the Zwartkops River, Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony SPARROW, Richard: Supplementary Notes on the Nesting Habits and Eggs of Certain South African Birds Described in Stark and Sclater's 'Aouth African Fauna' (birds Vols. I, ii & iii)
DUNCAN, A: Notes on the Genus Pyromelana (Bishop Birds) with Reference in Particular to the Seasonal Changes of Plumage and Nidification in Captivity of P. Oryx (Red Bishop Bird) MILLAR, Alfred D: Ornithological Notes from Natal MARKSTEIN, George: The Man From Yesterday
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