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BOOTH, Alan R: Swaziland. Tradition and Change in a Southern African Kingdom SMITH, Alan: The Illustrated Guide to Liverpool Herculaneum Pottery 1796 - 1840. BROWSE, Lilian: Forain the Painter 1852-1931
CONDER, J; TAYLOR, Anne & Jane; and Others: The Associate Minstrels VASILIEV, L.L: Experiments in Mental Suggestion ROBERTSON. Ritchie & TIMMS, Edward (Edited by): The Austrian Enlightenment and Its Aftermath (Austrian Studies 2)
DOIDGE, Ethel M: The South African Funfi and Lichens to the End of 1945 (Bothalia Vol.5) WINER, George Benedict: A Grammar of the New Testament Diction Intended as an Introduction to the Critical Study of the Greek New Testament MARLOW, Louis: Seven Friends
ROBSON, W.W: Critical Essays KEYNES, Geoffrey: The Letters Of Robert Brooke PAULL, H.M: Literary Ethics. A Study in the Growth Of Literary Conscience
RALEIGH, Walter: Some Authors. A Collection of Literary Essays 1896 - 1916 SMITH, Lilian H: The Unreluctant Years. A Critical Approach to Children's Literature GOSSE, Edmund: Silhouettes
CHAPMAN, Raymond: Faith and Revolt. Studies in the Literary Influence of the Oxford Movement STOLOFF, Bob: Scat! Vocal Improvisation Techniques SYMONS, A.J.A. (Edited By Julian SYMONS): Essays and Biographies
TILLOTSON, Geoffrey: Augustan Studies CARTER, A.E: The Idea of Decadence in French Literature 1830-1900 INNES, Hammond: The Land God Gave To Cain
LONDON, Mrs Jack: Jack London PINKUS, Philip: Grub St. Stripped Bare. The Scandalous Lives & Pornographic Works of the Original Grub St. Writers.... SALOMON, Sidney: The Jews of Britain
RABINOWITZ, L: Soldiers from Judaea. Palestinian Jewish Units in the Middle East 1941-43 BERNHEIM, Ernst: Lehrbuch Der Historischen Methode Und Geschichtsphilosophie. Mit Nachweis Der Wichtigdsten Quellen Und Hilfsmittel Zum Stadium Der Geschichte HEADLAM, Cecil (Edited by): The Milner Papers. South Africa 1897-1899 (AND) 1899-1905
TOYNBEE, Paget & WHIBLEY, Leonard: Correspodence Of Thomas Gray WYLIE, Jill: Call of the Marsh RIVE, Richard: Advance, Retreat. Selected Short Stories
FRANK, Wolfgang: The Sea Wolves. The Story of the German U-boats at War A'BECKETT, Gilbert Abbott, Illustrated by John Leech: The Comic History of England MACEDO, Helder (Compiled by): Modern Poetry in Translation 13/14: PORTUGAL
STAFF OF PILGRIM'S REST MUSEUM (Compiled By): Pilgrim's Rest. A Pictorial History MORAN, James: Stephen Austin of Hertford. Two Hundred Years of Print DIEFFENBACH, Ernest: Travels in New Zealand, with Contributions to the Geography, Geology, Botany, and Natural History of That Country
NADAL, E.S: Impressions of London Social Life, with Other Papers Suggested By an English Residence LATROBE, Charles Joseph: The Alpenstock, or Sketches of Swiss Scnerey and Manners MDCCCXXV - MDCCCXXVI SAMUELSON, James: Roumania Past and Present
OUTRAM, James: Rough Notes of the Campaign in Sinde and Afghanistan in 1838-1839, Being Extracts from a Personal Journal Kept While on the Staff of the Army of the Indus BURNET, G: Some Letters Containing an Account of What Seems Most Remarkable in Switzerland, Italy, &c., BARRAE, J.M: The Greenwood Hat
FUNCK-BRENTANO, Frantz: Legends of the Bastille JACKSON, Holbrook: Bernard Shaw LODGE, Richard: Great Britain and Prussia in the Eighteenth Century, Being the Ford Lectures Delivered in the University of Oxford Lent Term 1922
UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA (BLUE BOOK): Minutes of Evidence of the Eastern Transvaal Natives Land Committee FARMAR, Constance: Castles in Spain. Songs of the Far East and Other Verses CLOSE, Eunice: Millinery (Foyles Handbooks)
IBBETSON, W.S: Accumulator Charging Maintenance and Repair DJILAS, Milovan: Anatomy of a Moral. The Political Essays EUDIN, Xenia Joukoff & SLUSSER, Robert M: Soviet Foreign Policiy 1928-1934
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KOLKOWICZ, Roman: The Soviet Military and the Communist Party RUSSIAN INSTITUTE Columbia University (Edited by): The Anti-Stalin Campaign and International Communism BASS, Robert & MARBURY, Elizabeth (Edited by): The Soviet-Yugoslav Controversy 1948-1958: A Documentary Record
PAYNE, Robert: The Life and Death of Lenin DEUTSCHER, Isaac: The Great Contest. Russia and the West RIPKA, Hubert: Eastern Europe in the Post-war World
BODIN, Jean: Six Books of the Commonwealth CLUBB, O. Edmund & SELIGMAN, Eustace: The International Position of Communist China. Background Papers and Proceedings of the Fifth Hammarskjold Forum CAPE OF GOOD HOPE (BLUE BOOK): Despatches and Minutes on the Subject of Confederation and Annexation
CAPE COLONY (BLUE BOOK): Correspondence Respecting the Affairs of Pondoland CAPE OF GOOD HOPE (BLUE BOOK): Further Correspondence Respecting Affairs Relating to the British Protectorate on the South Western Border of the South African Republic CAPE OF GOOD HOPE (BLUE BOOK): Copies of Minutes and Memoranda, with Enclosures, ...., Regarding the Compensation to be Paid for Losses Sustained During the War and Rebellion, and the Course to be Pursued Towards Those Who Have Been Engaged in Rebellion, Including the Final Minute ...
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE (BLUE BOOK): Proclamations and Government Notices Issued During the Period October 1899 to June 1900, Having Reference to and Consequent on the Outbreak of Hostilities in South Africa COLLINGWOOD, C, Dodgson: The Life And Letters Of Lewis Carroll CAPE OF GOOD HOPE (BLUE BOOK): Correspondence Between the Secretary of State for Colonies, the High Commissioner, and the Government of the Cape of Good Hope, on the Suggested Separation of the Offices of Governor and High Commissioner
GERBRANDS, A.A: Kunst Als Cultuur-Element in Het Bijzonder in Neger-Afrika (ALIWAL NORTH): The Famous Health Aliwal North: Thermal Springs. Bathing. Golf. Fishing. Croquet. Tennis. Boating. Bowls. Cricket (HOUSE OF COMMONS): Report of Speeches on the South Africa. 16th and 19th August, 1909. Reprint from the Official Report of "The Parliamentary Debates"
(BECHUANALAND): Further Correspondence Respecting the Affairs of Bechuanaland and Adjacent Territories BLUNT, David Enderby: Elephant BRIGGS, Richard: The English Art of Cookery According to the Present Practice Being a Complete Guide to All Housekeepers on a Plan Entirely New; Consisting of Thirty-Eight Chapters.....with Bills of Fare for Every Month of the Year, Neatly Engraved on Twelve Copperplates
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