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HAYWARD, Richard, Illustrated by Raymond Piper: This is Ireland: Leinster and the City of Dublin FLEMING, J.A: Electrical Laboratory Notes and Forms. Elementary and Advanced HADINGHAM, Evan: Ancient Carvings in Britain: A Mystery
HOLLIDAY, Clayton S: Maurice Weightman 1907 - 1969 THORPE, Jo: It's Never Too Early. African Art and Craft in Kwazulu Natal 1960-1990 SINGER, Eric: Personality in Handwriting. The Guiding Image in Graphology
SAUDEK, Robert: The Psychology of Handwriting RUTHERFOORD, Peggy (Edited by): Darkness and Light. An Anthology of African Writing AMMANN, Karl: Maasai Mara. Kenya's Great Game Reserve
WOLBERG, Lewis R: The Technique of Psychotherapy WOLBERG, Lewis R: Medical Hypnosis. VOL.1: The Principles of Hypnotherapy. VOL.2: The Practice of Hypnotherapy KINGSMILL, Hugh (Edited and Introduced By Michael HOLROYD): The Best of Hugh Kingsmill
McGAUGH, James L. & HERZ, Michael J: Memory Consolidation ARMITAGE, Flora: The Desert And The Stars ; A portrait of T.E Lawrence JAQUES, Elliott: Measurement of Responsibility. A Study of Work, Payment and Individual Capacity
SMYTHIES, J.R: Analysis of Perception LINTON, Ralph: The Cultural Background of Personality LINDNER, Robert & STAFF, Clement (Editors): Explorations in Psychoanalysis. Essays in Honor of Theodore Reik on the Occasion of His Sixty-Fifth Birthday May 12th 1953
RAPAPORT, David (Translation and Commentary by): Organization and Pathology of Thought. Selected Sources KANE, J.Herbert: Christian Missions in Biblical Perspective STEWART, Bob: The Waters of the Gap. The Mythology of Aquae Sulis
BRADDOCK, A.P: Psychology and Advertising STEKEL, Wilhelm: Technique of Analytical Psychotherapy DUBERMAN, Martin Bauml: Paul Robeson
WHITTON, F.E: The American War of Independence (GALLAND, M. , Translated Into English from the French of): Arabian Nights Entertainments: Consisting of One Thousand and One Stories Told By the Sultaness of the Indies to Divert the Sultan from the Execution of a Bloody Vow he Had Made to Marry a Lady Every Day, and Have Her Cut Off Next Morning, ...... ORMOND, J.-F: Trente Jours De Chasse En Oubangui
LUKE, Harry: Islands of the South Pacific HARRIS, John H: The Chartered Millions. Rhodesia and the Challenge to the British Commonwealth (EXHIBITION CATALOGUE): Enslin Du Plessis. Retrospective Exhibition Pretoria Art Museum February 25 - March 19 1970
(EXHIBITION CATALOGUE): Gregoire Boonzaier. Exhibition Pretoria Art Museum Setember 13 - 0ctober 8 1967 DRIBERG, J.H: At Home with the Savage CAMPBELL, Roy: Nativity
BARKER, K.F., Illustrated by K.F.Barker: Just Pups. Sketches in Pen and Pencil LEIRIS, M. & LIMBOUR, G: Andre Masson and His Universe DE BRUYN, Philip: The Secret Place. Jazz-verse
KNIGHT, W. Stanley MacBean: The History of the Great European War. Its Causes and Effects SCHWANECKE, Ulrich, Illustrated by Ulrich Schwanecke: Lessons in Ornithology BUCHAN, John: Huntingtower
MORSE, Chandler (Chairman) (And Others): Basutoland, Bechuanaland Ptotectorate & Swaziland. Report of an Economic Survey Mission HENRY, Robert: The History of Great Britain from the First Invasion of it By the Romans Under Julius Caesar (AND) History of Great Britain from the Death of Henry VIII to the Accession of James VI of Scotland to the Crown of England, Being a Continuation of Dr. Henry's MILLER, A.J. (Compiled and Edited By): The A A Road Book of the Union of South Africa, Basutoland, Swaziland, South-west Africa, Southern Rhodesia Etc
WELLS, H.G: The New Africa: the New World BROWN, Philip: The Scottish Ospreys from Extinction to Survival SAHEPARD, Anna O: Ceramics for the Archaeologist
TENNYSON, Hallam, Lord: Tennyson and His Friends YOUNG, James Martin, Illustrated by Mary Young: A Dog at My Heel ZOHN, Harry: Wiener Juden in Der Deutschen Literatur
SHEARA, Moira: Balletmaster. A Dancer's View of George Balanchine MERLIN, Oliver: Fangio Racing Driver HEATH, Francis George: The Fern Paradise. A Plea for the Culture of Ferns
PIRSIG, Robert M: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Mainetenance. An Inquiry Into Values KLEIN, Dan: Artists in Glass. Late Twentieth Century Masters in Glass MATTHAY, Tobias: Relaxation Studies in the Muscular Discrimination Required for Touch, Agility and Expression in Pianoforte Playing
HULL, Peter: Alfa Romeo MUNRO, Robert: Archaeology and False Antiquities POSTGATE, R.W. (Translated by): Pervigilium Veneris. Incerti Auctoris Carmen De Vere The Eve of Venus
LEWIS, Gifford (Edited by) (Introduction By Molly KEANE): The Selected Letters of Somerville and Ross GILL, Eric: In A Strange Land HOLMES, J. Eric: Fantasy Role Playing Games. Dungeons, Dragons and Adventures in Fantasy Gaming
YARDLEY, Herbert O: The American Black Chamber EHRMANN, Daniel: Aus Palastina Und Babylon. Eine Sammlung....aus Talmud Und Midrash ALBERTYN, A.P.J: Die Ensiklopedie Van Name in Suidwes-Afrika
ROMAINE, Suzanne: Bilingualism LEWIS, Naomi (Retold by), Illustrated by Anton Pieck: Stories From the Arabian Nights DAVIES, Owen (Edited by): Design and Analysis of Industrial Experiments
CONRAN, Terence: Printed Textile Design GULVIN, Clifford: The Tweedmakers. A History of the Scottish Fancy Woollen Industry 1600-1914 JONES, Leonidas M: The Life of John Hamilton Reynolds
RAPHAEL, Frederic (KRUGER, Rayne): Byron GORDON, John: The Pyrenean Mountain Dog (The Great Pyrenees) FAIR, A.A. (Erle Stanley Gardner): Beware The Curves
SCHREINER, Olive (Edited with Introduction By Richard RIVE): Diamond Fields (English in South Africa Volume 1 No.1, March 1974) VAN DYK, Anne: The Cheetahs of De Wildt BOYER, Martha: Catalogue of Japanes Lacquers (The Walters Art gallery)
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