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COLVIN, Ian: The Life of Jameson
BUKASOV, S.M. (Supplementary Articles By N N KULESHOV, N E ZHITENEVA, V I MAZKIEVICZ & G M POPOVA): The Cultivated Plants of Mexico, Guatamala and Colombia.... Composed on the Basis of the Data and Materials of the Expedition of the Institute of Applied Botany in 1925-6
HABERLEIN, Ed. F: The Amateur Trainer. Force System Without the Whip
DE VARIGNY, Henry: Experimental Evolution. Lectures
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THE VIATORES ( R W BAGSHAWE and Seven others): Roman Roads in the South East Midlands
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GREENHILL, Basil & GIFFARD, Anne: Victorian and Edwardian Ships and Harbours from Old Photographs
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HUXLEY, Aldous: After Many a Summer
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MUELLER, Stephan (Edited by): The Structure of the Earth's Crust Based on Seismic Data
GARSON, M.S. & SMITH, W. CaMPBELL: CHILWA ISLAND (Nyasaland Protectorate Geological Survey Department Memoir No.1)
EYLES, Desmond: The Doulton Burslem Wares
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ROSE, Alfred (Compiled by): Register of Erotic Books. Vel (sub Hac specie) Dubiorum: Opus Bibliographicum et Praecipue Bibliothecariis Destinatum
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HOLT, P.M.; LAMBTON, Ann K S & LEWIS, Bernard: The Cambridge History of Islam. Vol 1A/1B: The Central Islamic Lands ; Vol.2A The Indian Subcontinent; Vol. 2B Islamic Society and Civilization
McNEILL, John T: The Celtic Churches. A History A.D.200 to 1200
MUHLMANN, Wilhelm E: Geschichte Der Anthropologie
PADEN, John N. & SOJA, Edward W. (Edited by): The African Experience. Volume 1: Essays; Volume 2: Syllabus
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LAWRENCE, D.H: The Collected Poems Of D.H. Lawrence
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GIBSON, Alan G.S: Eight Years in Kaffraria 1882 - 1890
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MONTAGNE, Robert: The Berbers. Their Social and Political Organisation
ELIOT, George: Felix Holt the Radical
(DIRECTORY): The Catholic Directory of South Africa for the Year 1931. Eighteenth Issue
AYLIFF, John & WHITESIDE, Joseph: History of the Abambo Generally Known as Fingos
TRIMINGHAM, J. Sperncer: Islam in West Africa
TRIMINGHAM, J. Sperncer: The Influence of Islam Upon Africa
ARNOLD, Matthew: Reports On Elementary Schools 1852-1882
THERON, Erika (Edited by): Die Kleurlingbevolking Van Suid Afrika
VAN DER MERWE, Hendrik W: Looking at the Afrikaner Today. Views of Compatriots and Foreigners
THEAL, George McCall: Kaffir Folk-Lore. A Selection from the Traditional Tales Current Among the People Living on the Eastern Border of the Cape Colony
WEEKES, Richard V. (Editor in Chief ): Muslim Peoples. A World Ethnographic Survey
ROBINSON, M. Fothergill: The Spirit of Association, Being Some Account of the Gilds, Friendly Societies, Co-Operative Movement, and Trade Unions of Great Britain
BROWN, Pamela: The Chimbu. A Study of Change in the New Guinea Highlands
HACKWOOD, Frederick W. (Introduction Paul JENNINGS): Inns, Ales and Drinking Customs of Old England
TAKAHASHI, Seiichiro: Traditional Woodblock Prints of Japan
MIZUO, Hiroshi: Edo Painting: Sotatsu and Korin
YONEZAWA, Yoshiho & YOSHIZAWA, Chu: Japanese Painting in the Literati Style
BROWN, J. Tom: Among the Bantu Nomads
BARRETT, David B: Schism & Renewal in Africa. An Analysis of Six Thousand Contemporary Religious Movements
BOTTERO, Jean; CASSIN, Elena & VERCOUTTER, Jean: The Near East: The Early Civilizations
ARCHER, Gleason L: A Survey of Old Testament Introduction
ATIYA, Aziz S: Christianity
VEEVERS-CARTER, Wendy: Island Home
BETTANY, G.T: The Dark Peoples of the Land of Sunshine. A Popular Account of the Peoples and Tribes of Africa. Their Physical Characters, Manners, and Customs
PAUW, B.A: Christianity and Xhosa Tradition. Belief and Ritual Among Xhosa-Speaking Christians
HORLER, Sydney: The Lady with the Limp
CHIARI, Joseph (Foreword By T.S.ELIOT): Symbolisme from Poe to Mallarme
WEBSTER, Dan: When Johnny the Cleaver Took Britain
BRONOWSKI, J: The Poet's Defence
LAWTON, George: Within the Rock 0f Ages. The Life and Work of Augustus Montague Toplady
SNEERINGER, Kristine K: Honor, Love, and Isolde in Gottfried's Tristan
LEHMAN, David: Valentine Place
COLY, Lisette & McMAHON, Joanne D.S. (Edited by): PSI and Clinical Practice. Proceedings of an International Conference Held in London, England October 28-29, 1989
HAYWOOD, Eliza (Edited Paula R. BACKSCHEIDER): Selected Fiction and Drama of Eliza Haywood
KELLY, Ann Cline: Jonathan Swift and Popular Culture. Myth, Media and the Man
DRUON, Maurice: The Royal Succession
LAWRENCE, W.J: No.5 Bomber Group R.A.F. (1939 - 1945)
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