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MILLAR, William: Plastering Plain and Decorative. A Practical Treatise on the Art and Craft CALDERWOOD, D.M: Principles of Mass Housing. Based on a Series of Lectures on Housing Delivered to Post-Graduate Students in Town and Regional Planning 1962 HITCHCOCK, Henry Russell & DREXLER, Arthur: Built in USA: Post War Architecture
SEXTON, R.W. (Edited by): American Public Buildings of Today CONDER, Neville: An Introduction to Modern Architecture CORNELL, R.K: Heating and Ventilating for Architects and Builders
SMITH, Percy: The Planning Construction and Maintenance of Playing Fields BARR, James: Biblical Words for Time PHILLIPS, Marion: A Colonial Autocracy. New South Wales Under Governor MacQuarie 1810 - 1821
HEGEMANN, Werner: Facades of Buildings. Fronts of Old and Modern Business and Dwelling Houses. 500 Illustrations Collected By Werner Hegemann FEAVER, William: The Art of John Martin SUMMERSON, John: The London Building World of the Eighteen Sixties
BRAND, Christianna: London Particular BARTHELME, Frederick: Second Marriage THOMAS, D. Winton: Archaeology and Old Testament Study
(AVIATION PHOTOGRAPHY): War in the Air. First Exhibition of Royal Airforce Photographs in Colour. Grafton Galleries Daily 10 Till 6. Sundays 2.30 Till 5.30 FINEGAN, Jack: Light from the Ancient Past. The Archaeological Background of the Hebrew Christian Religion PISTORIUS, Philip Villiers: Thought God and the Common Man
BROWN, Alfred W. (Compiled by): Evesham Friends in the Olden Time. A History of "Evesham Monthly Meeting of the Society of Friends". With Notes on "Wocestershire Quarterly Meeting" and the "Circular Yearly Meetings for the Seven Western Counties" HOBHOUSE, Walter: The Church and the World in Idea and History TAYLOR, John W: The Coming of the Saints. Imaginations and Studies in Early Church History And Tradition
ALDISS, Brian: An age SMITH, Charles Ryder: The Bible Doctrine of Society in Its Historical Evolution SANDAY, William: Christology and Personality, Containing I. Christologies Ancient and Modern II. Personality in Christ and Ourselves
WESTPHAL, Professor: The Law and the Prophets, or the Revelation of Jehovah In Hebrew History from the Earliest Times to the Capture of Jerusalem By Titus JONES, Maurice: The New Testament in the Twentieth Century. A Survey of Recent Christological and Historical Criticism of the New Testament THIEBERGER, Frederic: King Solomon
SNEATH, E. Hershey (Edited by): Religion and the Future Life BRADEN, William: The Private Sea. LSD and the Search for God IRVING, David: Rudolf Hess. Ein Gescheiterter Friedensbode? Die Wahrheit Uber Die Unbekannten Jahre 1941 - 1945
BLACKBURN, Henry: Artistic Travel in Normandy, Brittany, the Pyrenees, Spain and Algeria Der Born Judas. Legenden, Marchen Und Erzahlungen SHROPSHIRE, Denys W.T: The Church and Primitive Peoples. The Religious Institutions and Beliefs of the Southern Bantu and Their Bearing on the Problems of the Christian Missionary
YATES, Lucy H: In Camp and Kitchen. A Handy Guide for Emigrants and Settlers RUSSELL, Michael: View of Ancient and Modern Egypt with an Outline of Its Natural History The British Museum. Egyptian Antiquities
(BIBLE)(BEZALEL WORKSHOP), Illustrated by Z. Raban: The Story of Ruth GEIST, Sidney: Brancusi. A Study of the Sculpture LEWIS, David: Brancusi
GARDNER, Samuel: English Gothic Foliage Sculpture BECKWITH, John: Coptic Sculpture PERRY, Walter Copland: Greek and Roman Sculpture. A Popular Introduction to the History of Greek and Roman Sculpture
DENIO, Elizabeth H: Nicolas Poussin. His Life and Work TYRWHITT, R. St. John: A Handbook of Pictorial Art CALLCOTT, William Hutchins: The Holy Family. Admired Sacred Melodies By the Most Celebrated Composers, Arranged for the Piano Forte as Solos and Duets
BOVILL, E.W: Caravans of the Old Shara FOX, Cyril: The Personality of Britain. Its Influence on Inhabitant and Invader in Prehistoric and Early Historic Times LEYLAND, John: The Thames Illustrated. A Picturesque Journeying from Richmond to Oxford
LESLIE, George D., Illustrated by George D.Leslie: Our River ANDERSON, J. Corbet: The Roman City of Uriconium at Wroxeter, Salop. Illustrative of the History and Social Life of Our Romano - British Forefathers BURPEE, Lawrence J: On the Old Athabaska Trail
BADDELEY, John James (Compiled by): The Guildhall of the City of London, Together with a Short Account of Its Historic Associations and the Municipal Work Carried on Therein CUNNINGHAM, Peter: Modern London (Murray's Handbook) HUBY, Pamela & NEAL, Gordon (eds.): The Criterion of Truth. Essays Written in Honour of George Kerferd Together with a Text and Translation (with annotations) of Ptolemy's 'On the Kriterion and Hegemonikon'
PIAGET, Jean: The Child's Conception of Time HAMMETT, Dashiell (Edited and Introduced By Lilian HELLMAN): The Dashiell Hammett Story Omnibus LONDON, Jack: The Little Lady of the Big House
WILDE, Oscar: A Critic in Pall Mall, Being Extracts from Reviews and Miscellanies GUASTI, Timina Caproni & Bertarelli, Achille: Francesco Zambeccari Aeronauta Bologna (1752-1812) (LINDSAY, Norman): Southerly. A Review of Australian Literature Number One: NORMAN LINDSAY NUMBER in Honour of the Eightieth Birthday of Norman Lindsay, Born 23rd February 1879
ROBINSON, Harry W: Ten September Cruises in the S.Y. "ZARA" HITCHCOCK, F.C: "To Horse!" LEE, Vernon: The Handling of Words and Other Studies in Literary Psychology
JARDI, Enric: Torres Garcia NORRIS, Christopher & MAPP, Nigel: William Empson. The Critical Achievement CHADWICK, D: Social Life in the Days of Piers Plowman
SPURGEON, Caroline F.E: Mysticism in English Literature MACKENZIE, Agnes Mure: The Playgoer's Handbook to English Renaissance Drama SWALES, Martin: The German Bildungsroman from Wieland to Hesse
SHINKOKAI, Kokusai Bunka: A Guide to Japanese Studies MIRSKY, Dmitri: The Intelligentsia of Great Britain LEHMANN, A.G: The Symbolist Aesthetic in France 1885 - 1895
BENNETT, E.K: A History of the German Novelle BAYERSCHMIDT, Carl F & HOLLANDER, Lee M. (Translated By, with Introduction and notes): Njal's Saga ARETINO, Pietro (translated By Raymond Rosenthal): Aretino's Dialogues
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