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GROUT, Lewis: The Isizulu. A Revised Edition of a Grammar of the Zulu Language with an Introduction and an Appendix COLLINGWOOD, W.G., Illustrated by A Reginald Smith: The Lake Counties, with Special Articles on Birds, Butterflies and Moths, Flora, Geology, Fox Hunting, Mountaineering, Yachting, Motor Boating, Fishing, Shooting and Cycling, and Including a Full Gazetteer and Map CRAIK, Mrs (MULOCK, Diana), Illustrated by C. Napier Hemy: An Unsentimental Journey Through Cornwall
DUNBAR, Ianthe: The Edge of the Desert DUNN, Samuel: A Map of Barbary Containing the Kingdoms of Marocco, Fez, Algier, Tunis and Tripoli, with the Adjacent Countries DUNN, Samuel: Antient and Modern Egypt
OWEN, D.F: Tropical Butterflies DUNN, Samuel: Poland with Its Divisions, Before the Late Partition DUNN, Samuel: Hungary and Transylvania with Croatia and Sclavonia, Also Moldavia and Valakia
DUNN, Samuel: A Map of Chinese Tartary with Korea DUNN, Samuel: China Divided Into Great Provinces and the Isles of Japan DUNN, Samuel: A Map of Independent Tartary Containing the Countries of the Kalmuks and Uzbeks with the Tibet
DUNN, Samuel: Persia Divided Into the Great Provinces DUNN, Samuel: Russia Divided Into Its Governments DUNN, Samuel: Arabia According to Its Modern Divisions
PINHEY, Elliot: The Butterflies of Southern Africa BAKER, Imam M.A. (translated by) (KORAN): Die Heilige Qur'an Byeengebring in Een Band En Oorgesit in Afrikaans OVID (P. Ovidius Naso) (Translated CAXTON, William): Ovyde Hys Booke of Methamorphose Books X - XV. Newly Printed from the Manuscript in the Peysian Library at Magdalene College Cambridge
SHAKESPEARE, William: Lucrece, Being a Reproduction in Facsimile of the First Edition 1594 from the Copy in the Malone Collection in the Bodleian Library. With an Introduction and Bibliography By SIDNEY LEE SHAKESPEARE, William: The Passionate Pilgrim Being a Reproduction in Facsimile of the First Edition 1599 from the Copy in the Christie Miller Library at Britwell, with an Introduction and Bibliography By SIDNEY LEE BRADLEY, Tom, Illustrated By the Author: The Old Coaching Days in Yorkshire
KNIGHT, C. Morley: Hints on Driving SWALES, Frank: Driving as I Found it. What to Drive. How to Drive MAUGHAM ,Robin: Approach to Palestine
MANSELL & NEWMAN, L Hugh: The Complete British Butterflies in Colour COUSTE, H. (Translated By E.B.CASSATT): Mechanics Applied to the Race Horse (Une Foulee De Galop De course). With a Study of the Construction and Functions of the Hind Legs. Replies to Criticisms SANTINI, Piero, Illustrated by Paul Brown: The Forward Impulse
FAUDEL-PHILLIPS, H: The Driving Book BASSETT, Marnie: Realms and Islands. The World Voyage of Rose De Freycinet in the Corvette Uranie 1817 - 1820 EVANS, Thomas: Old Ballads Historical and Narrative with Some of Modern Date, Collected from Rare Copies and Mss. A New Edition, Revised and Considerably Enlarged from Public and Private Collections By His Son, R.H.Evans
LEAF, Horace (Introduction By Arthur Conan DOYLE): Under the Southern Cross. a Ecord of a Pilgrimage FORD, Alice: Audobon's Butterflies, MJoths and other Studies FARSHLER, Earl R: Riding and Training
PROCHNOW, Herbert V. & FOULKE, Roy A: Practical Bank Credit HART, Albert Gaylord: Money, Debt and Economic Activity SHULTZ, Williasm J: Credit and Collection Management
SWANN, Peter,C: Introduction To The Arts of Japan S.A. Stud Book Association: S.A. Stud Book / S.A. Stamboek 50: 1921 - 1971. Jubilee Edition TUKE, Diana R: Bit By Bit. A Guide to Equine Bits
HOWLETT, E: Driving Lessons BARNEY, Sydney D: Clothes and the Horse. A Guide to Correct Dress for All Riding Occasions GUPPY, H.B: Studies in Seeds and Fruits. An Investigation with the Balance
JUTA, Marjorie: The Pace of the Ox The Life of Paul Kruger SMITH, Edwin W: The Blessed Missionaries, Being the Phelps-Stokes Lectures Delivered in Cape Town SMITH, Edwin W: Knowing the African
HILLIER, J: Hokusai BIDEN, C. Leo: Sea Angling Fishes of the Cape (South Africa) MERIMEE, Prosper, Illustrated by Rene Bull: Carmen
SMITH, Julia A: Sunshine and Shade in Central Africa SMITH, J.L.B. & SMITH, Margaret Mary, Illustrated by Margaret M. Smith: The Fishes of the Seychelles BARNARD, K.H: A Pictorial Guide to South African Fishes
HILLIER, J: The Harari Collection of Japanese Paintings and Drawings OULD, Charles Woodrooffe: William Stapleton Royce: A Memoir WITH, Karl: Buddhistiche Plastik in Japan
( HEMMI ): Instructions for the Use of the "Hemmi" Bamboo Slide Rules McINTYRE, Donald: An Astronomical Bi-Centenary. The Abbe De Lacaille's Visit to the Cape 1751 - 1753 HAMER, A. Handel: The Spell of the Mountain
SCHENCK, Adolf: Uber Glacialerscheinungen in Sud-Afrika McPHERSON, E.L: Charities of the Peninsula USSHER, Lancelot: Scenic South Africa
(CAPE TOWN): Beautiful Cape Town PAGE, Jesse: The Black Bishop. Samuel Adjai Crowther HILLIER, J: Japanese Masters of the Japanese Print
TYLDEN, G: Early Days in Maseru MACMILLAN, Harold: Souvenir of the Visit of the Rt. Hon. Harold MacMillan Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to the Houses of Parliament Cape Town on Wednesday, 3rd February 1960 SCHMEISSER: Ueber Vorkommen Und Gewinnung Der Nutzbaren Mineralen in Der Sudafrikanischen Republik (Transvaal) Unter Berucksichtigung Des Goldbergbaues. Bericht Uber Eine Im Auftrage Des Koniglich Preussischen Herrn Ministers Fur Handel Und Gewerbe Nach Sudafrika ..
TROLLOPE, Anthony: Travelling Sketches (Reprinted from the "Pall Mall Gazette") Yashiro, Yukio: 2000 Tears of Japanese Art DOONER, Mildred G: The "Last Post", Being a Roll of All Officers (Naval, Military or Colonial) Who Gave Their Lives for Their Queen, King and Country in the South African War 1899 - 1902
LUGARD, F.D: The Rise of Our East African Empire. Early Efforts in Nyasaland and Ugandad KIMBERLEY, Michael (edited by): EXCELSA: Journal of the Aloe Cactus and Succulent Society of Rhodesia No. 1 KIMBERLEY, Michael (edited by): EXCELSA: Journal of the Aloe Cactus and Succulent Society of Rhodesia No. 5
KIMBERLEY, Michael (edited by): EXCELSA: Journal of the Aloe Cactus and Succulent Society of Rhodesia No. 6 KIMBERLEY, Michael (edited by): EXCELSA: Journal of the Aloe Cactus and Succulent Society of Rhodesia No. 7 BLASER, Werner: Struktur Und Gestalt in Japan/ Structure and Form in Japan
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