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NAZAROFF, P.S: Moved On! From Kashgar to Kashmir SCOTT, Hugh: In the High Yemen KORNER$UP, Andreas: Sketches From Greenland
DIXON, William Hepworth: The Holy Land WELDON, T.D: Kant's Critique of Pure Reason NICHOLSON, Irene: Firefly in the Night. A Study of Ancient Mexican Poetry and Symbolism
CHEUNG, Dominic (Edited and Translated by): The Isle Full of Noises. Modern Chinese Poetry from Taiwan LEVY, Dore J: Chinese Narrative Poetry. The Late Han Through T'ang Dynasties ROTHENBERG, Jerome & JORIS, Pierre: Poems for the Millennium: VOL 2: From Postwar To Millennium
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SMITH, Warren W: Confucianism in Modern Japan. A Study of Conservatism in Japanese Intellectual History ALLEN, Charles (edited by): Tales from the Dark Continent ZEEMAN, P: Researches in Magneto Optics with Special Reference to the Magnetic Resolution of Spectrum Lines
SPICER, A. Dykes: The Paper Trade. A Descriptive and Historical Survey of the Paper Trade from the Commencement of the Nineteenth Century RIEFENSTAHL, Leni: Coral Gardens THIRLMERE, Rowland: Collected Poems
SMITH, Stevie (Introduction By Patric DICKINSON): Scorpion and Other Poems JAPIKSE, Cornelia G.H: The Dramas of Alfred Lord Tennyson FINN, Mrs: Reminiscences of Mrs. Finn, Member of the Royal Asiatic Society
WALTON, Paul H: The Drawings of John Ruskin CROWE, Philip K: Diversions of a Diplomat in Ceylon EISENSTAEDT: Germany
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WILSON, Colin: The Outsider (CATALOGUE 60) The Medical Supply Association: SURGICAL SUNDRIES, Including Rubber, Enamelled Iron, Glass and Earethenware, Urine Analysis and Dispensary Equipment, Nursing and Orthopaedic Appliances, Drugs, Dressings and Industrial First Aid Equipment HOLDSWORTH, William: Some Makers of English Law
ASHE, Major & WYATT-EDGELL, E.V. (Intro. John Laband): The Story of the Zulu Campaign LUBOWSKI, Molly & VAN DER VYVER, Marita: Anton Lubowski. Paradox of a Man MAYDON, J.G: French's Cavalry Campaign
BARKER, Ernest; HASSALL, Arthur and Others ( Members of the Oxford Faculty of Modern History ): Why We are at War. Great Britain's Case. With an Appendix of Original Documents Including the Authorized English Translation of the White Book Issued By the German Government SINHA, Jadunath: Indian Psychology Perception KERTESZ, Andre: A Lifetime of Perception
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MARLOWE, John: Milner Apostle of Empire CASALIS, E: Les Bassoutos Ou Vingt Trois Anneees De Sejour Ed D'observations Au Sud De L'Afrique HICKMAN, Money L. & SATO, Yasuhiro: The Paintings of Jakuchu
RHYS, Jean: Wide Sargasso Sea LARTIGUE: Photographs: 1970 - 1982 MIERTSCHING, Johann: Frozen Ships. The Arctic Diary of Johann Miertsching 1850 - 1854
PATTISON, S.R: Gospel Ethnology MAX,Peter: Superposter Book MAX,Peter: Poster Book
PARRISH, Maxfield (Introduction Maurice sendak): The Maxfield Parrish Poster Book DE COCK, Lilian: Ansel Adams Musee Du Donjon -Nort, Musee Dela Roche Etc: Richard Texier, Peintures 1984-1985
FREWIN, Lesley, Ed: The Cafe Royal, A Living Legend Peachey, R.A: Cereal Varieties In Britain GRIEVE, M, Mrs F.R.H.S: A Modern Herbal
WALKER, Eric , A: Lord Devilliers and His Times South Africa 1842-1914 REID, Forrest: Apostate FARRAR, F.W: Darkness and Dawn or the Days of Nero In Two Volumes
BAKER, Michael, H.C: London Transport in the 1950's MOORE, Lorre: Who Will Run from the Frog Hospital URNOV, Andrei: South Africa Against Africa 1966-1986
CARPENTER, Edward: Thomas Tenison Archbishop of Canterbury SCHREINER, Olive: Woman & Labour WESTACOTT, E: A Century of Vivisection. A Study of Their Effect Upon Science, Medicine and Human Life During the Past Hundred Years
BRYDEN, H.A: The Gold Kloof EARDLY WILMOT, Captain, S: Life of Vice -Admiral Lord Lyons 1790 to 1858 SCANIA: Scania World
JENNER, W.J.F: China A Photohistory 1937-1987 YAP, Melanie & MAN Leong, Dianne: Colour, Confusion and Confessions. The History of the Chinese in South Africa STEPHENS, P.J: Building and Racing My '750'
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