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EDEB, Jerome: Orgone Energy The Answer to Atomic Suicide WRENCH, G.T: The Restoration of the Peasantries. With Especial Reference to That of India TYRRELL, Barbara & JURGENS, Peter: African Heritage
DE KIEWIET, C.W: The Imperial Factor in South Africa. A Study in Politics and Economics BEET, Arthur J (Prepared and Edited by): Kimberley. Its History and Diamonds with Summary of the Siege. Illustrated Handbook., Contained in: Programme of the South African Association for the Advancement of Science Twelfth Meeting July 6th to 11th 1914 MARRIC, J.J. (John Creasey): Gideon's Month
BROWNE, J. Balfour: South Africa. A Glance at Current Conditions and Politics GIEBELHAUSEN, Joachim: Architectural Photography BOTHA, Mrs Louis: Unveiling of War Memorial Erected By the Citizens of Pretoria to the Men of the Town Who Fell in the Great War 1914 - 1918 Armistice Day November 11th 1927 / Onthulling Van Oorlogs Gedenkteken....
LORAC, E.C.R: Murder In Vienna KNAPP, Robert C: Roman Cordoba BOVILL, E.W. (Edited by): Missions to the Niger
FORSYTH, Frederick: The Making of an African legendThe Biafra Story CARR, John Dickson: The Life of Sir Conan Doyle CARRUTHERS GOULD, F: Froissart's Modern Chronicles
BREYTENBACH, J.H: Die Betekenis Van Die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog. Vyftig Jaar: 11 Okt. 1899 - 11 Okt. 1949 ASHMEAD BARTLETT, E: The Transvaal Crisis. The Case for the British (Uitlander) Residents in the Transvaal with Chronology BUXTON, Sydney: Mr. Gladstone as Chancellor of the Exchequer. A Study
TILLETT, Ben: History of the London Transport workers' Strike 1911 HALL, Grace: A Time to Die KINLOCH, Bruce: Sauce for the Mongoose
ATWOOD, Margaret: Strange Things. The Malevolent North in Canadian Literature SWINTON, E.D: The Defence of Duffer's Drift MOHR, Anton: Kampen om Nilen 1882 - 1898
BUSH, Douglas: Matthew Arnold ADEMA, Marcel: Apollinaire HUNTER, Michael: John Aubrey and the Realm of Learning
LEWIS, Sinclair: Worls So Wide BAILEY, Mabel Driscoll: Maxwell Anderson. The Playwright as Prophet NATAL LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION: The Annual Open Tournament for the Natal Championships....Friday 19th July 1907 and Following Days
NATAL LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION: The Annual Open Tournament for the Natal Championships....Friday 17th July 1908 and Following Days NATAL LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION: The Annual Open Tournament for the Natal Championships....Friday 16th July 1909 and Following Days WESTERN PROVINCE LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION: Annual Open Tournament, Association Courts, Rondebosch Saturday 24th December 1910 and Following Days. Programme of Championship and Handicap Events
TRANSVAAL LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION: Annual Open Championship Meeting, 1907, Wanderers Club Courts, Johannesburg May 16th and Following Days. Programme TRANSVAAL LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION: Programme of the Annual Open Tournament...on the Association Courts, Arcadia, Pretoria Commencing Saturday October 4th, 1913 TRANSVAAL LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION: Transvaal Annual Open Championship Meeting 1905. Programme of Championship and Handicap Events Held on the Berea Lawn Tennis Club's Courts Johannesburg on Thursday 20th April 1905 and Following Days
DINESON, Isak: Shadows on the Grass SOUTH AFRICAN LAWN TENNIS: Souvenir of the S. A. Lawn Tennis Championships Held at Durban Natal from July 20th to 28th 1906 NATAL LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION: Championship Meeting Held on the Courts of the Berea Tennis Club, Durban on Wednesday 15th July 1903 and Following Days. OFFICIAL CARD
BONDI, H: Assumption and Myth in Physical Theory CARMELI. Moshe: Group Theory and General Relativity. Representations of the Lorentz Group and Their Applications to the Gravitational Field GREENBERG, Marvin Jay: Euclidean and Non Euclidean Geometries. Development and History
MARTIENSSEN, Heather (edited KOSSICK, Shirley G.): Insights: Selected Essays SCIAMA, D.W: Modern Cosmology BOCHNER, Salomon: The Role of Mathematics in the Rise of Science
BUBER, Martin: Hinweise. Gesammelte Essays WELLESLEY, Gerald: The Diary of a Desert Journey DALMAN, D.D: Sacred Sites and Ways. Studies in the Topography of the Gospels
SINGER, Eugene, M: Antitrust Economics, Selected Legal Cases and Economic Models KOTTKE, Frank: The Promotion of Price Competition Where Sellers are Few BENTLEY, Maxwell: Growing Plants Without Soil (vermiculaponics)
READ, John: Humour and Humanism in Chemistry POLLIAKOF, Serge: Eluminures ROSENAU, William: Judische Sitten Und Gottesdienstliche Gebrauche
THOMPSON, Leonard , Editor: African Societies in Southern Africa, Historical Studies TOBE, John, H: Proven Herbal Remedies SUABEDISSEN, David Theodor August: Die Grundzuge Der Philosophischen Religionslehre
SCHREINER, Oilve: The South African Question By an English South African. Reprint from the South African News" HAHN, Theophilus: On the Science of Language and Its Study, with Special Regard to South Africa. Address Delivered By Theophilus Hahn, Esq., Ph.D., At the South African Public Library on Saturday, 29th April, 1882 LORD, John: Duty Honour Empire - The Life and Times of Colonel Richard Meinertzhagen
HAMBURGER, Michael: Weather and Seasons, Poems PACHNER, Jaroslov: Handbook of Numerical Analysis Applications ZWEIG, Stefan: Sternstunden Der Menscheit
KOLMOGOROV, A.N And FOMIN, S.V: Elements of the Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis Volume 1 Metric and Normed Spaces SWIFT, Jon (Edited Jo Dunstan), Illustrated by Photographed By Vicky Alhadeff, Jill Cargill, Ingrid Hudson, Alf Kumalo: Alexandra I Love You. A Record of Seventy Years FIODOROV, B. (Compiled and Introduced by): Architecture of the Russian North 12th - 19th Centuries
COUSINS, Geoffrey: Golf in Britain. A Social History from the Beginnings to the Present Day HILL, Susan: The Enclosure CABLE, Mildred & FRENCH, Francesca: The Gobi Desert
PIAGET, Jean: The Child's Conception of the World HOLLINGSHEAD, R.G.W: Oxine and Its Derivatives VOLS 1-4 WOOD, Edith Elmer: Recent Trends in American Housing
VAN ZYL, D.H: In Die Konsentrasiekamp. Jeugherinneringe GARDNER, Earle Stanley: The Case of the green Eyed Sister KRAVI, A (Edited by): The History of the Israel Armed Forces
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