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HAAGNER, Alwin: The South African Birds of Prey: Theor Economic Relations to Man WELLS, H.G: The Way to World Peace BROOKES, Edgar H: The Bantu in Modern Life
NEATBY, Leslie, H: In Quest of the North West Passage VILJOEN, Wilhelm Jacob: Beitrage Zur Geschichte Der Cap Hollandischen Sprache MEURANT, Lewis Henri: Gebeden in Den Oorlog
CONNOLLY, Bob: War Cartoonews. Fourth Selection of War Cartoons The Seven Journalists of the S.A.R. & H. Publicity Department, Illustrated by Quip: The Seven Other Wonders of Southern Africa.. As a Tributer to Mr. A.H.Tatlow on the Occasion of His Retirement from the Position of Manager of the Department 13th May 1930 HAIGH, Richmond: "Otai" Native Sketches and a Thought or Two
FINKEL: Antarctica: The Heroic Age KOLBE, F.C: The National Crisis. An Appeal to the Afrikander People THOMPSON, L.M: The Cape Coloured Franchise
VIERECK, A: Sudwest Afrikanische Felsmalereien COMPANHIA DE MOCAMBIQUE: Mining Regulations of the Territory of Manica and Sofala Under the Administration of the Companhia De Mocambique, Approved By the Decree of the 24th April 1911 CURRIE, Donald: South Africa. An Address the Fellows of the Royal Colonial Institute at Their Meeting in London on Tuesday the 10th April 1888
AITKEN, R.D. & GALE, G.W: Botanical Survey of Natal and Zululand SCHALK, Kuno: Christian De Wet. Ein Bauerndrama in Vier Aufzugen FOX, Robert: Antarctica and the South Atlantic
ANON: Conference of Loyalists Held at the Paarl on August 29 and 30 1902 FITZPATRICK, Percy: Lord Milner and His Work. An Appreciation Mining Regulations (Law No. 12, 1898). Translation Approved By the State Mining Engineer
ANON: What the Rand Was Like Before the Prohibition to Natives. The Testimony of Eye-Witnesses ANON: European Women African Men and Drink. Alarming Revelations By the Johannesburg Branch of the Social Services Association of South Africa ANON: A Brief History of the Woman's Temperance Union in South Africa
CARMICHAEL, Harry: Justice Enough GOLDMAN, James: Myself as Witness COURTNEY-WILLIAMS, A: Angling Diversions
DICKASON, Graham B: Irish Settlers to the Cape. A History of the Clanwilliam 1820 Settlers from Cork Harbour KING, Stephen: The Dead Zone ROUECHE, Berton: The Last Enemy
LAIDLER, P.W: Arthur Elliott. a Sentimental Appreciation LUDEWIG, H: Geschichte Der Deutschen Ev. Luth St. Johannis-Gemeinde Zu Weinberg Bei Kapstadt. Ein Festgabe Zur Feier Ihres Funfzigjahrigen Bestehens 1861 Bis 1911 MATTHEWS, J.W: A Short Guide to the Cultivation of Non-Succulent South African Plants
LOW, A.M: Adrift in the Stratosphere McCormick, W.H: The Modern Book of Ships JANSEN, Zandberg: Cravenweek '79
BRUNNER, John: Bedlam Planet WAITS, Alan: Wind and Sailing Boats HESSEL, Sidi: The Articulate Body
MOR, Menahem & RAPPAPORT, Uriel: Bibliography of Works on Jewish History in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods 1976 - 1980 NELSON, George H. (introduces) and Others: The War Diary of the English Electric Company Ltd. March 1938 - August 1945 BELDAM, G.W. & TAYLOR, J.H: Golf Faults Illustrated
MURRAY, Arthur C: Master and Brother. Murrays of Elibank ROBERTS, James: An Imperial Policy ANON: Notes on the Gezira Irrigation Project
DIXEY, F: The Nyasaland Section of the Great Rift Valley DRUMMOND, Maldwin: Salt Water Palaces RICHARDS, Audrey I: Bemba Marriage and Present Economic Conditions
SAWYER, John F.A & CLINES, David J.A: Midian, Moab and Edom Israel Exploration Society: Biblical Archaeology Today Proceedings of the International Congress on Biblical Archaeology Jerusalem, April 1984 DOWNEY, Glanville: Gaza in the Early Sixth Century
FLINDER, Alexander: Secrets of the Bible Seas. An Underwater Arcgaeologist in the Holy Land HOLST, A. Roland: In Gevaar HOLST, A. Roland: Omtrent De Grens
TARN, E. Wyndham: An Elementary Treatise on the Construction of Roofs of Wood and Iron, Deduced Chiefly From the Works of Robison, Tredgold and Humber GILBERT, W.R: Modern Steelwork. A Review of Current Practice in the Employment of Structural Steelwork in Buildings and Bridges ONEAL, Cora M: Gardens and Homes of Mexico
JUSTEMENT, Louis: New Cities for Old. City Buiding in Terms of Space Time and Money HARBERS, Guid: Das Eigene Heim Im Einzelgrundstuck in Der Plansiedlung Und in Der Reihe MORRFIS, W. Meridith: British Violin Makers
NEUTRA, Richard: Mystery and Realities of the Site HART, Liddell: T.E.Lawrence in Arabia and After GATHORNE-HARDY, Robert: Amalfi. Aspects of the City and Her Ancient Territories
HALLIDAY, W.M: Potlatch and Totem and the Recollections of an Indian Agent VOLLAERTS, J.W.A: Rhythmic Proportions in Early Medieval Ecclesiatical Chant GIFFORD, Edward Winslow: Californian Kinship Terminologies
MAINE, Henry Sumner: Village Communities in the East and West. Six Lectures Delivered at Oxford, to Which are Added Other Lectures Addresses and Essays PAVLOV, I.P: Conditioned Reflexes. An Investigation of the Physiological Activity of the Cerebral Cortex BAGENAL, Hope & WOOD, Alex: Planning for Good Acoustics
PARKIN, P.H. & HUMPHREYS, H.R: Acoustics Noise and Buildings TABORI, Paul: Harry Price the Biography of a Ghost Hunter DRIBERG, J.H., Illustrated by Pearl Binder: People of the Small Arrow
NEPEAN, Edith: Romance and Realism in the Near East DOKE, Clement M: Report on the Unification of the Shona Dialects, Carried Out Under the Auspices of the Government of Southern Rhodesia and the Carnegie Corporation UYS, Ian: For Valour. The History of Southern Africa's Victoria Cross Heroes
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