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BULYGIN, I.A: Monastyrskie krestyane Rossii v pervoi chetverti XVIII veka BUNYAN, John (1628-1688): The Pilgrim's Progress, in Two Parts, by John Bunyan. With Original Notes, by Thomas Scott, Rector of Aston Sandford, Bucks. The Fourth Edition Burakowski, B., Mroczkowski, M., & Stefanska, J., 1971: Coleoptera. Pismiennictwo. (Katalog fauny Polski, XIII, 1.)
Burat, Amédée: Géologie appliquée, ou Traité de la recherche et de l'exploitation des minéraux utiles Burckhardt, C., 1910: Estudio geologico de la region de San Pedro del Gallo, Durango. [Parerg. Inst. Geol. México, vol. 3 nr. 6.] BURDETTE, Walter J., editor: Invertebrate endocrinology and hormonal heterophylly
BURG, Kareline van der: a - time. All There Is Matters Equally BURGER Jr., C.P: De incunabelen en de Nederlandsche uitgaven tot 1540 in de Bibliotheek der Universiteit van Amsterdam Burger, D., 1986: Palynology of the uppermost Jurassic and lowermost Cretaceous strata in the eastern Netherlands
Burgersdijk, L.A.J., 1852: Specimen academicum inauguralis, continens annotationes de quibusdam crustaceis indigenis [...] pro gradu doctoratus [...] in Academia Lugduno-Batava [...] BURGESS, Renate: Portraits of doctors & scientists in the Wellcome Institute of the History of Medicine. A catalogue. [Museum Catalogue III.] Bürgl, H., 1954: El Cretaceo Inferiór en los aldredores de Villa de Leiva (Boyaca). // El Cretaceao Superior de la Region de Girardot
Bürgl, H., 1956: Catalogo de las amonitas de Colombia. Parte I. Pulchelliidae. [Bol. Geol., 4(1).] Bürgl, H., 1957: Biostratigrafía de la Sabana de Bogotá y sus aldredores. // Hammen, Th. van der. Estratigrafá paleinológica de la Sabana de Bogotá Bürgl, H., Barrios, M., & Röstrom, A.M., 1955: Micropaleontologia y estratigrafía de la seccion Arroyo Saco, depto. del Atlantico. [Bol. Geol., 3(1).]
Burkard, G., 1953: Geologische Beschreibung der Piz S-Chalambert-Gruppe (Unterengadiner Dolomiten) Burkart, Eduard: Moravske nerosty a jejich literature. / Mährens Minerale und ihre Literatur BURKE, Gerald L: Greenhart Metropolis. Planning the Western Netherlands. Foreword by the Hon. Lord Holford
BURMEISTER, Hermann (1807-1892): Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte der Rankenfüsser (Cirripedia) BURNOUF, Emile: Ai itan ran. L'indigo japonais, culture et préparation. Notice traduite pour la première fois du japonais par Emile Burnouf. [Extrait nº 3 du Compte rendu du Congrès international de Orientalistes, session de 1873, à Paris.] Burri, F., 1956: Die Rhynchonelliden der Unteren Kreide (Valanginien-Barrémien) im westschweizerischen Juragebirge
Burt, C.E., 1931: A study of the teeid lizards of the genus Cnemidophorus with special reference to their phylogenetic relationships. [U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull., 154.] BUSCH, F.O: De strijd om Narvik. Geautoriseerde vertaling door G. van Eijsden Buschendorf, F., Richter, M., & Walther, H.W., 1957: Die Blei-Zink-Erzvorkommen des Ruhrgebietes und seiner Umrandung. C. Der Erzgang Christian Levin in den Blei-Erzfeldern König Wilhelm III/IV und Rheinstahl [...].[ Beih. Geol. Jahrb., 28.]
Busek, J.,. 1972: Die mittelleuropäischen Agriotes- und Ectinus-Arten (Coleoptera, Elateridae), mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von A. brevis und der in Feldkulturen lebenden Arten. [Rozpr. Ceskosl. Akad. Ved, Akad. Nat., Prir. Ved, 82(2).] BUSHNELL, David J: Villages of Algonquian, Siouan, and Caddoan tribes West of the Mississippi. [Smithson. Inst. Bur. Amer. Ethnol. Bull., 77.] BUSKES, Christiaan Jozef Johannes: The Genealogy of Knowledge. A Darwinian approach to epistemology and philosophy of knowledge. [Studies in General Philosophy of Science, 4.]
BUSSEMAKER, Herman Theodore: Paradise in peril. Western colonial power and Japanese expansion in South-East Asia, 1905-1941 BUSSIÈRE, Pierre: Etude géologique des feuilles 'Vavatenina-Fenerive. [Trav. Bur. Geol., 90.] Butenschen, B.A. (editor): Travellers discovering Norway in the last century. An anthology
Butterlin, J., 1956: La constitution géologique et la structure des Antilles BUTZER, K.W: Recent history of an Ethiopian delta. The Omo River and the level of Lake Rudolf. [Univ. Chicago Dept. Geogr. Res. Pap., 136.] BUURMAN, D.J.G. (red.): De Cannenbuch en zijn bewoners
Buwalda, P., 1936: The Umbelliferae of the Netherlands Indies BUXTON, Nigel: Walking in Wine Country. [France.] Buxtorf, A., & Schwarz, O.P: Hundert Jahre Schweizerische Geologische Kommission, Organ der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 1860-1960
BUXTORF, Rudolf: Géologie du front septentrional des Pyrénées au Nord de Saint-Girons (Ariège) BUYSSE, Cyriel (1859-1932): Sursum corda! Bwerendzen, H.J.A., 2000: Landschap in delen. Overzicht van de geofactoren. [Fysische geografie van Nederland.]
BYFIELD, Graham, & LIU, Gretchen: Singapore sketchbook. An island observed.. [New revised edition.] Børgesen, F., 1925-1936: Marine algae from the Canary Islands, especially from Tenerife and Gran Canaria. I-IV. [Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Biol. Medd., 5(3), 6(2), 6(6), 8(1), 9(1), 12(5).] Cabela, A. (et al.), 1992: Die Kriechtiere Kärntens
Cabrera, A., 1921: El caballo moruno. [Mem. R. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat., 12(1).] Cabrera, Angel L: Compuestas Bonaerenses. Revisión de las compuestas de la provincia de Buenos Aires, la Capital Federal y la Isla Martín García. [Rev. Mus. La Plata, N.S., Secc. Bot., 4.] Cadée, G.C., 1968: Molluscan biocoenoses and thanatocoenoses in the Ria de Arosa, Spain. [Zool. Verh. Rijksmus. Nat. Hist. Leiden, 95.]
CADELL, Henry Moubray (1860-1934): Geology as a branch of technical education. Introductory lecture at the opening of the Class of Geology in the Heriot-West College, Edinburgh, 4th November 1887 Cadisch, J., & Streckeisen, A: Geologisches Panorama von der Weissfluh bei Davos. Beilage: Geologisches Panorama vom Gotschnagrat. Bearbeitet von A. Streckeisen und R. Gees Cadrobbi, M., 1960: Guida geologica del Basso Sarca. Arco Riva e dintorni. [Pubbl. Soc. Mus. Civ. Rovereto, 72.]
Cahen, D., & Haesaerts, P. (editors), 1984: Peuples chasseurs de la Belgique préhistoriques dans leur cadre naturel Cahn, A.R., 1927: An ecological study of Southern Wisconsin fishes. The brook silversides (Labidesthes sicculus) and the cisco (Leucichthys artedi) in their relations to the region. [Illinois Biol. Mon., 10(4).] CAILLAT, Collette, & RUMAR, Ravi: The Jain Cosmology. English rendering R. Norman
CAILLEUX, André: Etudes de géologie du Détroit de McMurdo (Antarctique). [Com. Natl. Franç. Rech. Antarct., 1.] Cainozoic Research. Volumes 1 & 2: Publication of the "Tertiary Research Group" and the "Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie" Calder, A.A., 1986: Classification, relationships and distribution of the Crepodomeninae (Coleoptera: Elateridae). [Austral Jour. Zool., Suppl. Ser., 122.]
CALDER, Nigel (Head Editor): Scientific Europe. Research and technology in 20 countries CALDWELL, Bruce: The Jajmani system: an investigation. [Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology.] Calker, F.J.P. van, 1908: Beiträge zur Geologie der Provinz Groningen. Grundbohrungen
Callegari, E., 1963: La cima Uzza (Adamello sur-orientale). Parte II. Studio petrogra-fico e petrogenetico della massa femica. [Mem. Ist. Geol. Miner. Univ. Padova, 24(3).] Calligaris, R., 1985: Gli stagni della provincia di Trieste - Atlante. (Ricerche sugli stagni e le ghiacciaie del Carso triestino (Provincia di Trieste).) [Atti Mus. Civ. St. Nat. Trieste, 36, Suppl.] Cambel, B., & Jarovský, J., 1969: Geochemistry of pyrrhotite of various genetic types
Cambridge, O.P., 1873: On new and rare British spiders (being a second supplement to "British spiders new to science") Camena d'Almeida, P., 1893 (1969): Les Pyrénées. Développement de la connaissance géographique de la chaîne. Thèse présentée à la Faculté des lettres de Paris Camerano, L., 1901: Richerche intorno alle renne delle Isole Spitzberghe
CAMESASCA, Ettore: De Raphael à Corot. Trésors du Musée d'Art de Sao Paulo CAMILLE, Michael: Middeleeuwse minnekunst. Onderwerpen en voorwerpen van begeerte Camp, C.L., & Allison, H.J., 1961: Bibliography of fossil vertebrates 1949-1953. [Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem., 84.]
Camp, C.L., & Vanderhoof, V.L., 1940 (1973): Bibliography of fossil vertebrates 1928-1933 Camp, C.L., & Vanderhoof, V.L., 1940 (1973): Bibliography of fossil vertebrates 1928-1933. [Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem., 27.] Camp, C.L., Allison, H.J., & Nichols, R.H., 1964: Bibliography of fossil vertebrates 1954-1958. [Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem., 92.]
Camp, C.L., et al., 1968: Bibliography of fossil vertebrates 1959-1963. [Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem., 117.] Camp, C.L., Taylor, D.W., & Welles, S.P., 1942 (1973): Bibliography of fossil vertebrates 1934-1938 Campbell, K.S.W., 1961: New species on the Permian spiriferoids Ingelarella and Notospirifer from Queensland and their stratigraphic implications
Campbell, K.S.W., 1965: Australian Permian Terebratuloids. [Bull. Bur. Miner. Res. Geol. Geoph., 68.] Campbell, M.R., & Mendenhall, W.C., 1896: Geologic section along the New and the Kanawah Rivers in West Virginia Campisi, B., 1968: Microfossili e stratigrafia del Miocene inferiore e medio dei Sicani sud-occidentali
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