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Clarke, Michael: Corot and the Art of Landscape Roudebush, Jay: CASSATT Brown Esq, Christopher; Roberts, Keith: Bruegel (Phaidon Colour Library)
Cushion, John and Margaret: A Collector's History of British Porcelain Bayliss, Wyke: THE ENCHANTED ISLAND the Venice of Titian, and other studies in Art McClure, James: THE BLOOD OF AN ENGLISHMAN
Baesjou, Jan: THE VERMER FORGERIES The Story of Jan Baesjou Eberhart, Richard: SELECTED POEMS Gask, Arthur: THE HOUSE WITH THE HIGH WALL
Hammond, Gerald: THE REWARD GAME Montgomery, James: THE WORLD BEFORE THE FLOOD A Poem. In Ten Cantos; With Other Occasional Pieces Walcot, James: THE NEW PILGRIM'S PROGRESS OR THE PIOUS INDIAN CONVERT Containing A Faithful Account of Hattain Gelashmin..
KOTZEBUE, August von.; Thompson, Benjamin [trans]: LOVERS' VOWS OR THE NATURAL SON A Drama in Five Acts Nieuhof, Joan: Het Gezantschap Der Neêrlandtsche Oost-Indische Compagnie, aan den grooten Tartarischen Cham, den tegenwoordigen Keizer van China: Scherren, Henry: THROUGH A POCKET LENS
Wintermute, Alan: THE FRENCH PORTRAIT 1550-1850 Henri Matisse: The Early Years In Nice 1916-1930 Edition: First: THE EARLY YEARS IN NICE 1916-1930 Bronstein, Leo: LE GRECO
Tesch, Jurgen; Hollmann, Eckhard: Icons of Photography: The 19th Century (Icons Series) Beckett: The Christ Journey : Sister Wendy Beckett Reflects on the Art of Greg Tricker ( Honey, William Bowyer: THE CERAMIC ART OF CHINA AND OTHER COUNTRIES OF THE FAR EAST
Berling, DR K: MEISSEN CHINA AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORY Bonnefoy, Yves: MYTHTHOLOGIES Volumes One and Two Butlin, Martin; Warrell, Ian; Luther, Mollie: TURNER AT PETWORTH Painter & Patron
Hills, Paul: THE LIGHT OF EARLY ITALIAN PAINTING Wilde, Johannes: Venetian Art: From Bellini to Titian (Studies in History of Art & Architecture) Mochizuki, Mia M: The Netherlandish Image after Iconoclasm, 1566û1672: Material Religion in the Dutch Golden Age
Phillips, Tom (Ed.):: AFRICA THE ART OF THE CONTINENT Stourton, Stourton: Great Smaller Museums of Europe Gerard-Georges Lemaire: The Orient: In Western Art
Zimmerman, Jean-Louis: Ancient Art from the Barbier-Mueller Museum JONES, Kimberly: IN THE FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU PAINTERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS FROM COROT TO MONET Benke, Britta: O'KEEFFE
Bolland, Charlotte & Cooper, Tarnya: THE REAL TUDORS Kings and Queens Rediscovered Treadwell, Penelope: JOHAN ZOFFANY ARTIST AND ADVENTURER Getlein, Frank: 25 IMPRESSIONIST MASTERPIECES
Stephens, Frederic G: FLEMISH RELICS ; Architectural, Legendary, and Pictorial Janssen, Dr Paul Huys: HOOGSTEDER EXHIBITION OF DUTCH LANDSCAPES Austin, Stella: RAGS AND TATTERS
Kostenevich, Albert: French Art at the Hermitage: Bouguereau to Matisse 1860-1950 Wright, Christopher: French Painters of the Seventeenth Century Hauser, Arnold: Mannerism: The Crisis of the Renaissance and the Origin of Modern Art
Fryer, Alfred: Wooden Monumental Effigies in England and Wales Muller, Theodor: SCULPTURE IN THE NETHERLANDS ,GERMANY, FRANCE AND SPAIN: 1400-1500 Lowenthal, Anne W: NETHERLANDISH MANNERISM
Rawson, Jessica [ed]: The British Museum Book of Chinese Art Frederik J. Duparc; Linda L. Graif: Italian recollections: Dutch painters of the Golden Age Haile, Getatchew; Mercier, Jacques: Ethiopian Art - The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore
Tarabra, Daniela: EUROPEAN ART OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Kuper, Yuri: YURI KUPER February 18-April 9 1999 Rosenblum, Robert: THE PRESCENCE OF INGRES : Important Works by Ingres, Chasseriau, Degas, Picasso, Matisse and Balthus
Paoletti, John T.; Radke, Gary M: ART IN RENAISSANCE ITALY Meiss, Millard: Painting in Florence and Siena after the Black Death Banzato, Davide, Pellegrini, Franca: Da Giotto al tardogotico: Dipinti dei musei civici di Padova del Trecento e della prima metà del Quattrocento : [catalogo della mostra a Padova, Musei civici, 1989]
Berenson, Bernard: Italian Painters of the Renaissance: Florentine and Central Italian Schools v. 1 and 2 Roberts, Jane: TREASURES THE ROYAL COLLECTION Bening, Simon: THE HOURS OF ALBRECHT OF BRANDENBURG
Lambirth, Andrew: BRIAN HORTON Blue Remembered Hills Jp, Getty: A Passion for Antiquities: Ancient Art from the Collection of Barbara and Lawrence Fleischman Vonnegut, Kurt; April Gornik: WATERSCAPES, LANDSCAPES
Goheen, Ellen R: Collection of the Nelson-Atkins Museum Bade, Patrick: Gustave Courbet (Reveries S.) Mendogni, Pier Paolo: Antonio Allegri Also Known as ilCorreggio
Howard A.R.A., Ken: KEN HOWARD Studio Scenes and Landscape Studies Dzung, Hoang Duc; Le Quan: HANOI A Two Man Show Hutchinson, Nicholas Portland: NICHOLAS HELY HUTCHINSON 7-28 November
Sander, Jochen: KULT BILD Das Altar- und Andachtsbild von Duccio bis Perugino / Cult Image Altarpiece and Devotional Painting from Duccio to Perugino Houston, Ian: IAN HOUSTON Conrads, Margaret C: WINSLOW HOMER AND THE CRITICS: Forging a National Art in the 1870s
Holzhandler, Doris: The Dance of Life and Death Pope-Hennessy, John Wyndham: Italian Painting: Painting, Fourteenth Through Eighteenth Centuries (ROBERT ... COLLECTION IN THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART) Ian Warrell: Turner and Venice
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