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Mason, Francis Norton: JOHN NORTON AND SONS Brennan, Michael G. [ed]: THE TRAVEL DIARY OF ROBERT BARGRAVE Levant Merchant [1647-1656] Riviere, Peter [ed]: The Guiana Travels of Robert Schomburgk, 1835-1844
Watkins, Hugh R: DARTMOUTH Vol.1 Pre-Reformation (Parochial Histories of Devonshire No.5) Beals, Herbert K., R.J.Campbell, Ann Savours, Anita McConnell, Roy Bridges, Editors: FOUR TRAVEL JOURNALS: The Americas, Antarctica and Africa, 1775-1874 Fleur, J.D.La: Pieter van den Broecke's Journal of Voyages to Cape Verde, Guinea and Angola, 1605-1612
Campbell, R.J. (Editor): THE DISCOVERY OF THE SOUTH SHETLAND ISLANDS Davis, Richard [ed]: The Central Australian Expedition, 1844-1846 : The Journals of Charles Sturt Engelbach, Alfred H: THE KING'S WARRANT: A Story of Old and New France
Beethoven, Ludwig Van: Beethoven's 8th Symphony, in F. Arranged for two performers by W. Watts Kalkbrenner, Fk: STUDIO FOR THE PIANO FORTE consisting of Twenty Four Studies Op 20 Book One Newman, Ernest: MORE OPERA NIGHTS
Levinson, Peter J: SEPTEMBER IN THE RAIN The life of Nelson Riddle Dent, Edward J: Cupid and Death. Matthew Locke & Christopher Gibbons: Hunten, Francois: Variations for the Piano Forte, a? quatre mains, sur le the?me de Mose? in Egitto, de Rossini, "Dov'e? mai quel core amante" Op. 25
Downing, Antoinette and Scully, Vincent J. Jr: THE ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF NEWPORT RHODE ISLAND 1640-1915 Harmer, S.F. and A.E. Shipley (Eds): Flatworms and Mesozod. Nemertines. Thread-Worms and Sagitta etc Holmes, Daniel Henry: UNDER A FOOL'S CAP
Smith, Kenneth.M. and Markham, Roy: MUMPS MEASLES & MOSAICS A study of animal and plant viruses. New Naturalist Monograph series No. 10 Montier, David: Atlas of Breeding Birds of the London area Leighton, Ann: American Gardens of the Nineteenth Century : For Comfort and Affluence
Cameron, Thomas W.M: The Internal parasites of Domestic Animals De La Mare, Walter: A BEGINNING AND OTHER STORIES Dexter, Colin: THE DAUGHTERS OF CAIN
Lousley, J.E: FLORA OF SURREY Pevsner, Nikolaus: THE BUILDINGS OF ENGLAND: STAFFORDSHIRE Gough, Barry M: Northwest Coast : British Navigation, Trade and Discoveries to 1812
Berger, Morroe, Edward Berger, and James Patrick: BENNY CARTER A Life in American Music 2 volumes Wodehouse, P.G,: THE GOLD BAT Satchell, J. E: EARTHWORM ECOLOGY
Salmon, Charles Edgar: THE FLORA OF SURREY Being an Account of the Flowering Plants, Ferns and Characeae Lynd, Robert: OLD AND NEW MASTERS Pickard, Bernard C: Grasshoppers and crickets of Great Britain and the Channel Islands
Tate, Peter: A CENTURY OF BIRD BOOKS Tuohy, Frank: THE COLLECTED STORIES OF FRANK TUOHY Durrell, Lawrence: VEGA and othe Poems
Barker, A. L: A Source of Embarrassment Allen, E.J: PLYMOUTH MARINE FAUNA: Being notes in the local distribution of species occuring in 1931 Hickling, Ronald [ed]: Enjoying Ornithology
Brookner, Anita: A CLOSED EYE Prendergast, E. D.; Boys, J. V: The Birds of Dorset Keller, Gottfried: GREEN HENRY
Noyes, Alfred: SOME ASPECTS OF MODERN POETRY Bordman, Gerald: American Musical Theatre : A Chronicle Baron Ludwig Von Embden: THE FAMILY LIFE OF HEINRICH HEINE
Rowling, J.K: THE CASUAL VACANCY Parker, A.K.; Pye, D: THE FENLAND Searle, Monica: SEARLE & SEARLE
St John, Charles: THE SCOTTISH NATURALIST The Sketches and Notes of Charles St John 1809-1856 Byatt, A. S: ANGELS & INSECTS Wright, Graeme: WISDEN CRICKETERS ALMANACK 2001 138th edition
Tegner, Henry: NATURAL HISTORY IN NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM Puritz, Gerd: ELISABETH SCHUMANN A Biography Robson, John: CAPTAIN COOK'S WORLD Maps of Life and Voyages of James Cook R.N
Goodfellow, Peter S: THE VINE POTTERY Birks, Rawlins & Co Dandy, J.E: THE SLOANE HERBARIUM An Annotated List of the Horti Sicci' Linnell, David: BLAKE, PALMER, LINNELL & CO. The Life of John Linnell
Chittenden, Frederick J: THE ROYAL SOCIETY DICTIONARY OF GARDENING Godwin, Sir Harry: HISTORY OF BRITISH FLORA A Factual Basis for Phytogeography Arnold, Denis: THE NEW OXFORD COMPANION TO MUSIC 2 Vols
A. Stewart C.D. Preston D.A. Pearman: SCARCE PLANTS IN BRITAIN Robinson, Barbara: LUMIERES Thomson, George: The Butterflies of Scotland : A Natural History
Smolka, H.P: Forty Thousand Against the Arctic : Russia's Polar Empire A.E. Denson, alan. (Editor): Letters From A. E. - Selected And Edited By Alan Denson. With A Foreword By Dr. Monk Gibbon Southwick, Leslie: ANTIQUE EDGED WEAPONS
Deakin, Roger: A JOURNEY THROUGH TREES Coysh, A.W. and Henrywood, R.K: The Dictionary of Blue and White Printed Pottery, 1780-1880 Thomas, Denis; Bennett, Ian: THE PRICE GUIDE TO ENGLISH WATERCOLOURS 1750-1900.Antique Collectors Club
Whistler, Lawrence: Scenes and signs on glass Henrywood, R.K: RELIEF MOULDED JUGS 1820-1900 Reilly, Robin; Savage, George: The Dictionary of Wedgwood
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