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Wagner, Richard: Siegfried. Vollständiger Klavierauszug von Karl Klindworth Ward, R.H: POEMS IN PAMPHLET 1952 XI R.H.Ward Levi, Peter S.J: The Gravel Ponds Poems
Fuller, Roy: NEW POEMS Shalhope, Robert E: Sterling Price; Portrait of a Southerner Gosse, P.H: EVENINGS AT THE MICROSCOPE Among The Minuter Organs and Forms Of Animal Life
Gragg, Rod: Confederate Goliath: The Battle of Fort Fisher Barber, Richard - Translated and Introduced: BESTIARY Lewis, C.S: THE ALLERGORY OF LOVE : A Study in Medieval Tradition
Graham, G.G: THE FLORA AND VEGETATION OF COUNTY DURHAM McMurry, Richard M: John Bell Hood and the War for Southern Independence Garnett, David: A MAN IN THE ZOO Illustrated with Wood Engravings by R.A. Garnett
McDonald, Gregory: Fletch's Moxie Kennedy, X. J. (editor): Tygers of Wrath : Poems of Hate, Anger, and Invective Lenecek, Lena; Bosker, Gideon: THE BEACH The History of Paradise on Earth
Fowler, William M., Jr: Under Two Flags : The American Navy in the Civil War Hamilton, Adrian: THE INFAMOUS ESSAY ON WOMAN, OR JOHN WILKES SEATED BETWEEN VICE AND VIRTUE Tate, Allen: poems 1920-1945
Olson, Donald S: Confessions of Aubrey Beardsley Little, W.L: Staffordshire Blue Karel Neubert, Ivo Koran, Milos Suchomel: Charles Bridge
Beethoven, L. Van: Sonaten Für Pianoforte Solo - Herausgegeben Louis Köhler Und Adolf Ruthardt Sitwell, Edith: THE OUTCASTS Fea, Allan: RECOLLECTIONS OF SIXTY YEARS
Nordenskiold, A.E. (Translated By Alexander Leslie): THE VOYAGE OF THE VEGA Wissen Media: AERIAL ATLAS OF THE WORLD Shepherd, Ernie; Beesley, Gerry: The Dublin and South Eastern Railway : An Illustrated History
Van Emden, Richard: BRITAINS LAST TOMMIES Cook, E. T. [Edited by]: THE CENTURY OF GARDENING Hole S. Reynolds (An Oxonian): A LITTLE TOUR IN IRELAND
Congreve, William: THE POETICAL WORKS OF WILLIAM CONGREVE with the Life of the Author Kelly, Francis M. ; Schwabe, Randolph: HISTORIC COSTUME 1490-1790 Spanier, Ginette: IT ISN'T ALL MINK
Thomas, Henry: PERIODS OF TYPOGRAPHY: The Spanish Sixteenth Century Printing Fletcher, Peter: World Musics in Context : A Comprehensive Survey of the World's Major Musical Cultures Linsley, Robin: RAILWAYS IN CAMERA 1860-1913 Archive Photographs of the Great Age of Steam
Williams, Keith: THE ENGLISH NEWSPAPER An illustrated history to 1900 Various: POETRY AND POVERTY 7 Brennaud, Kathryn: Victorian Canvaswork
The Broons: Broons and Oor Wullie 60 Years in the Sunday Post 1936-1996 Lyle, Bonnie: KITTENS GROW UP TO BE CATS Sharp, Cecil J., Macilwaine, Herbert C.,: THE MORRIS BOOK with a description of dances as performed by The Morris Men of England - Part 1,
Jackson, Sara E. [Ed]: JOURNAL OF THE ENGLISH FOLK DANCE & SONG SOCIETY Vol VII No 3 Bowen, John (edit): Scale Model Sailing Ships Dutton, Ralph: Victorian Home
Klass, Gert Von: KRUPPS Henty, G.A: WINNING HIS SPURS A Tale Of The Crusades Collis, Maurice: THE MOTHERLY AND AUSPICIOUS being the life of the Empress Dowager Tzu Hsi
Younger, Archibald: FRENCH ENGRAVERS OF THE 18TH CENTURY Sharp, Cecil: THE SWORD DANCES OF NORTHERN ENGLAND Part III Sharp, Cecil J.; Butterworth, George: THE MORRIS BOOK with a description of dances as performed by The Morris Men of England - Part V
Dohler, Theodore: NOTTURNO for the Piano Forte Op 24 Ravina, Henri: SYLVIA Nocturne Pour Le Piano Mendelssohn, Felix Bartholody: THE FIFTH BOOK OF ORIGINAL ANTHEMS 6 LIEDER OHNE WORTE Op 62 Composed for the Piano Forte
Cramer, J.B: GRAND MARCH For the PianoForte or Harp with or without additional notes Hullmandel, Mr [Nicolaus Joseph]: Viotti’s new grand Concerto (in D) with Accompaniments Hertz, Henri: THE CELEBRATED TYROLIEN Danced by Madame Tyrolien by Rossini
Hagen, Joseph: SYNOPSIS DER HOEHEREN MATHEMATIK Knowles, Elizabeth`: THE OXFORD DICTIONARY OF QUOTATIONS Burgmuller, Frederic: No 4 Capriccio sur la Straniera from SIX MELODIES GRACIEUSES de BELLINI Pour Le Piano Op 26
Pleyel, Ignace: Gems a la Malibran; a dramatic fantasia for the Piano Forte. Bk. 1 Pleyel, Ignace: Operatic Reminiscences Pleyel, Ignace: Gems a la Malibran; a dramatic fantasia for the Piano Forte. Bk. 2
Hertz, Henri: SOUVENIR DE LONDRES Chaulieu, Charles: VARIATIONS faciles et brillantes pour le Piano sur la chansonnette Op 74 Bennett, Alicia: A CELEBRATED IRISH MELODY arranged as a SLOW MOVEMENT for the Piano Forte
Rost, J.M: MY FATHERLAND arranged as a Divertimento for the Piano Forte and Dedicated to Miss White Bordese, Luigi/ La Fontaine: Fables de la Fontaine No 3: LE RAT DE VILLE ET LE RAT DES CHAMPS Richards, Brinley; Gounod: THE SOLDIERS CHORIS
Zeller, Carl: MARTIN WALZER aus der Operette Der Obersteiger für Pianoforte Berger, Rodolphe: AMOUREUSE Baker, Michael H.C: London Transport, 1933-62
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