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Melville, Herman; Harrison Hayford, Hershel Parker and G. Thomas Tanselle, eds: Moby-Dick: Or, The Whale (The Northwestern-Newberry Edition of the Writings of Herman Melville, Vol. 6) Woolman, John; Phillips P. Moulton, ed: The Journal and Major Essays of John Woolman Sachs, Wulf: Black Hamlet. With a New Introduction by Saul Dubow and Jacqueline Rose
Evelyn, John: Memories for My Grandson Dryden, John: Dramatic Poesy and Other Essays. Everyman's Library No. 568 Walton, Izaak: The Lives of John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Richard Hooker, George Herberty & Robert Sanderson
Daniel Heath Justice, Mark Rifkin and Bethany Schneider, eds: GLQ. A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies. Volume 16, Number 1-2, 2010 Mazzio, Carla and Douglas Trevor, eds: Historicism, Psychoanalysis, and Early Modern Culture Goldberg, Jonathan, sr. ed: ELH. (English Literary History) Volume 71.2, Spring 2004
Holly A. Crocker and Kathryn Schwarz, eds: Premodern Flesh. Postmedieval: A Journal of Medieval Cultural Studies. Volume 4, Number 4, Winter 2013 Dinshaw, Carolyn; David M. Halperin, Annamarie Jagose, eds: GLQ. A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies. Volume 10, Number 3, 2004 Vincent, John Emil, ed: The Massachusetts Review. Spring/Summer 2008
Cassin, Barbara, ed.;Steven Randall, Christian Hubert, et al, trans: Dictionary of Untranslatables. A Philosophical Lexicon Donne, John; Herbert J. C. Grierson, ed: The Poems of John Donne. Edited from the Old Editions and Numerous Manuscripts with Introductions & Commentary. Vol. II. Introduction and Commentary Steinberg, Leo: Leonardo's Incessant Last Supper
Clark, T. J: If These Apples Should Fall. Cézanne and the Present Kafka, Franz; Michael Hofmann, trans. and intro: Amerika (The Man Who Disappeared) Haverkamp, Anselm; Vernon Chadwick, trans: Leaves of Mourning. Holderlin's Late Work With an Essay on Keats and Melancholy
Levi-Strauss, Claude; Brian C. J. Singer, trans: Look, Listen, Read Scire, Giovanna Nepi: Gallerie dell' Accademia. I teneri della Sala dell' Albergo nella Scuola di San Marco Krischel, Roland: Jacopo Tintoretto. Das Sklavenwunder. Bildwelt und Weltbild
Veronese. Magnificence in Renaissance Venice. The National Gallery of Art, 19 March - 15 June 2014 Judovitz, Dalia: Georges de La Tour and the Enigma of the Visible Butor, Michel: Les mots dans la peinture
Marinelli, Sqergio: Il ritrovamento del corpo di San Marco di Jacopo Tintoretto Serres, Michel: Esthétiques sur Carpaccio Crimp, Douglas, ed: OCTOBER 43. Winter, 1987. AIDS Cultural Analysis. Cultural Activism
Fisher, Gary; Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, ed: Gary In Your Pocket. Stories and Notebooks of Gary Fisher Spillers, Hortense J: Black, White, and in Color. Essays on American Literature and Culture Edelman, Lee: No Future. Queer Theory and the Death Drive
Berlin, Lauren and Lee Edelman: Sex, or the Unbearable. (Theory Q) Moro, Pierandrea: La Scuola grande di San Marco e le scuole in Venezia tra religiosità laica e funzione sociale Powell, Patricia: The Fullness of Everything
Lorde, Audre: Sister Outsider. Essays and Speeches Brathwaite, Edward: The Arrivants. A New World Trilogy Dalai Lama; B. Alan Wallace, trans., ed., annotated: Transcendent Wisdom
Price, Joshua M: Prison and Social Death Davies, Carole Boyce and Elaine Savory Fido, eds: Out of the Kumbla. Womanist Perspectives on Caribbean Literature Pasolini, Pier Paolo; Norman MacAfee with Luciano Martinengo, trans: Poems
Darnell, Regna: Invisible Genealogies. A History of Americanist Anthropology Blanchot, Maurice; Stuart Kendall and Michelle Kendall, trans: Lautréamont and Sade Ashbery, John; Eugene Richie, ed: Selected Prose
Games, Alison: Witchcraft in Early North America Shklovsky, Viktor; Richard Sheldon, trans. and ed.; Sidney Monas, intro: A Sentimental Journey: Memoirs, 1917-1922. Revised edition Cliff, Michelle: Everything Is Now. New and Collected Stories
Cliff, Michelle: Claiming an Identity They Taught Me to Despise Cliff, Michelle: If I Could Write This in Fire Adler, Melissa: Cruising the Library: Perversities in the Organization of Knowledge
Parker, Andrew and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, eds: Performativity and Performance Ferenczi, Sándor; Judith Dupont, ed.; Michael Balint and Nicola Zarday Jackson, trans: The Clinical Diary of Sándor Ferenczi Poplaski, Peter; R. Crumb, intro: The Sketchbook Adventures of Peter Poplaski
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von; Joel Rosenberg, sel. and trans: The Lord Chandos Letter and Other Writings Lin, Lana: Freud's Jaw and Other Lost Objects. Fractured Subjectivity in the Face of Cancer Leonardo. Volume 50, Number 5, 2017
Representations 17. Special Issue: The Cultural Display of the Body. Winter 1987 Higgins, Scott, ed: Arnheim for Film and Media Studies Scott, Debra Leigh: Other Likely Stories
McCarthy, Tom: Satin Island. A Novel Cohen, Ralph, ed: New Literary History. A Journal of Theory and Interpretation: Making Sense, et al. Volume 21, Spring 1990, Number 3 Singleton, Charles S., ed: Interpretation. Theory and Practice
Nancy, Jean-Luc; Jeff Fort, trans: The Ground of the Image Latour, Bruno; Catherine Porter, trans: We Have Never Been Modern Fanon, Frantz: Peau Noire Masques Blanc
Fanon, Frantz; Jean-Paul Sartre, preface: Les damnés de la terre Lacan, Jacques; Jacques-Alain Miller, ed.; Alan Sheridan, trans: The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psycho-Analysis Schmitt, Carl; George Schwab, trans., intro. and notes; Tracy B. Strong, foreword: The Concept of the Political
Cameron, Sharon: Impersonality. Seven Essays Benjamin, Walter; Edmund Jephcott and Others, trans; Howard Eiland and Michael W. Jennings, eds: Walter Benjamin. Selected Writings. Volume 4, 1938-1940 Benveniste, Emile; Mary Elizabeth Meek, trans: Problems in General Linguistics
Tomkins, Silvan S.; E. Virginia Demos, ed: Exploring Affect. The Selected Writings of Silvan S. Tomkins Derrida, Jacques; Thomas Dutoit, trans: Aporias Klossowski, Pierre; Russell Ford, trans., ed: Such a Deathly Desire
Foucault, Michel; R. James Goldstein and James Cascaito, trans: Remarks on Marx. Conversations with Duccio Tromadori Stein, Gertrude; Joan Retallack, ed. and intro: Gertrude Stein. Selections Weininger, Otto; Robert Willis, trans: Sex and Character with Interlinear Translation
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