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Lawson, E. Thomas and Robert N. McCauley: Rethinking Religion. Connecting Cognition and Culture Mercer, Walter: Orthopaedic Surgery Beck, R. Theodore: The Cutting Edge. Early History of the Surgeons of Londo
Johnson, Lanny L: Comprehensive Arthroscopic Examination of the Knee Inglis, Allan E., ed: The Review of the Hospital for Special Surgery. Vol II. No 1 Bigg, Heather: Caries of the Spine, being an advance chapter of The Spine, Its Deformities, Debilities, and Deficiencies
Knox, Robert; Charles Bell: A Manual of Artistic Anatomy. Together with The Hand, Its Mechanism and Vital Endowments as Evincing Design by Sir Chaarles Bell Rolleston, Sir Humphrey and Alan Moncrieff, eds: Fractures and Dislocations, by Various Authors Shaffer, Newton Melman: Selected Essays on Orthopaedic Surgery
Bampfield, R. W: An Essay on Curvatures and Diseases of the Spine, Including All the Forms of Spinal Distorsion: to which The Fothergillian Gold Medal was Awarded by the Medical Society of London Otto, Stephan: Rekonstruktion der Geschichte. Zur Kritik der historischen Vernunft. Erster Tiel: Historisch - kritische Bestandsaufnahme Tormey, Alan: The Concept of Expression. A Study in Philosophical Psychology and Aesthetics
Kaufman, Alexander: Welfare in the Kantian State Fichte, Johann Gottlieb: Die Bestimmung des Menschen Sallis, John: The Gathering of Reason
Baum, Manfred: Deduktion und Beweis in Kants Transzendentalphilosophie. Untersuchungen zu Kritik der reinen Vernunft Grenberg, Jeanine: Kant and the Ethics of Humility. A Story of Dependence, Corruption and Virtue Henrich, Dieter; Richard Velkley, ed. and intro: The Unity of Reason. Essays on Kant's Philosophy
Rauscher, Frederick and Daniel Omar Perez, eds: Kant in Brazil. North American Kant Society Studies in Philosophy. Volume 10.) Sommer, Manfred: Die Selbsterhaltung der Vernunft Sommer, Manfred: Identität im Übergang: Kant
Carnois, Bernard; David Booth, trans: The Coherence of Kant's Doctrine of Freedom Malgaigne, J. F. [Joseph Francois]: Traite des Fractures et des Luxations Kulenkampff, Jens, Hrsg: Materialien zu Kants "Kritik der Urteilskraft"
Guyer, Paul: Kant and the Experience of Freedom. Essays on Aesthetics and Morality Seebohm, Thomas and Joseph Kockelmans, eds: Kant and Phenomenology. 1984 Beck, Lewis White; Hoke Robinson, ed: Selected Essays on Kant. Volume 6. North American Kant Society Studies in Philosophy
Schaper, Eva and Wilhelm Vossenkuhl, eds: Reading Kant. New Perspectives on Transcendental Arguments and Critical Philosophy Galston, William A: Kant and the Problem of History James, William and Henry James; Ignas K. Skrupskelis and Elizabeth M. Berkeley, eds: The Correspondence of William James. Volume 1. William and Henry 1861-1884
Zammito, John H: The Genesis of Kant's Critique of Judgment Kant, Immanuel; Peter Heath and J. B. Scheewind, ed.; Peter Heath, trans: Lectures on Ethics Kant, Immanuel; Friedrich Berger, Vorwort: Gesammelte Schriften. Band XIX (19). Dritte Abteilung: Handschriftlicher Nachlaß. Band VI. Moralphilosophie, Rechtsphilosophie und Religionsphilosophie
Kant, Immanuel; Erich Adickes, Vorwort: Gesammelte Schriften. Band 18 (XVIII). Dritte Abteilung: Handschriftlicher Nachlaß. Band V. Metaphysik. Zweiter Teil Kant, Immanuel; Gerhard Lehman, Vorwort: Gesammelte Schriften. Band XXIII (23). Dritte Abteilung: Handschriftlicher Nachlaß. Band X. Vorarbeiten und Nachträge Kant, Immanuel: Gesammelte Schriften. Band XXII (22). Dritte Abteilung: Handschriftlicher Nachlaß. Band IX. Opus postumum. Zweite Hälfte (Convolut VII bis XIII)
Kant, Immanuel; Artur Buchmann und Gerhard Lehman, Vorwort: Gesammelte Schriften. Band XXI (21). Dritte Abteilung: Handschriftlicher Nachlaß. Band VIII. Opus postumum. Erste Hälfte (Convolut I bis VI) Kant, Immanuel: Gesammelte Schriften. Band XXVIII (28). (IV/Band 5). Abteilung IV. Vorlesungen über Metaphysik und Rationaltheologie. Erste hälfte. Zweite hälfte: Erste Teil und Zweiter Teil. (Three Volumes) Kant, Immanuel: Gesammelte Schriften. Band XXIX (29). (IV/Band 6). Abteilung IV. Erste hälfte, zweiter Teil. Erster Teil: Kleinere Vorlesungen und Ergänzungen I. Zweiter Teil: Ergänzungen II. (Two Volumes)
Kant, Immanuel; Erich Adickes, Vorwort: Gesammelte Schriften. Band XIV (14). Dritte Abteilung: Handschriftlicher Nachlaß. Band I. Mathematik -- Physik und Chemie, Physische Geographie Kant, Immanuel; Erich Adickes, Vorwort: Gesammelte Schriften. Band XV (15). Dritte Abteilung: Handschriftlicher Nachlaß. Band II. Erste hälfte. Anthroplogie. Band II. Zweite hälfte. Anthropologie. (Two Volumes) Kant, Immanuel; Wilhelm Dilthey, Vorwort: Gesammelte Schriften. Band I (1). Erste Abteilung: Werke. Band I. Vorkritische Schriften I: 1747-1756
Speed, Kellogg: Traumatic Injuries of the Carpus Including Colles Fracture Carnochan, John Murray: A Treatise on the Etiology, Pathology, and Treatment of Congenital Dislocations of the Head of the Femur Jones, Robert: Division of Extensor Proprius Hallucis and of Plantar Fascia. Subcutaneous Tenotomy of Tendon of Achilles. Wrenched Foot
American Medical Association: Handbook of Amputations Tubby, A. H: Deformities. A Treatise on Orthopaedic Surgery, Intended for Practicioners and Advanced Student Osler, William: The Principles and Practice of Medicine
U.S. Navy: Medical Essays: Compiled from Reports to the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery by Medical Officers of the U.S. Navy Bryant, Thomas: On the Diseases and Injuries of The Joints. Clinical and Pathological Observations Walsham, W. J. and William Kent Hughes: The Deformities of the Human Foot: With Their Treatment
Marsh, Howard: Diseases of the Joints and Spine Crile, George W: Problems in Surgery. University of Washington Graduate Medical Lectures 1927 Albright, Ann Cooper: Traces of Light. Absence and Presence in the Work of Loïe Fuller
Speed, Kellogg: A Textbook of Fractures and Dislocations. Covering Their Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment Peltier, Leonard F: Orthopedics. A History and Iconography Wade, Preston A., ed: Surgical Treatment of Trauma
Whitelocke, R. H. Anglin: Sprains and Allied Injuries of Joints Orr, H. Winnett: Wounds and Fractures. A Clinical Guide to Civil and Military Practice Mathijsen, Antonius; G. J. Bremer, intro: The Plaster of Paris Bandage. Its Invention by Antonius Mathijsen and its First Applications
Steindler, Arthur: A Textbook of Operative Orthopedics White, J. Renfrew: Chronic Traumatic Osteomyelitis. Its Pathology and Treatment Lovett, Robert W: Lateral Curvature of the Spine and Round Shoulders
Smith, E. Noble: The Management of Lateral Curvature of the Spine, Stooping, and the Development of the Chest in Phthisis Allis, Oscar H: An Inquiry Into the Difficulties Encountered In the Reduction of Dislocations of the Hip De Brun, Harry C.W.S: Manual of Fractures, Dislocations, and Epiphyseal Separations
Ely, Leonard W: Inflammation in Bones and Joints Cash, Philip: Medical Men at the Siege of Boston April, 1775-April, 1776. Problems of the Massachusetts and Continental Armies Lichtenstein, Louis: Bone Tumors. Fifth edition
Bailey, Hamilton: Demonstrations of Physical Signs in Clinical Surgery Kant, Immanuel; Eckart Förster, ed.; Eckart Förster and Michael Rosen, trans: Opus postumum Kant, Immanuel; Arulf Zweig, ed. and trans: Philosophical Correspondence 1759-99
Lister, Joseph, et al: The Lancet MDCCCLXV (1865) Volume I. Contains Lister's On Excision of the Wrist for Caries Kozinn, Stuart C. and Philip D. Wilson: Adult Hip Disease and Total Hip Replacement. (Clinical Symposia) Volume 39, Number 5 Swanson, Alfred B: Congenital Limb Defects Classification and Treatment. Clinical Symposium Volume 33, Number 3, 1981
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