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Lyotard, Jean-Francois; Geoffrey Bennington and Rachel Bowlby, trans: The Inhuman. Reflections on Time Oelmüller, Willi, Hrsg: Kolloquium Kunst und Philosophie. Band 1: Ästhetische Erfahrung Winchester, James J: Aesthetics Across the Color Line. Why Nietzsche (Sometimes) Can't Sing the Blues
Zupko, Jack: John Buridan. Portrait of a Fourteenth-Century Arts Master Vattimo, Gianni; Jon R. Snyder, trans. and Intro: The End of Modernity. Nihilism and Hermeneutics in Post-modern Culture Grene, Marjorie: Sartre
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb; Reinhard Lauch und Hans Jacob, Hrsg: Werke 1791-1794. J. G. Fichte - Gesamtausgabe. Der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Werke Band I,1 Dilthey, Wilhelm; Hans-Ulrich Lessing und Frithjof Rodi, Hrsg: Logik und System der philosophischen Wissenschaften. Vorlesungen zur erkenntnistheoretischen Logik und Methodologie (1864-1903). Gesammelte Schriften. XX. Band Cassirer, Ernst; William H. Woglom and Charles W. Hendel, trans: The Problem of Knowledge. Philosophy, Science and History Since Hegel
Cassirer, Ernst; Ernst Wolfgang Orth, Hrsg: Geist und Leben. Schriften zu den Lebensordnungen von Natur und Kunst, Geschichte und Sprache Blosser, Philip; Eiche Shimomisse, Lester Embree and Hiroshi Kojima, eds: Japanese and Western Phenomenology Braun, Hans-Jürg, et al, Hrsg: Über Ernst Cassirers Philosophie der symbolischen Formen
Lofts, S. G: Ernst Cassirer. A "Repetition" of Modernity Ferrari, Massimo: Ernst Cassirer. Stationen einer philosophischen Biographie. Von der Marburger Schule zur Kulturphilosophie. Aus dem Italienischen übersetzt von Marion Lauschke. Kassierer-Forschungen. Band 11 Schwemmer, Oswald: Ernst Cassirer. Ein Philosoph der europäischen Moderne
Kern, Iso: Husserl und Kant. Eine Untersuchung über Husserls Verhältnis zu Kant und zum Neukantianismus Cassirer, Ernst; Ernst Wolfgang Orth und John Michael Krois, Hrsg: Symbol, Technik, Sprache. Aufsätze aus den Jahren 1927 - 1933 Bloch, Ernst: Spuren. Gesamtausgabe der Werke. Band 1
Bloch, Ernst: Das Prinzip Hoffnung. Zwei Bände: Kapitel 1-37; Kapitel 38-55. Gesamtausgabe der Werke. Band 5 Husserl, Edmund; Ullrich Melle, Hrsg: Logische Untersuchungen Ergänzungsband. Erster Teil. Entwürfe zur Umarbeitung der VI. Untersuchung und zur Vorrede für die Neuauflage der Logischen Untersuchungen (Sommer 1913). Husserlina. Band XX/1 Husserl, Edmund; Sebastian Luft, Hrsg: Zur Phänomenologischen Reduktion. Texte aus dem Nachlass (1926-1935). Husserliana. Band XXXIV
Geßner, Willfried und Rüdiger Kramme, Hrsg: Aspekte der Geldkultur. Neue Beiträge zu Georg Simmels Philosophie des Geldes Lewin, Philip: The Knee and Related Structures. Injuries, Deformities, Diseases, Disabilities Milch, Henry: Osteotomy of the Long Bones
Jones, Robert: Notes on Military Orthopaedics. With an Introductory Note by Surgeon-General Sir Alfred Keogh Wellcome, Henry S: Medicine in Antient Erin. An Historical Sketch from Celtic to Mediaeval Times Bigg, Heather: An Essay on the General Principles of the Treatment of Spinal Curvatures
Duchenne, G. B.; Emanuel Kaplan, trans. and ed: Physiology of Motion. Demonstated By Means of Electrical Stimulation and Clinical Observation and Applied to the Study of Paralysis and Deformities American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: Symposium on the Athlete's Knee. Surgical Repair and Reconstruction. Hilton Head, South Carolina, June 1978 Rockmore, Tom: Habermas on Historical Materialism
Malpas, Jeff and Hans-Helmuth Gander, eds: The Routledge Companion to Hermeneutics Prince, David: Orthopedics: A Systematic Treatise upon the Prevention and Correction of Deformities Larrey, D. [Dominique] J., le baron: Memoires de chirurgiel militaire, et campagnes
Pringle, John: Observations on the Diseases of the Army, in Camp and Garrison. In Three Parts with an Appendix, containing some Papers of Experiments, Read at several Meetings of the Royal Society Henderson, Thomas: Hints on the Medical Examination of Recruits for the Army and on the Discharge of Soldiers From the Service on Surgeon's Certificate. Adapted to the Service of the United States Spiegelberg, Herbert; Karl Schuhmann, collab: The Phenomenological Movement. A Historical Introduction. Third Revised and Enlarged Edition
Rosario Acosta Lopez, Maria del and J. Colin McQuillan, eds: Critique in German Philosophy. From Kant To Critical Theory Larrey, D. [Dominique] J.; Richard Wilmot Hall, trans: Memoirs of Military Surgery, and Campaigns of the French Armies, on the Rhine, in Corsica, Catalonia, Egypt, and Syria; at Boulogne, Ulm, and Austerlitz; in Saxony, Prussia, Poland, Spain, and Austria Buck, Gurdon: An Improved Method of Treating Fractures of the Thigh. Illustrated by Cases and a Drawing
Stromeyer, Louis; Friedrich Esmarch; S.F. Stratham, trans: Gunshot Fractures. (with) Dr. Friedrich Esmarch: Resection in Gunshot Injuries OHalloran, Mr. [Silvester]: A Complete Treatise on Gangrene and Sphacelus; with a New Method of Amputation Monro, Alexander: The Anatomy of the Human Bones and Nerves, with An Account of the reciprocal Motions of the Heart, and A Description of the Human Lacteal Sac and Duct
Edington, Geo. H: Papers Surgical and Anatomical (Selected). Reprinted from various Medical Journals, 1894-1907 Boyer, Alexis: The Lectures of Boyer Upon Diseases of the Bones: Arranged Into a Systematic Treatise by A. Richderand . 2 Volumes Sheldrake, T: A Practical Essay on the Club-Foot, And other Distortions in the Legs and Feet of Children. .
Hamilton, Frank Hastings: Report on Deformities After Fractures. Three Parts (in Two Volumes) Humphry, G. M: The Human Foot and the Human Hand Taylor, Charles Fayette: On the Mechanical Treatment of Disease of the Hip-Joint
Velpeau, Alf. A. L. M: New Elements of Operative Surgery Macleod, George H. B: Notes on the Surgery of the War in Crimea, with remarks on the treatment of gunshot wounds Brodie, Benjamin C: Lectures Illustrative of Various Subjects in Pathology and Surgery
Little, W. J: On Spinal Weakness and Spinal Curvatures, Their Early Recognition and Treatment Pringle, John: Observations on the Diseases of the Army. The Third Edition enlarged Albinus, Bernard Siegfried: Historia Musculorum Hominis
Tubby, A.H: Deformities including Diseases of the Bones and Joints. A Text-Book of Orthopaedic Surgery. Two Volumes Guthrie, G. J.; Robert Christison; P. Evers: Clinical Lectures on Compound Fractures of the Extremities, on Excision of the Head of the Thigh-bone, the Arm-bone and the Elbow-Joint. On the Diseases of the Peninsula and on several miscellaneous Subjects, Delivered at the Westminster Hospital. This volume also contains ( The Whole Complete in One Volume ): Robert Christison on The Kidneys, and its connection with Dropsy, Inflammation, &c. and P. Evers on Comparative Anatomy Gould, Benjamin Apthorp: Investigations in the Military and Anthropological Statistics of American Soldiers
Brodie, B. C: Pathological and Surgical Observations on the Diseases of the Joints Hood, Wharton P: On Bone-Setting, (so called), and its relation to the treatment of joints crippled by injury, rheumatism, inflammation, &c &c Luschka, Hubert: Die Anatomie des Menshen in Ruecksicht auf die Beduerfnisse der pracktischen Heilkunde. 6 Volumes
Bodei, Remo; Giuseppe Cantillo, Alessandro Ferrara, et al: Ricostruzione della soggettività. Reconstruction of Suybjectivity. Rekonstruktion der Subjektivität Ineichen, Hans: Erkenntnistheorie und geschichtlich-gesellschaftliche Welt. Diltheys Logik der Geisteswissenschaften Dilthey, Wilhelm: Zur Preussischen Geschichte. Schleiermachers politische Gesinnung und Wirksamkeit. Die Reorganisatoren des Preussischen Staates. Das Allgemeine Landrecht. Gesammelte Schriften. XII. Band
Yorck von Wartenburg, Paul; Francesco Donadio, A cura di: Tutti gli scritti. Testo tedesco a fronte Kühne-Bertram, Gudrun und Frithjof Rodi, Hrsg: Dilthey und die hermeneutische Wende in der Philosophie. Wirkungsgeschichtliche Aspekte seines Werkes Ela, Walter: Fractures of the Elbow-Joint. An Essay to which was Awarded the second prize of the Boylston Medical Society for 1873
Böhler, Lorenz; M.E. Steinberg, trans: The Treatment of Fractures Colonna, Paul C: Publications of the Orthopaedic Staff University of Oklahoma School of Medicine. Vol 1. 1938-1939. Bound and distributed by the Oklahoma Commission for Crippled Children Dilthey, Wilhelm; Gabriele Gebhardt und Hans-Ulrich Lessing, Hrsg: Allgemeine Geschichte der Philosophie. Vorlesungen 1900-1905. Gesammelte Schriften. XXIII. Band
Bunnell, Sterling, ed: Surgery in World War II. Hand Surgery Hoefftcke, Carel A.; Frank Romer, intro: The Ambulatory Treatment of Fractures and Diseased Joints Stookey, Byron: Surgical and Mechanical Treatment of Peripheral Nerves. With a Chapter on Nerve Degeneration Regeneration by G. Carl Huber, M.D
Wilson, James: Lectures on the Structure and Physiology of the Parts Composing the Skeleton, and on the Diseases of the Bones and Joints of the Human Body, Preceded by Some Observations on the Influence of the Brain and Nerves, Delivered Before the Royal College of Surgeons of London, in the Summer of the Year 1820 Luft, Sebastian: Phänomenologie der Phänomenologie. Systematik und Methodologie der Phänomenologie in der Auseinandersetzung zwischen Husserl und Fink Henle, A.; Charles W. Cathcart, trans: The Conservative Treatment of Tubercular Joint Disease and Cold Abscess as carried out at Breslau by Prof. J. von Mikulicz, LL.D. Edin
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