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Report of the Second International Consultation on Stock Assessment in the Adriatic, Ancona, 18-22 May 1981. [FAO Fish. Rep., 253.] Report on the British Museum (Natural History), 1966-1968 / 1969-1971 / 1972-1974 / 1975-1977 Report on the Progress and Condition of the Royal Gardens at Kew, during the Year 1879
Revue Française d'Ornithologie scientifique et pratique. Publiée par A. Menegaux. Tome 4 (7e et 8e années), No. 69-91 Revue Française d'Ornithologie scientifique et pratique. Publiée par A. Menegaux. Tome 5 (9e et 10e années), No. 93-116, 1917 et 1918 RIJKSWEG 73. De ruggegraat van Limburg. Aanvullende nota Rijksweg 73. Een studie naar alternatieve tracé-mogelijkheden in het gebied Roermond-Swalmen
RIJKSWEG 73. De ruggegraat van Limburg. Notitie nadere uitwerking Lateraalkanaal tracé aan de Westzijde van de Maas Roma. - Carta topografica della Provincia di Roma e regioni limitrofe. Con cartina speciale dei Colli Albani Royal Gardens, Kew. Official Guide to the Royal Botanic Gardens and Arboretum. Twenty-ninth edition.
Royal Museum of Fine Arts. Catalogue of Old Foregn Paintings Ruïne van Brederode, Santpoort Russkaya Mysl. Ezhemesyachnoe literaturno-politicheskoe iszdanie. God 13. Kniga VIII
Russkaya Mysl. Ezhemesyachnoe literaturno-politicheskoe iszdanie. God 34. Kniga II Russkaya Mysl. Ezhemesyachnoe literaturno-politicheskoe iszdanie. God 34. Kniga X Saint Vaast. Histoire de sa mission. Suivie d'une notice sur S. Omer et S. Bertin
Sammlung Vincent Mayer Freiburg. Kupferstiche und Holzschnitte von Meistern des XV. bis XVIII. Jahrhunderts. Jetzt im Besitz der untengenannten Firmen. [...] Versteigerung am 3. Nov. 1918 [...] im Hause Paul Cassirer, Berlin W Sciences de la terre et céramiques archéologiques. Expérimentations, applications. / Earth sciences and archaeological ceramics. Experimentations, applications. [Doc. Trav. Inst. Géol. Albert de Lapparent, 16.] Sculptuur Studies 2007
Sculptuur Studies 2008 Sculptuur Studies 2009 Sculptuur Studies 2010
Seventy-Five Years. A History of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, 1861-1936. [Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci., 17.] Société Botanique de France. Table générale des articles originaux contenus dans les quarante premiers volumes du Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France (Années 1854-1894) Société des Sciences Naturelles de la Charente-inférieure. Centenaire de la Société, 1936. [A... Soc. Sci. Nat. Charente-infér., N.S., 2.]
South Australia. Annual Report of the Government Geologist for the Year ended June 30th, 1894 Souvenir de Bruxelles. Grand'Place Souvenir. O frage nicht! Illustrirt von Georgy, Füllhaas u. A. Sechste Auflage
Space for River, Nature and People: sustainable floodplains along the Rhine. Results and practical experiences from the SDF project 2003-2008 Speaker's Papers for International Civil Aviation Conference #6, Montreal, Oct. 31-Nov. 1, 1984 Stadregten van Steenwijk. [Overijsselsche stad-, dijk- en markeregten. Eerste deel. Tiende stuk.]
Statistieke beschrijving van Gelderland van 1808. II. Kwartier van Zutphen. [Werken Gelre, 37.] Statistieke beschrijving van steden en het platteland van Gelderland uit 1808. III. Het Kwartier van Nijmegen. [Werken Gelre, No. 37.] Steng Licht AG. Produktkatalog. Catalog. 05/06
Strassen und Brücken in Bayern. 5. Folge 1989 Stratigraphy and tectonics of the Niigata Tertiary Basin. By Tertiary Sedimentary Research Group. [Geol. Surv. Japan Rep., 250-1 & 250-2.] Studies in English. Number 10. [The University of Texas Bulletin. No. 3026.]
Studies in Speleology. Vol. 2, Part 5 Studies in Speleology. Vol. 2, Parts 3-4 Svenska Linné-Sällskapets Årsskrift. Årgang I - XV
Symposium "Zone Ivrea-Verbano", Locarno/Stresa, 10.3-3.4,1968. (International Upper Mantle Project Scientific Report No. 20.) Symposium International: Rélations sédimentaires entre Estuaires et Plateaux continentaux. Comptes rendus. Bordeaux, 9-14 juillet 1973. [Mém. Inst. Géol. Bassin dAquitaine, 7.] Symposium on genetic recombination, given at Research Conference for Biology and Medicine of the Atomic Energy Commission [...] Oak Ridge National Laboratory, April 19-21, 1954
Taschenbuch der Auktionspreise alter Bücher. Bände 1-3, 5-6, 8-13 Te voet over de Noordelijke Veluwe. Tweede herziene druk Technical Manual No. 5-5101. Technical Order No, 17-AH-46. Compressor, Air, Trailer-Mounted 4 Wheels, Pneumatic Tyres, Diesel-Driven, 315 CFM. Davey Model 315 WDS with Hercules Engine Model DRCX
Tertiary Times, The ---. J. Cooper, Editor. Published by The Tertiary Research Group. Volumes 1 and 2 Texte explicatif de la Carte Géologique de Belgique [backstrip title] The Crust and Upper Mantle of the Japanese Area. Part II. Geology and Geochemistry. Japanese National Committee for Upper Mantle Project
The First [and] The Second Annual Report of the Acclimatisation Society of Victoria The Indecent Muse. Poems of Diverse Amatory Moods The Indian Mineralogist. Volumes 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
The Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History. Volumes 15, 16 and 17 The Ko Family Collection of Chinese Snuff-bottles. All collected in China between 1920 and 1943 [...] which will be sold at Auction by Christie, Manson & Woods [...] on Monday, June 14, 1971 The Library of Fraeylemaborg (Slochteren, Groningen). Book auction sale 6th and 7th October 1971
The Library of H. Bradley Martin. Highly Important French Literature [...] Jeudi 12 ocrobre [...] Dimanche 15 Octobre [1989] The National Geographic Magazine. Volume XLV. January to June, 1924. [AND:] Volume XLVI. July to December, 1924 The Ocean Research Institute University of Tokyo Collected Papers. Volume 2. 1963
The Ocean Research Institute University of Tokyo Collected Papers. Volume 6. 1967 The Ocean Research Institute, Univesrity of Tokyo, Collected Reprints. Volume 4. 1965 The Orchadian. Published by the Australasian Native Orchid Society. Volume 1. Numbers 1-12
The Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London. Volume 33 The Royal Society of London for the Promotion of Natural Knowledge, 1660-1960. A Tercentenary Tribute Thesaurus di Scienze della Terra. Termini-chiave per l'indicazzazione: italiano-francese-tedesco-inglese
Tijd-spiegelingen 1914-1916. Aan de Nederlandsche gemobiliseerde studenten aangeboden door de Ned. Christen-Studenten-Vereeniging. Kerstfeest 1916 Timber Design Manual. Metric edition Titanic. Maandblad. [Stripblad / Comics]
Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. 1875. Vol. VIII Transactions of the Amertrican Microscopical Society. Index [to] Volumes 1-80 (1880-1961) Edited by G.W. Prescott Triassic rocks of the British Isles
Tsarentronen op Het Loo. Schatten uit Paleis Peterhof van Peter de Grote tot Nicolaas II. / The Tsars at Paleis Het Loo. Treasures from the Peterhof Palace from Peter the Great to Nicholas II Tweede Almanak der Utrechtse Biologen Vereniging 1988/1989 Unsere Heimat. Jahrbuch des Kreises Borken 1976
Untersuchungen in der Natur über Bettbildung, Geschiebe- und Schwebestofführung. Erhebungen an der Hasliaare und ihre Auswertung unter Heranziehung von Ergebnissen in Versuchsanstalten. / Etudes directes [...]. [Mitt. Amt. Wasserwirtsch., 33.] Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft des vaterländischen Museums in Böhmen in der zehnten allgemeinen Versammlung am 26. Mai 1832 Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen Vereines der preussischen Rheinlande und Westphalens. 15. Jahrgang. Mit Beiträgen von P. Ascherson, W.E. Jung, J.H. Kaltenbach [...]
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